So you've saying that you've got her in a position that would facilitate rape. Personally, I wouldn't brag about that.…
Greg, In case you missed it Alex Odeh (a Palestinian American Christian) was murdered in this county not too far…
That doesn’t make me look bad Greg. But carry on. I’ve got her over a barrel anyways. She just may…
True. Re dilatory tactic. This judge seems no nonsense/
That ... or it's a dilatory tactic. I'll be surprised if the Judge allows it -- at least without a…
Melahat update. She requested to substitute her attorney for a new one on Thursday, February 13, 2025. Still no sentencing…
"poor little Zionist Jewish princess" [Ed. Note: Taking out the offensive parts hasn't worked; maybe taking out all but the…
Let’s get one thing straight: Tammy Kim did not agree to withdraw her name from the ballot as some outfits…
Greenhut has to do better than this. No endorsement is better than a rotten one. But this is about relevance…
Gas Prices Archive
Saga of the Bahu ARCO (A Microcosm of Anaheim Corruption)
Posted on August 17, 2023 | 25 CommentsThis has everything. Enjoy. (Did I mention? SIDHU! AMENT! AND SIDHU!) -
In Favor of a Gas Tax Holiday, both State and Federal.
Posted on March 15, 2022 | 9 CommentsVern says let's do it quick. -
Josh Newman – A Different Perspective
Posted on April 12, 2017 | 38 CommentsLook, maybe I’ve been a little too harsh on my state senator. He’s only been in office a few short months. I shouldn’t expect perfection from someone who has never […] -
SB 1, AKA The Denial of California’s Spending Problem
Posted on April 10, 2017 | 1 CommentIn the wake of passage of Jerry Brown’s ridiculous transportation tax, also known as SB1, we, as taxpayers, are forced to confront several uncomfortable realities. Number one, those who voted for […] -
Weekend Open Thread: GOP “Millenial” Ads, and Lou Delgado’s Fracking Protest Pics!
Posted on March 21, 2014 | 37 Comments1. The Celebrated GOP “Millenial” Ads. Which one is the Parody? Which one isn’t? CAN YOU TELL? 2. Photos from last Saturday’s anti-Fracking rally in Sacramento Pics by Lou Delgado, […] -
Retiring Baby Boomers and the like….
Posted on January 19, 2013 | 6 CommentsLet’s start off by saying that Robert L. Citron has gone on to greener pastures. Poor Bob, a really eclectic full time USC Trojan Fan, Astrology Devotee and best of […] -
Gouge the Gougers
Posted on October 10, 2012 | No Comments(Reprinted in its entirety with permission from Eddie’s Corner, the blog of Eddie Rose, at One doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that the oil companies are manipulating […] -
The Republican “Tax Reform” Boondoggle
Posted on April 19, 2012 | 31 CommentsEric Cantor is the Majority Leader of the House of Represenatives from the 7th District of Virginia. His elitist left wing horn rimmed glasses belie his aggressive attitude on Tax […] -
Hedge this Big Oil…
Posted on April 1, 2012 | 9 CommentsThe funny story about the price of oil started way back during the Carter Administration. Jimmy Carter was the poster boy for how to screw a pooch without really trying. […] -
You can bet your sweet BP!
Posted on July 19, 2010 | 1 CommentApril 20th, 2010 the BP Movable Oil Rig “Deepwater Horizon” exploded and started a seemingly endless spewing of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, from a mile down on the […] -
Shouldn’t we at least be boycotting BP/ARCO Gas?
Posted on May 2, 2010 | 22 CommentsWe can’t do anything to solve the leaking oil in the Gulf Coast – but a Daily Kos writer is suggesting that we can at least boycott BP/ARCO Gas. I […] -
Obama faces the Pitch Forks!
Posted on April 3, 2010 | No CommentsPresident Barack Obama is currently on a roll. Things are going his way in small baby steps. The recent job numbers is an important issue….because it is truly a non-partisan issue. […] -
Cap & Trade…nah….Cap & Gown!
Posted on October 3, 2009 | 1 CommentSaving the Environment is a big job, but someone has got to do it. Whether its the President of the United States, Governor Arnold or some whacko from Denmark…..there must […] -
Cap & Trade and the cost of Oil!
Posted on July 8, 2009 | No CommentsSpeculators are controlling the Oil Markets? Duh! If it wasn’t the infamous OPEC…it was the infamous Chinese, India, Russia or Venezuela! Maybe it was just Saddam Hussein that ran that […]
Get Alex Odeh's good name out of your filthy asshole mouth. Some of the same JDL types who went after…