The ill-conceived new Santa Ana Unified School District bond measure, known as Measure G, is being led by a fellow named Mark McLoughlin. Thomas Gordon tells me that McLoughlin is the head of the Floral Park Neighborhood Association. McLoughlin is also, according to a pajarito, going to run for the SAUSD School Board.
So McLoughlin is leading the effort to increase our property taxes, again, and he wants to be elected to the SAUSD School Board. Problem. This guy appears to have real issues with Latinos. He was one of the main instigators behind the recall of former SAUSD Trustee Nativo Lopez. If that was the entire story, I might give McLoughlin a free pass. Lopez was unpopular with a lot of people in town. But there is more to the story.
McLoughlin was also, apparently, one of the main forces behind the scuttling of a new school (Griset) that was supposed to open near his neighborhood. The story goes that the uppity white folks in McLoughlin’s neighborhood didn’t want any little brown kids coming into their of town. So the school site was scuttled. Reportedly the SAUSD lost a bundle in the process.
It is obvious to many observers that the new bond is all about recovering the millions that the SAUSD has squandered in the past few years via fraud, corruption and ineptitude. Moreover, the new bond will give the district a chance to create more jobs, in construction management and administration, even as they fire more and more teachers.
McLoughlin and his allies in the Measure G campaign will no doubt tell us that this measure is “for the children.” But history tells us that McLoughlin is NOT for the children. Not the little brown ones anyway.
Weren’t many of your allies in the “No on D” campaign also involved in the recall of Nativo and keeping the Griset School out of north Santa Ana?
I’ll answer that for you since I know you are not capable of telling the truth. Yes they were.
So then I guess the “No on D” campaign was tainted by those with a very anti-Latino bias.
While I may not see eye-to-eye with Mr. McLoughlin on many issues and I don’t necessarily agree with his position on Measure G, I find him to be a good guy who cares about his neighborhood.
I don’t know if he is a racist or not. I don’t know him that well. But I do know that he no bigger a racist then many of those you alligned yourself with to try and defeat Measure D.
As a Floral Park resident, I was opposed to the building of a new elementary school on the the old Farmers Insurance site, but not because I didn’t want ‘little brown’ children in the neighborhood. Floral Park already has a good school, Santiago Elementary, that is quite capable of fulfilling our neighborhood’s needs. Elementary schools were and are needed south of 17th St. where the majority of children in this city live. Why put a brand new state-of-the-art school where it is least needed? I voted AGAINST my self interest in rejecting this school because we all know that property values are directly tied to good schools, just look at Irvine. You had better know what someone’s motivations are before you start casting aspersions. Furthermore the school site was adjacent to the 5 freeway and just below the Orange Crush, really not a healthful location for a school.
Thanks for confirming what a complete Pulido hack you have become. I supposed Pudrido told you to be nice to McLoughlin? Did you also get an “I heart Pulido” tattoo over your derriere?
The truth that you will never admit is that Measure D was so onerous that it brought together folks who had previously never agreed on anything. John Palacio and Julie Stroud actually walked precincts together in opposition of Measure D. Does that make Palacio a racist? You seem to imply exactly that.
Measure D certainly WAS tainted – by Claudia Alvarez, Miguel Pulido and your boy Sal Tinajero. The Measure was designed to keep Claudia in office. Stopping it had NOTHING to do with racism. It had EVERYTHING to do with stopping “Crazy Claudia.”
As for McLoughlin, it is a fact that he conspired to recall YOUR friend Nativo Lopez. And he was involved in stopping the Griset school from going up anywhere near his neighborhood. Now he wants to raise our taxes to cover up for the many screw-ups of his pals Rob Richardson and Audrey Noji. To do this when our city is the county leader in foreclosures and when our economy is sliding into a massive recession is simply irresponsible.
Isn’t the Discovery Science Center right next to the 5 Freeway? Did you oppose that Pulido project due to health concerns? I doubt it.
Isn’t Santiago an overcrowded school? It sure seems to be.
I don’t buy your arguments. They simply don’t ring true. Most folks in Santa Ana know exactly why you and your allies stopped the Griset school.
” it is a fact that he conspired to recall YOUR friend Nativo Lopez”
So did you Pedroza. You are attacking Mr. McLoughlin for something that you yourself are guilty of.
I opposed the recall. I still think that it was a bad thing to do and I think that history is proving that to be the case.
How you can attack Mr. McLoughlin for something that you yourself are guilty of is beyond me. But, you are Art Pedroza and you’ll try and find some justification for your actions.
Your allies in the “No on D” campaign agree very much with Mr. McLoughlin in regards to Griset School and the recall of Nativo.
I guess that campaign was a cbal of racists as well. Just because Palacio foolishly alligned himself with you and the other haters doesn’t change the facts.
If anyone is foolish it is you. I have nothing but respect for John Palacio. You on the other hand sold out whatever pride you had in return for your appointment to the Planning Commission. I hope the 30 pieces of silver were worth it.
As for the recall, I was barely involved. Ask anyone who was involved at the time. I was busy with other matters. Tim Whitacre led the recall, along with McLoughlin and others…including your boy Pulido. Funny how you are now overlooking the fact that Pulido was a big proponent of the Nativo recall.
