Well, that did not take long. Our ex-blogger, Sean Mill, just signed on to the Liberal OC blog. And right away he attacked us, again, and Santa Ana Councilwoman Michele Martinez.
He did it in a very sly fashion. “Santa Ana City Councilwoman Michele Martinez has brought a much needed energy to the city council and has shown a willingness to roll up her sleeves and get out amongst the people. I like Michele and I really want to commend her for all her hard work. I think she has the potential to do great things in Santa Ana and in time I believe she can move up to higher office.”
But then the Mill we booted came crawling out, “The problem I see coming for Michele is the advice she is getting from some of those folks that she has surrounded herself with. Currently Michele is leading the charge to defeat the controversial ballot proposition in Santa Ana, Measure D. I
Sean sounds like he has a bone to pick with someone and she’s just the vessel by which he’s going to “get back” at someone.
What a jack ass down playing Measure D. Hello Sean, this is local politics and term limits are EARTH SHATTERING IN HER REALM AND CONTEXT as it is for US.
Michele and the people who want to defeat D are directly affected by Measure D. We are concerned about mediocrity amongst our community politicians.
Sean, This isn’t Washington, D.C. and Measure D is one of the many things that is enough-is-enough for us in Santa Ana.
There’s no attack in that post from Sean–just the opposite is the case. You mistake friendly disagreement Michele’s immediate plan for an attack on her. I doubt that she’s make that mistake. Your blog was indirectly attacked, certainly. But your claim here in your first paragraph that Martinez was attacked is not true.
“Gang Related” http://thesunkenroad.livejournal.com/#item13410
with all due respect Art, everything would have been fine if you would not have marginalized Mill but blogging about him behind his back. He was in Mexico and here you were making him the subject of a blog story.
I know you said this was your strategy to scare tinajero into not dismissing Gordon but I find this rationale strange.
I certainly would not have done that to a friend. I have friends that I vehemently disagree with on various political issues. but I would not have done what you did.
Why would you do that to a friend?
Why don’t you talk to Michele and ask her how she took it? I did and I assure you she perceived it the same way I did.
Sean’s attack was clever, but I saw through it. I am sorry you did not.
BTW, Sean and Sal have not approved ANY affordable housing projects since they each took office. Zero. They both have supported the Manning Homes project, which is luxury homes. And I believe they both back the Village Green project, which will displace hundreds of poor families and offer ZERO affordable options.
Do you really think that Sean did not know what Sal was going to do to Thomas? He had to. Sean and Sal talk about everything.
If anyone was attacked, it was Thomas. Besides, I did not boot him after that post. We put the issue out and put it to bed. I only booted him after it became apparent that he was going to use MY blog to attack us.
Blogging for me is not a right. It is a privilege.
Martinez will be the last person standing because she does not drink any ones koolaide. Councilwoman Martinez will continue to do what is right regardless of what people think of her. I don’t see her grandstanding on issues. She an over achiever and their is nothing wrong with that.
Breath of Fire…..
You write ” BTW, Sean and Sal have not approved ANY affordable housing projects since they each took office. Zero. They both have supported the Manning Homes project, which is luxury homes. And I believe they both back the Village Green project, which will displace hundreds of poor families and offer ZERO affordable options.”
How is it that Santa Ana even NEEDS more low income housing? One of the biggest problems that Santa Ana has it that it has too high a percentage of low income families, which in turn screws up the sales tax basis for income as well as the property tax income the City relies upon to fix all the crumbled infrastructure (roads, sidewalks) of the City. Doesn’t Santa Ana have more than its share of low income housing and low income families? Santa Ana has a budget problem even without the yahoos in City Council and this administration frittering away the money while posturing for higher office. The city has an income base that is not adequate for its needs. It has the lowest per capita income of any city in Orange County, and is up there competing across the state for the same honor. It has a huge number of people below the poverty line. It has gone from a prosperous city to one struggling to maintain its position as county seat.
I just KNOW you are going to rip this comment, but try to look at the comment objectively and provide an informed reply. That has really been missing from your posts lately, as it seems you too have gone off the rails on a crazy train.
Let’s see if we get this right! Our
“good buddy” Sean…first off…
will not step down from his board
seat to help Thomas, Art or Luis….then he leaves the OC Juice
for the Liberal OC……then…..
OK…we get it! Bon Voyage Tyrannic!
Santa Ana is on a crazy train with Pulido as its engineer and his two new cabooses – Tinajero and Mill.
There’s one thing consistent about Mill – he’s always been a shoot from the hip kinda guy. As for Sal, he’s the master flip-flopper with no ethical fortitude. Sal should be the poster boy for council member term limits; eight years is enough!
