Game on! The arguments for and against the proposed Charter Amendments to the Term Limits provision of the City of Santa Ana Charter have been turned in and approved by the Santa Ana City Clerk.
I had the honor of helping Santa Ana City Councilwoman Michele Martinez to write the argument against this truly ridiculous measure. She assembled quite a team to support the argument, including SAUSD Trustee John Palacio, former Rancho Santiago Community College District Trustee John Raya and Parks and Recreation Commissioner Tish Leon.
The argument for the mesaure was submitted by two EX Councilmembers, Lisa Bist and Brett Franklin. Poor Brett. The last time he ran for office he came in behind the unknown Reuben Ross for the Rancho Santiago Community College District.
Santa Ana Councilman Sal Tinajero was the only active Councilmember to sign the argument for the term limits measure. I guess the rest of them got cold feet…so they hung Sal out to dry.
I am including both arguments below. You will note that the Measure has not yet received an alphabetical designation.
Last year, Councilmembers Mike Garcia, Jose Solorio, David Benavides and Carlos Bustamante, supported Measure BB, which prohibited termed-out Councilmembers from running again for 8 years. They said that
The argument against the Charter Amendment has to much detail and will immediately lose the interest of any voter inclined to read it. The argument in favor of the Chater Amendment is an easier read and much more concise.
I’m afraid if voters only information on this ballot measure is the ballot arguments, we are doomed to see this measure pass.
And, why is it that Claudia didn’t sign this since everyone knows it was done largely for her benefit?
If you think Sal took one for the team you are sorely mistaken. I’m sure he cut a deal with the mayor. He’s not fool.
I’m a little confused by all of this. I thought Art Pedroza supports term limits for the Mayor and would agree to see the council with limits more in line with the Mayor’s limits. Please explain.
I don’t think this measure will pass but I’m surprised they used John Raya on either side. He was appointeed to the Rancho Board and then lost when we ran for re-election. When he ran for Mayor I don’t think he even got 800 votes in a city wide election! Oh well, he’s a nice fellow and I guess couldn’t say no to Palacio.
I’m not surprised John Palacio signed on to fight this. If it passes he can’t run for Ward 3 council seat until 2016 or for Mayor until 2024 when Carlos and Miguel term out! That gives him another 16 years of long nights with Rosey Avila and Rob Richardson!!
I would have liked to have seen a couple of Gringo names on the list of those opposed to the measure. There are still a few Anglos left in Santa Ana and some percentage of them might wonder why it’s an all Brown list of those against it. You might want to send out some mail showing a more diverse group.
Poster 1,
You would have liked my first draft. But I was asked to tone it down.
That said, I don’t think the voters are stupid. They will read both arguments as the measure itself makes no sense.
What kind of term limits extend limits instead of restricting them? And how is a sixteen year limit on the Mayor a limit at all?
I think the voters will figure this one out…
Shame on Lisa and Brett for coming out of retirement from the council to try to screw the residents of Santa Ana with this bogus measure!
Art, don’t worry about Lisa or Brett. It’s Sal who will bring out votes for this thing not those two has been Gringos. They mean nothing anymore and the white vote they are supposed to attract mean nothing either. I’ll bet they were roped into this by Claudia Alvarez who couldn’t work up the courage to sign on herself and couldn’t think of anyone else to sign the list. If this passes, it’s because of Sal Tinajero.
Poster 3,
Please don’t be coy. This term limits measure is an abomination. If it passes, Pulido gets to add sixteen more years to his twenty one years in office. What kind of term limits are those?
If it loses, Pulido will say, “you see – the voters don’t want term limits.”
The joke is on Pulido. This measure will lose, and then we will beat him next year.
I think you put far too much faith in voters to care or read about these things. Most voters don’t follow politics like you do.
Most voters knowledge of presidential candidates is shallow, at best. So, I don’t know how you think they are going to be informed about this matter, particularly when it will not receive much press.
Is Michele going to raise money against the Chater Amendment? Is she going to actively campaign against it? I hope the answer to both is yes.
I’m interested to know what Mr. Mills thinks of this? Isn’t he a big supporter of Sal Tinajero?
