Derek Tran Wins! And just as great, THE STEELS LOSE!

So, in California’s 45th Congressional District, our friend Derek Tran has just declared victory over Michelle Steel. Who knows if or when Steel will concede? Or if they’ll want to waste their money and our patience on a recount. Michelle’s svengali hubby Shawn has been whining about “Democrat cheating” for a couple weeks now, but as the late votes come in, Derek’s lead just keeps growing – to 613 as of Tuesday the 26th, and there aren’t many ballots left to count – so let’s just put this thing out of its misery.

Bunch of observations: the “OC Red Wave” that some OC Republicans dreamed of two weeks ago (with Register enabling) has ended up with our county having FIVE DEMOCRAT CONGRESSMEMBERS OUT OF SIX – from what was previously four out of six.

The nation’s eyes have been riveted on this race, as the closest and hardest-fought Congressional race this year, AND the MOST EXPENSIVE ONE EVER. I’ll be back with more figures, but we know Elon Musk took personal interest in keeping Steel in office, blowing $1.3 million on this race alone. (Yes, we beat Elon Musk!)

Republicans have control of the House of course, but the smaller we can keep their majority, the greater the hope of “keeping our Republic” as Ben Franklin put it. And thanks to the victories of Derek as well as Dave Min (and hopefully Adam Gray up in the San Joaquin Valley) that majority will be razor-thin. (After which we hope that there are still some Republicans in Congress who believe in the Constitution and good government and will hold the line on Trump’s worst excesses.)

And just wait for the inevitable Blue Tsunami of 2026 when Americans realize what they voted for this month. Derek will be well placed to defend his seat as an incumbent, and you know who’s gonna be challenging him, right? Oh, did you miss this? Well, why else do you think Janet Nguyen has been (hilariously) playing anti-corruption warrior and laying into not only Andrew Do but Michelle Steel, who both identically abused their positions as OC Supervisors to line their and their cronies’ pockets?

Today Derek demolishes corrupt Michelle Steel, next time corrupt Janet Nguyen, that’ll be glorious. (We can only hope the Democrat establishment will have overcome their terror of Janet by then.)


There are many reasons to celebrate the victory of Derek Tran, first among them being that Derek will be a terrific Congressman! When I first interviewed him in February, two of his first priorities he mentioned to me were overturning Citizens United (a lofty but worthy goal) and fighting the corporations who are colluding to jack up prices and cause “greed-flation.” This latter was something Kamala Harris also emphasized at the beginning of her Presidential campaign – she sounded just like Derek at first! – before her advisers apparently told her to back off the populist rhetoric so’s not to scare off Wall Street and moderate Republicans. But luckily Derek didn’t have such milquetoast consultants, and although he doesn’t want to be pigeon-holed, I call him a progressive.

For those who care about such things, Little Saigon deserves a Viet-American Congressman – a decent and honest one, who shares their experience of coming over as a Boat Person. A Viet politician that their kids can look up to, not a swindler like Janet Nguyen or Andrew Do. Michelle didn’t know how to deal with that, and started claiming she was somehow “more Vietnamese than Derek” – if she meant more similar to Janet and Andrew then yeah maybe.

And of course I’ve been personally invested in Derek’s campaign – I had to resign as VP of the Anaheim Democrats Club because of my February piece (written, I thought, as a free-speaking American) extolling Derek over DPOC-endorsed Kim Nguyen-Penaloza. I think I was right, only Derek could have won that difficult race, but I’m sure that the Kim clique of the DPOC is still bitter about that, and are still trying to take it out on the Club. (Later, after he won the primary, we held a fundraiser for him and Frances Marquez, the latter of whom should have had a lot more help from the DPOC.)

Those are some reasons to be happy about Derek winning, but who are we kidding, this joint is Schadenfreude Central. And over here, we are…

Dancing on the Political Graves of Shawn & Michelle Steel!