Again Art very respectfully
If I did not see your name on the post, I would think I was talking to Tinajero. He used the same ideas to dismiss Gordon.
Second, then when Mill said he did not know that Gordon was going to be booted off, you chose not to believe him.
Why is that? You chose not to believe a friend, did he have a history of lying to you?
Ron & Anna Winship,
Have you noticed that Sean did not quit but was fired by Art?
Please keep eye on the ball.
Of course Sean did not quit.
He is too concerned about having power and looking cool to ever quit, but soon enough he’ll be tossed off the planning commission and reduced to a raving lunatic.
Sean has managed to bow down and kiss pulidos butt, evidenced by Sean dumping his yahoo moniker of dumpulido in favor of his new butt kisser moniker, sean mill.
Don’t forget to tell the kids how you had no problem deleting references to when I beat up an african american while screaming the N word. Love you mijo.
What the heck happened??!! Sean makes his debut over at our place, and suddenly you’re ready to aim and fire.
Claudio and I can disagree and still be friends. You cannot disagree with Sean – he will always resort to scorched earth.
Why don’t you talk to Claudio and get back to me? You are not getting the whole story from Sean, trust me on that.
The one thing I have learned about him is that he really is not about change. Like his master Sal, he is about power. I don’t have that same goal.
I want change in Santa Ana. Right now that means defeating Measure D. Then we will be going after all of Sean’s friends on the City Council.
What Sean did to our revolution was akin to what Benedict Arnold did to the early patriots. Arnold said we could not defeat the British, so he became a traitor. Mill says we cannot take out Pulido and company, so now he and Sal are allied with them.
We will not give up. We will continue to resist Pulido and his cabal. And in that process you will find that Claudio and I will disagree from time to time. But we will do so as gentlemen and friends.
You never disappoint. You are an unabashed shrill for Michelle. She’s proven to be ineffective on the Council and is well on her way to becoming a one term councilperson.
You must be the only one who follows SA politics who has not heard Michele say she is running for Mayor. She has said repeatedly that she will run. I don’t actually believe it, but sounds like Sean did.
Finally, how is it that Measure D was put together to remove the Bloggers from their commission posts? Term limits already apply to all Commissioners and Measure D does nothing to change that.
Andrew –
To be young and naive.
Sean Mill is attacking Martinez on behalf of Tinajero and at the bequest of Pulido.
Those of us who have lived and breathed Santa Ana politics for over two decades know how is works.
Sean was a mild annoyance until he established his forum on the OJ. And Art allowed him the freedom to do so. At times Sean, in my opinion overstepped boundaries. Certainly you recall his relentless attacks on Tim Rush. I suggest you revisit those diatribes. The only purpose to those attacks was to personally discredit Rush because of a personal vendetta.
I hope the folks at your blog enjoy the honeymoon. In time Mill will burn you too.
I look forward to reading Sean’s kumbaya ode to Richardson and the “usual suspects.”
“Blogging for me is not a right. It is a privilege.”…. sure!
Whether or not you will print it in your blog is irrelevant because I will repeat same in the city chambers and will flip bird with mayor’s and sal’s blessings on the city TV.
I dig 27 years old obese chicks who drink.
I take meds.
Your insight and intuition keep bothering me on this site. You need to stop attacking Art and focus on the truth. The truth is that you are actually Councilmember Bustamante. I have proof….who wants it?
A subliminal message is a signal or message embedded in another object, designed to pass below the normal limits of perception.
In this case I will tell the world that fatso sean mills is my subliminal message delivery tool.
Do you really think I believe half the crapola that I write?
“Blogging for me is not a right. It is a privilege.”
I was coming here to make fun of you but after reading that one, I realize I don’t have to. You will lose whatever little readership you ever had just by being your dictator self Art.
Privilege. LOL.
If I were you, I would worry more about your own blog, Red County. I keep hearing that you are losing readers – big time, with your new look. No wonder you guys keep hanging out here at the OJ…trolling for readers. Pretty funny.
lol, ok Art
I don’t write posts for any blogs, I only comment, but I find it funny that you are already starting another unsubstantiated rumor to divert attention from the fact that you run this blog with an iron fist.
Since you have NO evidence that Red County is losing readers, I believe you should have used your favorite word, “allegedly”?
Yo Art!
I see you are back into censoring posts, now with ones that have no profanity, just criticisms of your own observations. More and more, this blog is losing credibility – too bad I once held in high esteem. Got a PO Bos where I can mail you a spine?
Stanly #23
Always stirring the pot. You’re a damn liar.
The city’s in tight fix when you and Alex Vega, the town idiots, are advisors to the mayor and council majority.