That doesn’t make me look bad Greg. But carry on. I’ve got her over a barrel anyways. She just may…
True. Re dilatory tactic. This judge seems no nonsense/
That ... or it's a dilatory tactic. I'll be surprised if the Judge allows it -- at least without a…
Melahat update. She requested to substitute her attorney for a new one on Thursday, February 13, 2025. Still no sentencing…
"poor little Zionist Jewish princess" [Ed. Note: Taking out the offensive parts hasn't worked; maybe taking out all but the…
Let’s get one thing straight: Tammy Kim did not agree to withdraw her name from the ballot as some outfits…
Greenhut has to do better than this. No endorsement is better than a rotten one. But this is about relevance…
The Register, frustrated with the choices in this race, come down reluctantly and weakly for Strickland. From their Strickland…
Western States CCA:
change Archive
Is OC GOP Chair Scott Baugh serious about wanting a revolution?
Posted on January 19, 2010 | 9 CommentsScott Baugh loves his fellow consultants and lobbyists… [poll id=”257″] So, is OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh really looking for a revolution? Or is he just spinning using tea party […] -
If you were Mayor, what would you do to improve your city?
Posted on September 1, 2009 | 27 CommentsWhat would you do to improve your town if YOU were the Mayor? Imagine if you woke up tomorrow and you were the Mayor of your town. What would you […] -
The Iranian protesters rally around a young martyr named Neda
Posted on June 21, 2009 | 7 CommentsCaution: The above video contains graphic images “Her name is Neda, which means “voice” in Farsi, and her death has become the central rallying cry of the Iranian rebellion,” according […] -
Team Pulido launches another pathetic attack on Michele Martinez
Posted on October 31, 2008 | 9 CommentsTeam Pulido’s allies have sunken to a new low, even for them, as they continue to pummel Councilwoman Michele Martinez. The mailer seen above, and below, is their latest attack. […] -
Senator Lou Correa endorses Art Pedroza for the Santa Ana City Council!
Posted on October 29, 2008 | 11 CommentsI should have know that the fellow who organized this week’s hit pieces against me was none other than Matt “Jubal” Cunningham, the editor at the right-wing Red County blog. […]
Greg, In case you missed it Alex Odeh (a Palestinian American Christian) was murdered in this county not too far…