Democrats turned their back on Larry a while ago.
Wow... so that means it'll be Kuo huh. Larry will lead a Republican majority.
Tammy bows out.
While we're criticizing the Voice, I'd be real irritated with them if I were San Clemente. That moderate southern town…
They've been trying to wedge that Anaheim stuff into articles for years now. Sort of tiresome.
Yeah well, I’ve appeared before Griffin on more than one occassion. Both at Central and North Court. In retrospect, if…
A little Huntington spillover apparently
I like that we're getting play-by-play on TammyGate over here, whereas Dan, who is obsessed with it, is not, because…
When did the MAGA mongrels start pouring into Seal Beach?
ken calvert Archive
MORE California Republican Congressional Traitors: Jan. 2021 roster.
Posted on January 8, 2021 | 16 CommentsSEVEN SEDITIONISTS this time around. Decent statements from McClintock, Young Kim & Valadao. -
Which California Congressional Republicans Are Traitors?
Posted on December 14, 2020 | 5 CommentsThese four are unqualified to serve in the people's House any more. -
OC’s new Congressional Districts! (UPDATED with new analysis, chismes, and wisecracks.)
Posted on July 29, 2011 | 9 Comments. . . These new districts seem pretty fair. The Commission did a fine job, and it’s unlikely any judge is going to overturn these after all the work, all […] -
Like “musical chairs with switchblades” – the latest Redistricting Scuttlebutt
Posted on June 14, 2011 | 5 Comments. . . “Like musical chairs, etc.” – people seem fond of that apt Dan Schnur quote from the LA Times, referring to the practical effects of California’s redistricting. It’s […] -
Republican Fun with the Third Rail!
Posted on May 30, 2011 | 5 CommentsOuch. Didn’t your mother always tell you, “Never pee on the third rail, son?” (She didn’t say that to the girls so much.) And yet, the Republican Party, driven by […] -
O.C.’s scariest politicians, in 2010
Posted on October 31, 2010 | 29 CommentsWhen you stop to think about how many awful politicians we have here in Orange County, the task of listing them seems daunting, but here we go nevertheless: Scariest O.C. […] -
Hedrick rips Calvert’s obession with Pelosi in funny video
Posted on October 24, 2010 | No CommentsCongressman Ken Calvert isn’t the brightest guy out there, but apparently he is so dense that he thinks he is running against Nancy Pelosi. Many of his campaign mailers have […] -
Ken Calvert Vows Grotesque Franking Orgy
Posted on August 16, 2010 | 1 CommentFRANK-ly, my dear, I don’t give a damn about your taxpayer money. “Franking Privileges” (named after the Latin word for “free”) allow Congressmembers to send official mail using their signature […] -
New campaign reports show Sanchez has over one million cash on hand
Posted on July 15, 2010 | 7 CommentsCongressional campaign finance reports were released today, and the news isn’t terribly good for some of Orange County’s challengers. In the 47th Congressional District, Assemblyman Van Tran reported $347,914 cash […] -
Calvert in extremis: The King of Pork goes a-Teabagging!
Posted on July 7, 2010 | 5 CommentsNow, THERE is some cognitive dissonance, I innocently thought. How would an incumbent like Ken Calvert be received by a group ostensibly built on opposition to government waste and corruption, […] -
Vern’s Report from the Tea Party
Posted on July 5, 2010 | 3 CommentsThe MAIN reason I went to the San Juan Capistrano Tea Party on Saturday July 3 was because I heard the RINO King of Pork, Ken Calvert, would be speaking […]
Note to self when the allegations in civil litigation expose you to both civil and criminal liability and you don’t…