R. Scott Moxley is at it again! He has busted yet another lame O.C. Sheriff. This time he caught O.C. Sheriff Sandra Hutchens lying through her teeth!
Here are some illuminating excerpts from Moxley’s latest post over at the O.C. Weekly’s Navel Gazing Blog:
In an interview for a March profile, Hutchens told me she is a Republican; holds conservative views, particularly on fiscal matters; felt George W. Bush had been an unfairly maligned president; and considered Ronald Reagan her political role model. Indeed, a glass plaque on her office desk inside the Orange County Sheriff’s Department features a Reagan quote. I hadn’t thought to ask the sheriff if she’d ever been a Democrat.
According to official Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder records, Sandra Sue Anderson–Hutchens’ name during a prior marriage–was registered as a Democrat from at least November 1993 through August 1997. At the time, she was employed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Records in Orange County show she was a registered Democrat from at least 1990 to May 2000, when she became a Republican.
Yes, the Sheriff’s office is non-partisan, but the fact is, Hutchens LIED to Moxley! Sure, she IS a registered Republican, but she made it seem like she has been a Republican her whole life – and nothing could be further from the truth!
Hutchens may regret going red given that the blue party owns Sacramento and D.C. And Obama almost won Orange County last November. Hutchens now belongs to a party that is dying before our very eyes.
First Carona, now Hutchens. Will Orange County ever have an honest Sheriff?
I don’t think Carona was “first”.
Joe Arpiao? Are you there?
Hutchens should be thrown out of office by voters at the first opportunity for a lot of reasons.
Oh give me a break. She told you she is a Republican, you check it out and, she is a registered Republican. “I hadn’t thought to ask the sheriff if she’d ever been a Democrat.” So you never asked her and it turns out, twenty (20) years ago, she WAS a registered Democrat, but now is a Repbulican. And for that, you call her a liar? If you were that concerned about her political affiliation twenty years ago, and had the mindset to ask her, I have no doubt Sheriff Hutchens would have given you an honest answer. Good grief, get a life and quit looking for something that is not there. Let the Sheriff do her job.
Hutchens was a Democrat in 2000. How is that twenty years ago? It sounds like you are a liar too, or at least not a mathematician.
As for Hutchens doing her job, that is the point. She hasn’t. She has been an abject disaster on the jail issues and on spending in general. And everything else…
Talk about a non-issue. Take Hutchens on for what she has done or failed to do as Sheriff. Their is plenty of meat there but not this. Reagan was a registered Democrat most of his life too. Art why didn’t you include this part of the same story?
What impact, if any, Hutchens’ now-canceled Democratic registration will have is unknown–if for no other reason than it will be nearly impossible for Walters to use the information as a weapon. At least, not with a straight face: Records show that in 2000, he was registered as a Democrat. Three years later, he switched to “decline to state” and then, in November 2007, became a Republican
Art, “1990” (when she registered) is 19 years ago, close enough to 20 years ago for print. “It sounds like you are a liar too?” So now it has to be personal attacks? People cannot disagree without personal attacks? Pretty small of you, sir.
Why? Because Walters wasn’t the point of this story. Remember I did not support him for Sheriff. I supported Ralph Martin.
The point her is not that Hutchens was a Democrat but rather that she is trying to pass herself off as a lifetime conservative Republican. Moxley called B.S. on that – quite frankly Hutchens should have been honest about this.
Honesty does not appear to be Hutchen’s strength. Not sure she has any good attributes actually.
You wrote “it turns out, twenty (20) years ago, she WAS a registered Democrat.” That is a lie! She was a Democrat as recently as 2000. Spin this whatever way you want – but our readers can do math better than you can apparently.
If Joe Arpiao was here the Good Doctor would be out of the Medical business:)
Michelle Quinn, for god’s sake woman, at least WAIT until 9 o’clock before you start imbibing!
Come on Scott you are really needing a story now days!!! Whats up are you losing your talent… You know how it is one day your on top of the world and as soon as you make a misstake no one remembers the good you have done.
And this party thing on the Sheriff is pretty lame well lets put it this way it makes her look good and you look like a idiot.