It is simply breathtaking what a Pudrido hack you have become. I would have bet my life that you would never sell out. How wrong I was about you.
The issue here, since you appear to be missing it, is that McLoughlin has a history of opposing Latinos in our city…and now he is running around telling Latinos to vote to increase their own taxes. How very brazen of him. Vote No on Measure G!
The Discovery Science Center is a facility children might visit once or twice a month and is mainly indoors, the hours spent by a child at an elementary school aren’t even comparable [ use your brain ]. Santiago is no more overcrowded than any other Santa Ana elementary school. I suspect that had this fine new school been built in Floral Park, you would have been the first to cry “foul” over the special treatment given to our neighborhood.
“Thanks for confirming what a complete Pulido hack you have become.”
Would you make sure Miguel Pulido knows this too. I am sure he would like to know who belongs to his cabal.
“I supposed Pudrido told you to be nice to McLoughlin?”
He sure did, right after we discussed having the police step up its harrassment of OJ bloggers with Chief Walters.
“The issue here, since you appear to be missing it, is that McLoughlin has a history of opposing Latinos in our city…”
You mean he has an agenda similar to your allies in the “No on D” campaign? You seem to be purposely avoiding that fact.
Can someone tell us how much money Rob & Noji wasted by having the SAUSD hiring attorneys to file a stupid lawsuit against the construction management firm only to LOSE and pay damages and attorney fees to Del Terra?
How much other money under Rob & Noji has been returned to the State of CA. Now Noji has an ally with “El Enanito” Hernandez.
It’s no wonder your school district is a mess. It all begins at the top. Poor leadership at the board begets poor education in your schools.
The McLoughlins were instrumental in the recall of Nativo Lopez. Several meetings and events were hosted at the McLoughlins Riverside Dr. residence.
Realtor Steve Dougherty was the primary financial backer for initiating the EIR lawsuit. And Richardson and McLoughlin were part of his A-Team.
The only reason Pulido moved forward with the recall was the mountain of money Unz dumped into this English-Only effort. It’s was then that Pulido reeled in Judy Ware to “invest” $20K in the recall campaign.
The same shennigans are in motion and Noji is shoring up her personal trifecta on the schoool board.
The McLoughlin’s never sent any young of their own to any SAUSD school.
It’s a given that Richardson, Dougherty & Mcloughlin dont’ like latinos. It’s no secret.
The only reason these men stay in SanTana is because outside of the city limits, they are nothing more than common men. They don’t compare to other white men in let’s say Newport Beach, Newport Coast, Corona Del Mar, etc. etc. Simpletons = common men.
Soon the school board will reflect the population just as the city council currently does.
I don’t agree with much of what you say. And, it used to be the case that you were a shameless shrill for Michele Martinez.
However, I have to agree with you that Measure D was a complete hoax and had as its sole purpose to save Claudia from leaving public office.
I am surprised that Sean and Sal supported it.
I appreciate your frank statements. I thought at one time that Michele was going to be a change agent on the City Council. That is no longer the case.
As for Sal, we should not have been surprised by his actions. He has made a career out of stabbing his supporters in the back. When he was first elected to the SA School Board it was with money from the Lincoln Club that Rosie Avila procured for him. Imagine her horror when just after the election he joined the Nativo cabal!
Sal later threw Nativo under the bus during the recall campaign against him.
Sal ran for the Council as an outsider who would stand up to Miguel Pulido. Now he is Pulido’s latest waterboy. As for Sean, he sold out so he could be a planning commissioner. I hope he is enjoying his thirty shekels of silver.
Measure D was indeed a licentious spectacle. Measure G appears to be spun from the same cloth…
Can we please see a foto of Sean’s “Pulido” tatoo?
I grew up in santa ana and went to sausd schools. So, I basically grew up around latinos (fyi I am Asian). I loved my black, latino and asian peers growing up (not very many white peers). Now grown with my own family and still living in santa ana with my own child in a santa ana school, i do see the ‘brown kids’ BUT, it’s the high school gang banger ones that bother me – these are the ones who keep taggin up the neighborhood. Prior to Segerstrom HS being built, tagging was never an issue. With that said, having the new proposed Griset elementary school built would not be a problem initially b/c young children to not cause malice. But years downt he road, SAUSD will need to build a new HS nearby to accomodate to these children…and Floral Park is gonna get tagged up…just like the Gospel Gulch. So I’m for this McLoughin guy, whoever he is – totally smart move. I, too, was against Measure D. I did not want the same people in office for longer terms. Cities around us are redeveloping into the nice metro/urban living..and although parts of santa ana has tried….we are still in the ghetto. And if the folks in office can’t de-ghetto-fy santa ana by now, they need to get out. Too bad they are here to say.
it’s the gang/barrio life of santa ana thats killing santa ana. and you can’t deny that they gangs are ‘brown’ gangs – u just can’t deny it. We’ll never me a cool downtown OC, the gangs won’t let it happen. And that’s why south coast metro is…well, just santa ana.
so kudos to some of the white people here who won’t let latinos take over. Diversity is balance.
Actually, the same white folks who dislike Latinos in Santa Ana also had a cow when the city council allowed a “Welcome to Little Saigon” sign to go up on the west side. And white people don’t exactly like to hang out in Little Saigon either, do they?