I don’t exactly understand why but I don’t think the “supporters” of this measure are really doing much to see that it passes. Who will fund the campaign needed in support? If you really want the thing to pass then why use long forgotten Gringo Politicos to get out the vote? This is what you call going through the motions. This measure is Dead on Arrival! Unless you see Sal Tinajero out raising large sums of money to send out Yes mail then this whole thing is a joke.
Sorry, I mean Mr. Mill. I get the spelling mixed up with former Councilwoman Lisa Mills and I don’t think the two are related or spell the names the same. Sorry Mr. Mill.
I ain’t never heard of any of those old men and ladys listed for and against. They should have signed up my boy Ronny Rios to fight this thing. Ronny got robbed in Houston but everyone in my neighborhood no who Ronny is. He’s got more name I.D. then all the others combined! He’s been fighten for TKO boxing for a long old time. If you want to stop this thing then talk to Rios!!!
Don’t need no stinking term limits.
Interesting that many ask for experienced professionals in medical or finance before you risk an operation or invest your retirement funds.
You will ask around for the best mechanic or body shop for your automobile maintenance and repairs.
But in elected office, only rank amateurs need apply.
Where IS S. Mill on this issue? We can only assume he supports this measure by default, since his BOY Sal supports it, right Sean?
Go Pulido for another 16 years, right Sean?
It seems that Sean has become a Pulido supporter by default. How about them apples folks!?!
And, Sean, if you are again going to call all us anons “cowards”, know that you are also calling all those fine folks in SAUSD cowards too with their over 1400 posts!
I agree that no term limits would be better than the hoax being perpetrated by Sal and company.
However, with regard to your second point, ever heard of malpractice? Pulido and his puppets have done an awful job for some twenty years now. If they were mechanics or doctors we would have sued them by now – and we certainly would have gone to other service providers.
But there’s the rub. If you get tired of being ripped off by your mechanic, you can just go to another one. It is much harder to get rid of Pulido and company.
This term limit measure won’t help as it will give them all MORE years to screw us.
To all those inquiring minds wondering where I stand in regards to this issue let me remind you that I already expressed my views in a August 10th post titled “Term Limits Issue – My Take”.
#16 stated, “Go Pulido for another 16 years, right Sean?” and “It seems that Sean has become a Pulido supporter by default.”
First as it currently stands Pulido can be mayor for life. So it appears that you are in favor of that and that it would be you that is the Pulido supporter.
And #16 the difference between the “anons” posting on the SAUSD post and the “anons” like you are that they post anonymously because they fear for their jobs. You on the other hand post anonymously because you are too cowardly to put your name to your own words. Big difference there folks.
Art said: If it passes, Pulido gets to add sixteen more years to his twenty one years in office.
Art, your logic against this is off base. If your idea passed Pulido could still have 12 more years vs. 16 years. Since, no measure can be retroactive Pulido skates regardless. This measure is known as a compromise. Not necessarily a great one but at least its a start. Once, the idea becomes accepted you go back and modify it to something stonger. But for now, get the mayoral term limit idea agreed on.
Again, your disdain for Pulido has put a smokescreen over your eyes. Rather than running around screaming the loudest, learn to play the game. Remember, regardless of which number of years was agreed upon the only way to get Pulido out of office in the foreseeable future is to put up a viable candidate with about 150k-200k to spend and vote him out. Otherwise he’s there for whatever duration gets voted on. Or, if your logic is agreed to by the voters, for as long as he wants.
Id pay good money to see the two elected officials, Martinez and Tinajero debate this measure. How about it league of women voters? Martinez vs Tinajero.
Sorry Sean,
Did you work on that response all night? Were you able to make it to work on time this morning? Waaah –‘I’m rubber and you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks on you!’– Waaah;p(
Your arguement doesn’t hold water. You have failed to address the reason why your BOY has enabled the Mayor. Also, you don’t deny your turncoat support for the Mayor in this issue. I’ll pose the question again: What kind of deal has your BOY cut with the Mayor for this useless measure?
Plus, this bogus measure really only benefits the likes of Clownia and your BOY who have reached the zenith of their political careers.
As far as the current mayor, he will probably be voted out of office within the next four years.