Why did Tran, Min & Levin vote for Republicans’ Unconstitutional “Laken Riley Act?”

Yesterday MSNBC’s super-annuated Andrea Mitchell referred to Donald Trump as “The President,” and none of her four smart panelists bothered to correct her. This was after Trump’s one-hour free-association (I’m sorry, “weave”) press conference, which apparently all channels will broadcast in their entirety now. I believe we have elected Fidel Castro, but one owned by billionaires. Of course he’s still President-Elect but that’s a distinction without a difference – we are already living in the Second Trump Presidency.

Because, check it out, ALSO yesterday, the brand-new 119th Congress, with its one-member Republican majority, chose, as its first act, to grease the skids for Trump’s promised mass deportations with the unconstitutional Laken Riley Act, every Republican voting yes, and scandalously, 48 Democrats joining them.

“Laken Riley” – why does that ring a bell, why does it sound so memorable? Are Laken and Riley two anti-immigrant Republican Congressmen who wrote the thing? NO! Laken Riley was a young lady killed by an undocumented Venezuelan immigrant, one who’d previously been arrested but not convicted for shoplifting. So this became a cause-célèbre for anti-immigrants throughout the campaign, as though immigrants accused of shoplifting and then later murdering someone is a “THING.”

And so, the Laken Riley Act addresses this urgent matter by requiring ICE to detain, for deportation, any undocumented immigrant who is CHARGED with shoplifting, theft, burglary or larceny, whether they are convicted or not.

Why do I call this “Unconstitutional?”

And am I right?

The provisions in our Constitution’s Bill of Rights apply to all “persons in the United States,” not just to citizens, and that includes the right to a fair trial and all that. America was built on the maxim “innocent until proven guilty,” even if that principle is “honored in the breach” daily.

Just think how easy it’ll be now to make Trump’s deportations into MASS deportations, simply by CHARGING lotsa people with stuff, and not having to prove it. Maybe they can deport a bunch of Ohio Haitians by charging them with stealing and eating people’s dogs and cats – hey the “President” and “Vice President” say they did it!

This should go over real well in our own County, with our already deportation-happy Sheriff Don Barnes (who I still don’t understand why the supposedly pro-immigrant Lou Correa and Tom Daly endorsed him.) But the real pisser is this:

Democrats Obey in Advance

Republicans coulda passed this anti-American bill on their own, just barely, but like I said 48 Democrats joined them. Were they sensitive, like Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, to a “tipping point in American culture,” to which they felt compelled to bow? Or just scared of being tarred by their racist 2026 Republican challenger with the sin of having “voted against Laken Riley?” The Times quickly created a graphic showing the Democrat yes votes to be overwhelmingly from tightly-fought districts:

Here in the OC, it was Derek Tran, Dave Min, and Mike Levin, whom we all worked so hard to elect / re-elect, who voted with the Republicans. The closest races in the County, except, come on, Mike’s wasn’t really THAT close. [I’ll update this story tomorrow when I have time to find out the reasons these three politicians give for their vote.]

You’d think Derek and Dave would both know better, not only being the children of immigrants, but also as LAWYERS. Especially Derek, who has done defense work, and should cherish due process. Especially Derek, who was attacked nonstop by the Steels for having defended (at least) one guy ACCUSED of sexual assault – obviously not convicted or the Steels woulda said that. Does he really believe an immigrant ACCUSED of shoplifting and not even convicted should be ripped from their family, home and livelihood? That doesn’t sound like the Derek I thought I knew.

Maybe it’s smart, maybe it’s prudent, for Democrats like Derek and Dave who barely won purple districts to look “tough” on immigration right now. I’m sure some Democrat Bigwigs told them that. But I wouldn’t think immigrant’s rights groups like CHISPA and VietRise, who worked so hard to get Derek elected, without whom he probably WOULDN’T have got elected, are very happy about this vote or will feel like helping him again.

A Bigger Problem than Trump

Keep having to remind myself, as probably you do, for ten years now, that, as tempting a target that giant orange mug is, Trump is ONLY A SYMPTOM, and the real problem is half of America. Half of America WANTS all this. 57% of Americans said they wanted mass deportations, and we tried to tell ourselves, “Oh wait till they realize that includes their Mexican friends next door,” but that was stupid, of course they know that. And then they elected Trump again, case closed.

When an angry dark terrorist killed a buncha folks in New Orleans on New Year’s Day, Republicans quickly used that as another justification for Trump’s immigration crackdown. Smart liberal people scoffed, the guy wasn’t even an immigrant, he was from Texas and a veteran. Smart liberal people were missing the point. It’s not really about immigration, or law and order – it’s about getting rid of America’s dark people. Immigration is just the acceptable shorthand.

I keep talking about the last throes of American white supremacism, but these “last throes” are sure taking a long time and getting bigger and bigger.

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.