It’s high time this poisonous couple was out of power and put to bed! Shoulda been many years ago. As a Congresswoman Michelle has been utterly mediocre by any measure, with zero accomplishments, which we can maybe be thankful for, as she and her hubby are pure MAGA Trump barnacles, as well as backward “social conservatives” right outta the 1950’s. Did you hear about how they yanked their daughter out of a fine college when she started to support gay marriage? They have long wanted to outlaw abortion – when her consultants tell her to equivocate on that she does so, but her voting record and statements speak for themselves.

Before Congress, her record as Supervisor was one of corruption – trying to give away public land to campaign donors, and shoveling millions in COVID money to cronies EXACTLY IN THE MANNER OF ANDREW DO. Corruption with a walloping side order of incompetence.

Then there is TEH STOOPID. When Michelle opens her mouth without a script, it is up to us befuddled listeners to sift through her permanently broken English to uncover the kernels of moron-notions buried within. Republican outlets nationwide have called ME racist for ridiculing how badly she speaks, but I retort: Accepting this level of English from someone who’s been in this country for 50 years, and who is married to one of the County’s most loquacious raconteurs, shows what an earlier Republican President called “the soft bigotry of low expectations.”

By way of illustration or reminder, a couple of Supervisor Steel’s musings, back when she was dutifully minimizing our nation’s most deadly pandemic since 1918. Here, it was no big deal her getting COVID, because she “lost few weights.”

And here, “making the case” against mask mandates, she claims the fact that we don’t make dogs wear masks is clearly…

Historians, if they’re ever able to take a break from studying the Trump Phenomenon, will puzzle over how OC voters twice sent this brain surgeon to the halls of Congress.


But what REALLY makes us feel good about the Steels’ belated downfall is the unrivalled viciousness and Orwellian anti-truth of their campaigns. Against both Jay Chen two years ago and Derek Tran this year. To paraphrase an old Jewish adage, “As the dog returneth to its own vomit, so the Steels return to calling their opponents Communists.” It was maddening to hear the Steels call Navy commander Jay Chen a Chinese Communist sympathizer in ’22, when:

  • Chen’s parents came from anti-Communist, China-endangered Taiwan;
  • Chen served honorably in SOUTH KOREA, defending Michelle’s homeland and family from Communists in the North;
  • and above all SHAWN STEEL escorted ACTUAL CHINESE COMMUNIST OFFICIALS to meet President Trump, so that they could convince him to let them do what they want with Taiwan.

That attack was also racist, as it played on Koreans’ and Viets’ prejudices against ethnic Chinese, which is what Taiwanese like Jay are. And it worked, is the sad thing. Sometimes we pray that campaigns like that won’t work, because otherwise there seems to be no justice in this world, and it’ll just happen again and again.

But as the dog returneth to its own vomit… they tried the same thing with Army veteran Derek this year – Derek whose parents had risked their lives fleeing Communist Vietnam on a makeshift boat – the original “Boat People.” THIS time Little Saigon voters reacted with disgust and outrage. So Michelle began to air endless ads of sad-looking woman “survivors” expressing outrage that attorney Tran had at some point represented some men accused of sexual assault. These ads also didn’t land quite well, with anyone who had a brain. (See EVERY SINGLE COMMENT on this Instagram video.)

Maybe the closest thing we’ll get to a concession from Michelle Steel is from today, this ridiculous Newsweek column somebody wrote for her, a column encouraging Trump to pursue a hard line with Communist China – clearly a bid to get some kinda post in the Rotting Yam’s new cabinet. I KNOW! Irony coughs up Steel blood once more, this column coming from the aged trophy wife of the man who was paid to introduce ACTUAL COMMUNIST CHINESE OFFICIALS to Trump a few short years ago.

This could go on and on but let’s not. As we dance on the political graves of Shawn and Michelle Steel, we could have a lot worse soundtrack than Huey Piano Smith & the Clowns’ “Don’t You Just Know it!”

Meanwhile the rest of the nation is going to hell, but at least we have this. And they can’t take that away from us.

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.