SAUSD School Board Trustee Rob Richardson told us last night at the School Board meeting that the new bond he has proposed is “bigger than all of us.” Really? Well, if that is true Rob – why don’t you, Audrey Noji and Jose Hernandez resign, right now, to prove that the bond is not mere politics at work. If you three truly believe that the bond will “save the children,” then resign, right now, and prove it!
I will go as far as to say that if these three resign, and promise not to run for the SAUSD board again, I will vote for their bond measure. Of course I won’t have to vote for the bond measure because all of this IS merely politics. None of these trustees would EVER consider resigning. The truth is, they are proposing this bond in order to COVER UP for their horrible record. They are trying to distract us from the REAL issues facing SAUSD.
So resign already Rob. I truly doubt you will. The only way we will be rid of you, Noji and Hernandez will be to vote you bums out of office. We can do that in November to two of you. I can hardly wait! Vote NO on the new SAUSD bond measure!
What a moronic comment. Do you have any real substance to your views? Didn’t you want to get a seat on this same school board? Why don’t you run in November against these guys, I’m sure you can beat at least one of them; maybe with you on the Board, we will be blessed with some real leadership in this town.
Sure, you vent your displeasure with the Board and the kids remain sitting in portables older than their teachers. Way to go.
Hey! Did I guess this right? Three SAUSD school board members created this school bond proposal, and another, Palacio, will head up the No-on-the-bond campaign? Tell me it ain’t so — this school board sounds nuts.
Posters 1, 2 & 3:
And still we ask:
Why do people with no kids in the school have a say in it’s operation?
Richardson, Noji et all are disingenious, if not flat out self serving.
I’d rather have responsible people with no kids on the board rather than the typical Santa Ana resident who it seems can’t figure out why Maria keeps getting pregnant! What ever happened to that sex education they promised? Judging from the size of the familias I see walking to school near my South S.A. home each morning, it’s not the students that need it, it’s the parents!
#5. Your moronic rant is boring. Try offering a solution.
Why is it that Richardson hasn’t sired any children?
Fair question, if you’re going pass judgement on people who decide to have children.
If Rob & Noji resign immediately, I will work my ass off to pass this bond.
If this bond is bigger than any board member, as Rob claimed the other night, they will step aside to ensure that this bond passes.