Hey. Busy this Saturday, Sept. 24, between 10 AM and 1pm?
You don’t happen to need any free legal help with expungements?
Removal from a gang database, or gang injunction?
Sealing your or somebody else’s juvenile records?

Participatory defense?
Family law matters or referrals?
The Orange County Legal Clinic can help you, that’s what we’re here for. And we’ll be holding one of our events this Saturday between 10 and 1, at 810 South Townsend St. in Santa Ana (flyer below.)
During our first year of operation,
- We linked a 13-year old Santa Ana youth from Santa Ana to the mental health services he desperately needed. School police had charged him with two sets of felonies at age 12 and 13. The Juvenile Court system and OC Public Defenders office diverted the charges once the youth was linked appropriately, and his expulsion from the district was prevented.
- We helped a 12-year old girl get back home after running away and being afraid to contact police.
- We helped a man in his 30’s reduce his sentence from 100 years to four.
- We helped a woman in her 50’s who’d been facing housing and employment exclusion for many years by linking her to services and helping her to expunge her record.
- We helped a family with a 5-year old son to get the mold in their apartment removed.
Okay, all of that was copied from the LAST time we did a Legal Clinic, in early 2020 before Covid slowed us down. But we haven’t been idle during that time, we have:
- Helped several young men and women remove themselves from gang injunctions.
- Shaved off FOUR years that were mistakenly added to an imprisoned man’s term (had to go thru hell of bureaucracy there!)
- And we are on the verge of getting an innocent young man out of prison.
Consider this as well: At our next free Legal Clinic, this Saturday from 10 to 1 at 810 S. Townsend Street in Santa Ana, we will also have FREE HAIRCUTS for anyone under 18 – first come first served!
Maybe we’ll see you there! Peace out…
This was a success! We got six new people to help… and there’s a buncha kids (& one viejita) sporting new haircuts on Townsend Street!