You should try reaching out to the various YouTube cop watching channels like Audit the Audit and Lackluster.
He's been fighting a rear-guard battle for years. North OC is lost forever. Even the wealthier enclaves in the South…
Behind the scenes, a lot of issues stemmed from him being a lapdog for Tony and Jennifer Beall, whose entire…
PS... I wanted to share this; I just got an email from the folks at Residents For Responsible Desalination,…
Thanks K, good work! :-) (Thinking of a Kafka The Castle joke)
Katie Porter loves some lobbyists.
Michelle Steel exists because the DPOC is weak sauce. South Koreans aren’t racist tools. Just ask Two name Tammy Kim.
Yes, we are HB'ers. For my very limited input, after a little snooping, what I've been able to glean so…
Michelle Steel is just a mail order bride. A puppet. Cut her some slack. Nobody hated Knucklehead Smith or Jerry…
single payer Archive
T. R. BlackEye Mouths off to DiFi about Single Payer.
Posted on March 4, 2012 | No CommentsSign This Official Ballot Petition To Stop Outrageous Health Insurance Rate Hikes Dear T R, I am proud to tell you that I was the first person to sign a […] -
So, Fervent Advocacy by the Desperate is What Killed Single Payer? – UPDATED with important videos!
Posted on February 9, 2012 | 34 Comments. . . Apparently, I and people like me were the ones who killed Single Payer. Everything was well in hand and then … whoops! We were mean to people […] -
LouCo-cytes Defend against California Single-Payer Health Plan!
Posted on January 26, 2012 | 9 Comments. . . This comes into my inbox this afternoon from a friend: They just took SB 810 up for a 2nd time today because there were members “absent” during […] -
“Democrats” Lou Correa and Jose Solorio help kill AB 52, which would protect consumers from exorbitant health insurance hikes.
Posted on September 9, 2011 | 9 Comments. . .So When I first heard then-Supervisor Lou Correa give his stump speech to our OC chapter of Democracy For America – (he was hoping, and succeeded, in getting […] -
I was wrong – it’s Michele! (for the 69th Assembly District)
Posted on August 8, 2011 | 20 Comments. . . When I heard from Art that SOMEONE on the Santa Ana City Council would be running for José Solorio’s old Assembly seat, and that Vince Sarmiento’s wife […] -
“Mad As Hell Doctors” bring their single payer crusade to Irvine this Saturday!
Posted on September 29, 2010 | 5 CommentsTown Hall on Health Care Come rally for REAL health care reform, hear from doctors, nurses, and special guests, watch the best of the Health Care for All Campaign, and […] -
The Public Option makes it past the Senate Milquetoasts!
Posted on October 26, 2009 | 8 Comments. . . . . I hereby take back about half of the bad things I ever said about Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Despite the hemming and hawing of […] -
Too Big a Bite for President Obama!
Posted on September 9, 2009 | 1 CommentPresident Obama gave a wonderfully compelling speech tonight at a Joint Session of Congress. His words were clear, strong and the message was very poignant: He wants National Healthcare! The […] -
Why worship at the altar of “Single Payer”?
Posted on August 1, 2009 | 6 CommentsWhen does a “single source” EVER provide better service and product than competition? [poll id=”218″] Was it better under Ma Bell? Is that what these Single Payer Nutters are saying? […]
Sue them