This is too good.
Calling in gay to work is latest form of protest.
Is this like “A Day Without A Mexican?
The day after that, Minutemen began a caravan to D.C. What happens after A Day Without A Gay? A nationwide EHarmony support drive?
You mean, you’re asking me if I support having a day without gay people in the office? (authors note: I work at home, so this doesnt apply to me)
What happens if a straight person supports wanting a workplace without a gay for a day? Do they get called a bigot?
No they get called a biGOP.
Hahahahahaha – sorry, laughing at my own jokes.
“What happens if a straight person supports wanting a workplace without a gay? Do they get called a bigot?”
I think in the coming decades, such a person will be called, uncontroversially, a bigot in pretty much every corner of the land.
I’m not sure we should pine for the good old days when being a public bigot didn’t arouse social stigma. Even Orange County’s infamous GOP political clique can’t quite get away with the stuff they used to be able to say with impunity.
So, no, its not the same, and yup, no one’s going to feel sorry for you if you get treated like a leper for saying you don’t want gay people in your office.
Even Orange County’s infamous GOP political clique can’t quite get away with the stuff they used to be able to say with impunity.
In fact, the day may be coming soon when half of Orange County’s infamous GOP political clique will feel safe coming out of the closet!
Mechanical Eye,
That was exactly my point. The left has right and wrong turned inside out. The GLBT community can march for Day Without A Gay, and we’re at the point where if a straight person stands up and says “good idea!” they can point and say “You cant say that, that’s HATE!”
Its gone beyond comical to ludicrous.
Well, you see, Terry, none of the rest of us, left or right, can follow your twisted logic any more.
bullshit post. Where’s the good stuff?