Apparently Latino immigrants are making a major impact in the U.S., but not in a way most of us would have considered. According to an online news report, “Smith remains the most common surname in the United States, according to a new analysis released yesterday by the Census Bureau. But for the first time, two Hispanic surnames
Isn't Chuck Johnson what Lorena Bobbitt did?
“It shows we
Do these statistics include Ryan Gene Williams going native and changing his Surname to sound like he is a Latino? How many more Ryan Gene Williams are on this list who are really Gringos trying to sound like they are Latino with a vanity name change?
The Federal Government thinks it is a great thing. The country needs the increase in births to compensate for the future in the support of the baby boombers. That is the reason the Federal Government was less concerned with the border control in the late 70’s to recently.
#2, get a life, dude.
to anon poster 2, what does he have anything to do with this article? i find it very weak on your part to even attack him. he’s moving — if he already has i do not know — but he isn’t involved in orange county anymore. leave him be and move on.
Are we to believe through your argument that we will be better off when uneducated, unemployable latinos continue to pump out babies they cannot, or will not raise properly, nor that they can care for monetarily? I say to you that the federal government’s experiment was an abysmal failure, as latino communities around the country are for the most part ghettos and devoid of any real hope for change.
You are basing your assumption based on deep seated prejudice. The scenario you present can happen, if we as a Country don’t nurture our most valauble natural resource (Humans) without prejudice. It can be Atopia or a hell hole. It depends on us making the right choices.
It is in our best interest to make the right choice and develop this human reasource in question.
The word in my previous post should of been Utopia. “sorry”.
This blog would be better served by not permitting racists posts such as this one. Race baiting is apparently alive and well here.