Kudos to Santa Ana Councilwoman Michele Martinez – she is the subject of an excellent article in today’s Times O.C. edition, by one of my favorite local reporters, Jennifer Delson.
Delson does a great job of encapsulating Martinez’ rise to power in Santa Ana. Her story truly is amazing. It is why I selected Martinez as my “O.C. Woman of the Year.“
Of course some of the people Delson interviewed were busy sucking down sour grapes – amongst them Tim Rush, a neighborhood activist best known for calling city inspectors quite often to report his neighbors. Rush had this to say about Martinez’s 20-person advisory committee, “The community elected Michele. They didn’t elect this 20-member cabal. To give her credit, I think she is attempting to get input from people
Michelle is refreshing and is a great asset to the city of Santa Ana. Keep up the fight Michelle! We are all behind you and support positive change for this great city.
Ok this is going to sound dumb to most of your readers, but I have a question. Does the neighborhood associations elect their boards or how do you get on the board? I live in Wilshire Square. I didn’t know that Tim Rush was part of Wilshire Square Assoc. I don’t know much about him but the little I’ve heard about him I really don’t like. If given an opportunity to vote for the board, from what I know about him now, I would get a bunch of my neighbors together to vote against him. Thanks for any info you can give me.
In todays Register Letters to the Editor
Rob Morse writes
“So a three-time deported illegal alien with a 16 year U.S. criminal history shoots two officers in Long Beach and flees, not to Mexico, but to the known illegal alien sanctuary city of Santa Ana. Will someone hold the city of Santa Ana at least somewhat culpable for injuries caused by its harboring known criminals?”
What do you suppose Michele’s kitchen cabinet thinks those statements.
Anon 2:55pm
The question wasn’t dumb. The fact that you know nothing at all about Tim Rush, or all he does to make his neighborhood and his city a better place, does speak volumes about your neighborhood involvement.
All you know of Tim Rush is what a few loons and malcontents have spoon/force fed you.
If it wasn’t so annoying, this would almost be amusing.
When you have given even a tiny fraction of the time Tim has given to your neighborhood, the Centennial History Museum, Santa Ana Historic Preservation Society, the Spurgeon Clocktower Restoration, Commlink, and PREP, just to name a few, then you may have the right to criticize.
But you know what, if you ever gave anywhere near that much of your time, I think you would be much less critical of another persons contributions.
This ISN’T just about Tim Rush. This is about the untold countless hours, citizens have put into their respective neighborhoods to make them a better place for every single resident.
So Anon 2:55, since you said you don’t know much about Tim, probably only what you’ve read on this blog of haters, why don’t you just sit and have a chat with him? You will most likely leave with an entirely different perspective.
Happy New Year
Nice set up question for #4 to elaborate on the virtues of Tim Rush. If Rush, is as grand as #4 claims, then why doesn’t Rush run for city council? Or, why won’t Pulido appoint him to a commission? After all, Rush is a good Pulido soldier.
Poster #4 has chosen to paint a picture of hate when bloggers comment on Rush’s convicted felon status. The truth can be harsh. If anyone is guilty of spoon or force feeding OJ bloggers it’s #4. Rush is not St. Tim.
Since #4 purports herself as the official Rush spokesperson maybe she can respond to Rush’s involvement in Rosie Avila’s hit mailer against Sal Tinajero accusing him of corruption. Why a convicted felon (Rush) would engage in accusing an innocent man (Tinajero)of corruption prompts the overriding question – why did Rush take one for Pulido?
Post #3. More inportant,is what do you think of those statements and how do you believe this felon’s activities are in any way related with Michele’s vision and her advisory committee?This felon committed his crime in Long Beach was confronted in a Santa Ana shopping mini mall after making a purchase.Santa Ana Police along with Long Beach police confronted this criminal and apparent justice was served.How does this action by The City of Santa Ana translate to harboring known criminals?Do you and Rob Morse also believe Costa Mesa should be held at least somewhat culpable for Skinhead crimes.According to a recent Register article ,Costa Mesa is the place of choice to live by Skinheads.This is a free country, people move about as they like.Is Costa Mesa harboring this criminal element?According to the Register this group has targeted the police,that is why the P.D went on a sweep of their group.You must be a anti-immigrant activist and live in Costa Mesa.
Tim Rush’s statement calling Michele’s advisory committee a “cabal” is interesting.The dictionary definition is : “a small group of secret plotters”.People’s choice of words is a window to their true feelings.The choice of “cabal” shows the contempt and animosity towards a different vision for the city as proposed by Michele and her advisory commitee.The true “cabal” is the group within Comlink that plotted to rid Santa Ana of the Hispanic immigrant community through the use of code enforcement.Also, why was city government considering this plan through the NICE committee?
NICE. Now there’s an oxymoron.
Art, you’re right: “cabal” is not an accurate description of Michelle’s group of advisors, and Tim was wrong to use it. Just as you are wrong to use it to describe an alleged Com-Link subgroup. I do not know the innermost thoughts of the souls of the people who work on Com-Link, but I can assure you that there is absolutely no organizational support or desire to “rid Santa Ana of the Hispanic immigrant community.” I’ve been an active Com-Link participant for the last 9 years –5 of them as an officer– and I knew SA had a 93% Latino population when I chose to move here. I embrace that facet of my City.
I don’t embrace litter, graffitti, absentee slumlords, gangbanging, or other illegal activities… in fact, I work to prevent them. That does not make me a bigot, any more than your neighborhood improvement work makes you one. Dark and foreboding rumormongering about plots and conspiracies is an excercise in fantasy; nothing more.
Art Pedroza writes
“I won’t write about the members of this committee – because that is not public information
Art Lomelli writes
The dictionary definition is : “a small group of secret plotters”
Seems to me Rush was right on target
Tim Rush’s comments regarding Ms. Martinez’s cabal is sterling, considering he’s convicted felon. I think embezzlement was his crime. Was he a cabal of one outwitting unsuspecting clients?
Paul, The Comlink subgroup is real.It is not imaginary nor a rumor.I appreciate your oppinion on the matter.You can’t prove it is imaginary or a rumor.You can only offer your oppinion based on what you know or don’t know.You are absolutely right that you do not know the innermost thoughts of the souls of the people who work on Com-Link.I don’t question your assurance that there is absolutely no “official” organizational support or desire to rid Santa Ana of the Hispanic immigrant community within Com-Link.You can’t assure that there is no “unofficial” organized subgroup supporting this activity.I don’t question “your” character on this matter.No one I know embraces the illegal activities you mention.I also do not know any one that does not want to erradicate these problems.Why would you associate the elimination of these problems and my message of fair play and equal opportunity with bigotry?
Post #10. the existance of Michele’s advisory committee is no secret.Michele talks about the advisory committee in the Register article this blog refers to.Com-Link is part of this committee, so they know all it’s members-and they are it’s critics?Are they plotters also?
Little Timmy must be sad he wasn’t invited to the party. And why should he? No one really values his input because he is a very bitter person. Aaawww 🙁