Wrap-up: Congrats to Tran, Min, Marquez, Schiff & the OUSD Recall! Onward…

Tran, Marquez, Min – our standard-bearers for November!

First a big congratulations to our friends who ran the recall of the awful trustees Madison Miner and Rick Ledesma of the Orange USD – despite low Democrat turnout and apparent lack of interest countywide for education races, it looks like they pulled off their blessed coup, and we should study their success!

At the same time, our fine challengers to the OC Board of Education once again hit a brick wall of public indifference and Charter School dough, despite the best efforts of this blog AND the DPOC. We are sad for Bea Mendoza, Nancy Watkins, and David Johnson. And also for the great Allyson Damikolas, whom we hope to see a lot from again.

Adam Schiff‘s Garvey-boosting gambit paid off, and Adam won’t be such a bad Senator. A lot better than Dianne Feinstein was. I guess Katie Porter‘s Congressional career is over – at least that’s what she’s been saying! For the hundredth and last time, we’ll say that she never should have left her Congressional seat, which now we have to work really hard to keep. Oh well, she’ll probably have an MSNBC or CNN show called “The Whiteboard.”

Congratulations to Dave Min, Frances Marquez, and our good friend Derek Tran, who will need all our help in the fall to beat the corrupt Republicans Scott Baugh, Janet Nguyen and Michelle Steel in November, and help us get back the Congress and – for probably the first time ever – have an honest Board of Supervisors. (It’s harder to think anything good about Joe Kerr, but I shall hold my tongue henceforth.)

And congratulations to Senator Josh Newman, who should have a pretty easy time beating the mumbling reactionary Steven Choi and getting another term. Sharon will be running against Republican Beth Culver (which is what she told me she prefers), and the Cautious Cottie vs. Crazy Scotty race is on, which should be amusing.

The majority of HB voters, sadly, seem to prefer voter IDs, banning pride flags, and continuing to have legal fights with the state, wasting money but keeping commissar Mike E. Gates in a job and in the headlines. Sad, the sane people of Surf City are still outnumbered and outgunned.

That’s about it. ONWARD!

Senator Adam Schiff.

PS And from here on out….

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.