Pulido is done – viva Sean Mill!

Sometime today the FBI will be sending agents all over Santa Ana, where they will fan out and immediately arrest Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido; Santa Ana City Manager Dave Ream; most of Ream’s administrators; and Council Members Vince Sarmiento, Claudia Alvarez, Sal Tinajero and Carlos Bustamante. They were undone by one incredibly brave man. Sean Mill.

You may recall we dumped Mill a few months ago and accused him of being a Pulido hack. What we did not tell the public was that Mill was a double agent. Mill and I concocted a scheme to finish off Pulido and his cartel once and for all. We knew that Pulido and company hated this blog. They wanted us gone from all our city commissions. They wanted our blog destroyed. So Mill talked Tinajero into dumping Thomas Gordon off the EPIC/Gang Commission. And I quit the Housing and Redevelopment Commission. And then Mill mouthed off on this blog against the rest of us. In short order he was off our blog…and in the Pulido Cartel, which is exactly where we wanted to insert him.

Mill and I had already gone to the FBI. They knew everything we knew…and determined that they could take down all of these corrupt politicians if Mill would agree to wear a wire. So he did. For months he recorded everything.

Remember when Pulido flew to Bolivia to meet with their new President, the former coca farmer Evo Morales? Well, Mill found out the truth. Morales is still heavily involved in the coca trade. Pulido went to visit him in order to strike a deal. That is how Pulido’s muffler manufacturing company, in Mexico, ended up baking drugs into their catalytic converters.

Yep. Pulido and his gang really WERE a cartel! Mill uncovered all of this. Why do you think Pulido conspired to get his gal Claudia Alvarez into the O.C. District Attorney’s office? Duh! They got the fox into the hen house.

Pulido laundered the drug money via his muffler shop and his real estate investments. He also bought a food truck commissary, where needless to say all the transactions were cash on the barrel. And naturally the food truck dealers doubled as drug dealers.

Pulido was planning on using his drug fortune to buy his way into an appointment to be U.S. Ambassador to Mexico. That is why he was funneling thousands of dollars to his gal Hillary Clinton.

Now the dream is over. Mill’s tapes revealed everything. The web of deception and fraud was truly unbelievable. This is on a scale we have NEVER seen before in Orange County. When the feds are done, there will be many holes to fill at City Hall.

Mill also discovered that the Pulido Cartel was plotting to put the $748 million they were going to fleece from Measure M into the Santa Ana Business Bank. They were likewise going to put the new SAUSD bond money in that bank. The SA Business Bank directors were going to strike it rich! Now most of them will be looking at long jail terms. Santa Ana Councilman Carlos “Space Commander” Bustamante, a director of the SA Business Bank, will be beamed into the slammer for a long, long time.

So Sean Mill is a hero. But he won’t get to enjoy it. Even now he is being bundled off to the Witness Protection Program. The name Sean Mill is dead. The man who used that name will now be someone else. We won’t see his like again in Santa Ana.

I spent the last few months maligning Sean. I had no choice. We had to keep the ruse up. And we did. We succeeded beyond our wildest dreams. And now none of us will ever see Sean again. He took one for the team in a way we never could have imagined. Wherever you are now Sean, thank you – and Vaya con Dios!

May I suggest that henceforth we call the first of April “Sean Mill Day,” for on this day Sean Mill took down Miguel Pulido and his entire dirty cabal. He finally got revenge for what Pulido and company did to his friend Ted Moreno, who surely is beaming today. Sure, Tinajero got busted too. Oh well. You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. Mill did all this for Moreno. Now the score is settled. The only thing that remains is to figure out how exactly we will commemorate Sean Mill Day going forward. Perhaps our next Mayor, John Palacio, will honor him every April 1, with a stirring speech and a candlelight vigil…

About Art Pedroza