The Valerie Amezcua Trio Pushes Forward with Legally Doomed Recall.

Well! So much for any idea that Santa Ana’s “Business-Democrat” minority of Mayor Valerie Amezcua and Councilmen Phil Bacerra and David Penaloza are thoughtful, responsible public servants! It was a forlorn hope I suppose.

It’s been clear for many months that this minority wants to destroy the progressive-populist majority of Phan, Hernandez, Vazquez and Lopez, for the benefit of their police-union, developer and landlord backers, and to do that by removing Councilwoman Jessie Lopez. Mayor Amezcua has even been sending out text blasts encouraging Ward 3 residents to recall her colleague, something I don’t remember ever seeing before.

BUT when new, troubling information comes out, information showing that recall election to be fatally flawed and legally doomed (through nobody’s fault but our new Registrar of Voters), a responsible public servant would HIT THE BRAKES, no matter what their personal or political preferences may be, and say “This cannot go forward.” At least, you’d think, maybe one or two of them might.

PERO NO. All in lockstep, and on the flimsiest of pretexts, all three voted the way CYNICS predicted – Damn the law, keep the recall going, full steam ahead! It was a grossly familiar sight, to those of us who lived through the Sidhu and Kris Murray years in Anaheim.

Penaloza, who I’d hoped might be better, feigned bafflement because “there are so many different complicated legal opinions,” before concluding “Let a judge figure it out.” THAT’S being responsible? Welcoming an inevitable lawsuit on top of the nearly a million already wasted on this sham recall?

And “so many legal opinions?” Well, you can find a lawyer somewhere to say ANYTHING for the right price, but we know that Santa Ana’s own City Attorney agreed with the Registrar, and advised the Council to rescind the election. We know this from the impetuous Johnathan Hernandez, who earned a scolding for speaking out of closed session.

Phil Bacerra’s position was “The City of Santa Ana should not take responsibility for the ROV’s errors,” as though it were a hot-potato blame game – in his head, I guess, that justified him voting to NOT rescind the fatally flawed recall election. And Mayor Valerie didn’t bother giving ANY reason for her vote.

Pretty craven and disingenuous of these three. This is going to continue careening toward a cliff, Jessie will not be removed, and this will just end up costing the city even more money and chaos. For now, let’s help Jessie beat the recall with votes, as we already were!

Video cued up to where the Council finally speaks, after long closed session.

Public comments started right at 1:00:00.

What are these people really like, these cliquish “business Democrats,” so indistinguishable from Anaheim kleptocrats of either Party? How do they see themselves, how do they justify themselves, how do they see their opponents? The Voice‘s Brandon reported recently on an explosive and revealing Santa Ana Council meeting that shed some light on those questions:

…It was the nexus of a larger debate between both factions over what’s casting a bigger shadow over Santa Ana: Council members backed by property owner interests and the police union, or the opposing colleagues they called political grandstanders?

“There’s four people up here that are just jumping in the water cause it feels good, looks good – ra, ra, ra – pat yourself up on the back because ‘I’m saving my community,’” Amezcua said. “That is not what we should be doing up here. Creating jobs, bringing in businesses, generating revenue, looking at what the city is looking like in 2-5-10 years – That’s what we should be doing…. That’s mature, responsible leadership. That’s not what we’re doing up here.”

That’s for sure. It’s sure not what the “business Democrats” were doing up there last night. As they incompetently, recklessly, tried to please their masters.


About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.