Measure G campaign leader appears to have issues with Latinos

The ill-conceived new Santa Ana Unified School District bond measure, known as Measure G, is being led by a fellow named Mark McLoughlin. Thomas Gordon tells me that McLoughlin is the head of the Floral Park Neighborhood Association. McLoughlin is also, according to a pajarito, going to run for the SAUSD School Board.

So McLoughlin is leading the effort to increase our property taxes, again, and he wants to be elected to the SAUSD School Board. Problem. This guy appears to have real issues with Latinos. He was one of the main instigators behind the recall of former SAUSD Trustee Nativo Lopez. If that was the entire story, I might give McLoughlin a free pass. Lopez was unpopular with a lot of people in town. But there is more to the story.

McLoughlin was also, apparently, one of the main forces behind the scuttling of a new school (Griset) that was supposed to open near his neighborhood. The story goes that the uppity white folks in McLoughlin’s neighborhood didn’t want any little brown kids coming into their of town. So the school site was scuttled. Reportedly the SAUSD lost a bundle in the process.

It is obvious to many observers that the new bond is all about recovering the millions that the SAUSD has squandered in the past few years via fraud, corruption and ineptitude. Moreover, the new bond will give the district a chance to create more jobs, in construction management and administration, even as they fire more and more teachers.

McLoughlin and his allies in the Measure G campaign will no doubt tell us that this measure is “for the children.” But history tells us that McLoughlin is NOT for the children. Not the little brown ones anyway.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.