We don’t need to outlaw abortion after all

Matt “Jubal” Cunningham has been commenting lately, on this blog, that he is amazed at how I evolved from being pro-life to being pro-choice. In truth, I still don’t like abortion – the difference is two-fold. First, I have come to believe that if we were to ban abortion, some women might get hurt seeking back alley procedures. Second, I don’t think we ought to be legislating morality.

What makes all of this interesting is the “news that the abortion rate has fallen to its lowest level in 30 years,” according to a column by Steven Chapman. He writes that folks have figured out on their own, without legislation, that they don’t like abortion. Here is an excerpt:

In 1992, a Gallup/Newsweek poll found 34 percent of Americans thought abortion “should be legal under any circumstances,” with 13 percent saying it should always be illegal. Last year, only 26 percent said it should always be allowed, with 18 percent saying it should never be permitted.
And Hollywood has figured this out. The movies “Knocked Up” and “Juno” both featured heroines that kept their babies even though they were unwed mothers. One ended up living with the baby’s father, the other gave up her child for adoption.

So there are legal avenues for folks to deal with unwanted pregnancies, without resorting to abortion. And for those who want the latter, they can go to a legal, licensed clinic.

So why are right wingers still trying to make abortion illegal? They are already winning the hearts and minds of Americans, with the exception of Latino teens, the one demographic where abortions have increased.

We have so many other issued to contend with as a nation. Why waste so much time on abortion? Clearly, we don’t need to outlaw abortion. I think however that there is room to outlaw partial birth abortion, and to do a better job of inspecting abortion clinics and forcing them to comply with existing laws that govern medical facilities.

It is discouraging to me that only one Republican presidential candidate is pro-choice. The GOP is clearly out of step with most Americans on this issue. Consider one of the candidates, Mike Huckabee. The guy is a former Baptist minister. He obviously intends to legislate morality. But his record on fiscal prudence is terribly shaky. We don’t need another Bush in the White House. God knows it will take years to recover from what Bush did to our national budget and to pay off the debt he so freely incurred.

I am going to have to deal with this in November. I am hopeful Barack Obama will win the Democratic presidential nomination. Will I vote for him against a Republican, in the general election? You bet – if the GOP nominee is Mitt Romney, John McCain or Mike Huckabee.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.