That agreement was preposterously bad.
The Voice of OC, okay, along with the three Councilmembers who rejected it - Tammy, Treseder and Agran. Farrah and…
Tammy lied about her residency in Dist. 5. Irvine choose to split into 6 parts. Kim chose to cheat. Immediately…
This is an atrociously asshole comment. It's like asking "what is it about what this victim did that made these…
Vern: You said that you appreciated Eric's coverage of the Tammy lawsuit. That's over. So is Eric's usefulness here.
(1) Do you see Treseder listed in Vern's litany? (2) Do you even know what a "Great White Hope" is?…
Is there a part of the piece that calls her perfect? No. I squeezed a world of complaints about all…
Tammy [deletions of inappropriate commentary here] After Farrah one as mayor[sic], she promptly stabbed Kim in the back withdrawing her…
Sad, if he were a Democrat he wouldn't have to pretend.
unions Archive
Scenes from the “Labor” Flag Day: SQS, RINO’s, Teamsters and Toll Lanes!
Posted on June 17, 2014 | 8 CommentsRemember that Flag Day event I played piano for on Saturday? I used to think of it as a Democrat, or as THE OC Democrat Flag Day event. I guess […] -
Democrats’ Flag Day Celebration in Orange, noon to 3 today! Vern will be pounding the piano keys…
Posted on June 14, 2014 | 14 CommentsLast minute one-flew-over-the-transom thing, but these DPOC Flag Day events can be historic. Two years ago was where Vern and Greg met Diana Lee Carey, learned about the 405 toll […] -
Why is Wendy Leece running against Dana Rohrabacher?
Posted on March 5, 2014 | 49 CommentsWhen I first heard that popular, termed-out, Costa Mesa Republican councilwoman Wendy Leece was planning to take on entrenched, deeply embarrassing 12-term Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, I thought, “Well, we […] -
The Triumph of Paul Lucas pt 3: Keystone Kops, Steele Smith, and remembering Danielle.
Posted on March 4, 2014 | 59 CommentsSpoiler Alert Spoiler After we published part two of this blockbuster four-part series detailing the trials, tribulations, and eventual triumph of our friend Paul Lucas, the always-hateful Dan Chmielewski of […] -
The Triumph of Paul Lucas pt 2: Bad Buena Park Cops and Feckless Druggies!
Posted on February 18, 2014 | 63 Comments. . . “…Paul Lucas won’t be the last to have been left drooling and limping pathetically in an erratic loop by one too many encounters with the everlasting car […] -
The Triumph of Paul Lucas over Dirty Cops and Draconian Drug Warriors, pt 1.
Posted on February 16, 2014 | 33 CommentsWe all know Paul Lucas here – those of us who read blogs, and anyone who’s been involved in local politics over the last decade, especially in the Democratic Party. […] -
Costa Mesa’s “Watergate” – Grisham or Keystone Kops?
Posted on November 19, 2013 | 6 CommentsEvery once in a while a local story comes around that makes one wonder about the lengths some lawyers and politicians will go to, thinking they’re above the law. If […] -
Poseidon runs headlong into “Infiltration Gallery.”
Posted on November 18, 2013 | 36 CommentsAs I stood about waiting for Wednesday’s marathon Coastal Commission hearing to begin, and beheld our nemesis, Poseidon VP Scott Maloni, stomping about scowling, I resolved to shake his hand. […] -
Poseidon, the Disney Streetcar, and the Camel’s Nose in the Tent.
Posted on August 12, 2013 | 15 CommentsGuys. And girls. Do we have to talk to our electeds and Board representatives like children? Does this really have to be our job? Because it seems that our generally […] -
Mayor Tait chooses his Reform Team: KRING AND LEOS. [Update – Oct 10 forum CANCELLED.]
Posted on October 4, 2012 | 19 Comments. Just think what reformist Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait could accomplish in the next two years, if he had two allies on council he could work with – if, instead […] -
November’s Propositions Numbered! Which ones Suck, Which ones Rock?
Posted on July 13, 2012 | 5 CommentsI love this shit! There are so few candidates to be excited about, what with Julio not making it and all. (Okay, sorry, there are a FEW good ones.) But […] -
California DISCLOSE Act: Will our Mansoor, Silva, and/or Norby buck their Party and stand up for transparency?
Posted on May 30, 2012 | 40 Comments. Santa Ana Republican activist Mike Tardif wants you to know he’s DROWNING under a DELUGE of Tom Daly mailers. And we progressive Democrats have been bitching about it […]
It reeks of desperation except that they had a little bit of leverage which all evaporated after the case was…