Is OC GOP Chair Scott Baugh shilling for Sheriff Sandra Hutchens?

“The OC GOP Resolutions Committee, chaired by Central Committee member and Red County blogger Allan Bartlett, meets today at 10:00 a.m. to consider a resolution from Bruce Whitaker (Central Committee member and aide to Sup. Chris Norby) expressing “no confidence” in Sheriff Sandra Hutchens’ restrictive CCW policy,” according to Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham, over at the Red Clownty blog.

I spoke to a GOP insider this week who indicated that Bartlett was not going to allow outsiders to attend this meeting, although originally that was supposed to be the case.  However, Jerbal also reported that “I’m told the Sheriff hersefl will by there, accompanied by Assistant Sheriff Jack Anderson, who is also the OC GOP Central Committee’s Sergeant-at-Arms. A number of 22nd Amendment acitivists will be there as well.”

Perhaps one of our readers can let us know if the meeting was restricted to OC GOP Central Committee members? I am told that OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh wanted to restrict the meeting to OC GOP Central Committee Members.  The fix, it would appear, is in.  And Bartlett apparently did not stand up to Baugh.  I  hope I am wrong on this, but I guess we will sort this out after the results of the meeting are made public.

How Bartlett ended up chairing this committee is a good question.  But this is how Baugh gets activists to do his bidding.  Bartlett, as a blogger and as a past supporter of Bill Hunt, should know better than to let Baugh tell him what to do.

Baugh is likely carrying water for the folks who are backing Hutchens.  As we wrote earlier, many of her backers are the same rich scumbags who backed disgraced former Sheriff Mike Carona.

Baugh is also a lobbyist.  Is it appropriate for him to be mucking around in county affairs when he is a lobbyist?  I don’t know if he does county work, but I know he has worked for the OCTA.  Should this guy even be leading the OC GOP?  Isn’t he a walking conflict of interest?

The resolution in question would express no confidence in Hutchens, due to her CCW policy and the videotaping of two of the O.C. Supervisors during a Board meeting.

BTW, when will the OC GOP Central Committee come down on GOP consultant John Lewis for backing a Democrat, Tom Daly, over conservative Republican Shawn Nelson, for Supervisor Chris Norby’s seat?

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.