OC Should Be Watching LA’s Measure ULA

[Ed. note: With homelessness such a large issue in Southern California and elsewhere, it seems like a good idea for OC residents to take a look at LA County’s “Measure ULA.” Is this a good model for us to follow? We may have a better idea once we know whether it passes. Looking forward to our readers’ informed discussions. Hat tip to Hercules Real for reposting Adam Conover’s twitter thread on this initiative, which is reprinted below. It seems to me that our neighbor LA having more housing and more stability in its housing is good for OC, regardless of whether we return the favor. — GAD]

Adam Conover@adamconover· [TWITTER THREAD]

There’s a measure on this year’s ballot that should be getting a LOT more attention. It’s called Measure ULA, and it’s a once-in-a-decade chance to radically address the housing crisis and make LA affordable for ALL. Let me explain why it’s such a big deal:

In case you hadn’t noticed, LA is in the midst of a stifling housing crisis. SIXTY PERCENT of renting Angelenos are rent-burdened, meaning they spent more than 1/3rd of their income on rent. Housing is so unaffordable that homelessness has increased 31% in just the past 4 years.

The causes are many: falling renter income; landlords who evict tenants so they can raise the rent; a massive drop in new home / apt building after 2008; and wealthy homeowners who see housing as a way to build wealth rather than a place to live.

Measure ULA addresses ALL of these issues through an ingenious mechanism: a small 4-5% tax on the sale of real estate over $5 million. This teeny tax on the wealthiest people and corporations would raise nearly a BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR to fight homelessness and the housing crisis

What would the money be spent on?

  • Emergency rental assistance for seniors at risk of homelessness
  • LEGAL AID for renters facing illegal eviction!!
  • Building low-cost affordable housing
  • Immediate housing for people experiencing homelessness

By focusing not just on BUILDING new housing, but also providing legal and financial aid to help KEEP PEOPLE IN THE HOMES THEY ALREADY HAVE, Measure ULA would prevent homelessness, and help the disadvantaged communities most affected by the housing crisis. Truly transformative!

And here’s the best part: The program would be overseen by a Citizens Oversight Commission staffed with independent homelessness experts, NOT politicians. This will ensure the funds raised go not to the loudest voices, but to the communities who need it the most.

Who’s behind Measure ULA? Oh, just the most progressive unions & advocacy groups in LA: @CHIRLA, @ACLUSoCal, @LACAN, @unitehere, @lalabor, @KtownforAll, & more. They’re the real deal, and know how to write policy to benefit working and marginalized people.

Here’s the best part: Measure ULA has a real shot at passing! Earlier progressive housing measures like 20 and 21 failed state-wide, but got YES margins within the City of LA. Since Measure ULA is a City measure, this means it could pass — but only if WE push it over the top!

Here’s 3 ways you can help fix housing in LA TODAY:

  • TELL your friends about how big a deal this is, and to VOTE YES ON ULA!
  • VOLUNTEER to knock doors & phone bank! Together, we CAN make LA affordable for all!

And hey, if you enjoyed this thread, I think you’ll LOVE this week’s episode of Factually, in which I interview @cayimby founder @hanlonbt about the pro-housing movement sweeping the country, and how YOU can help fight the housing crisis where you live:link.chtbl.comFactually! with Adam Conover
Comedian Adam Conover talks to exceptional experts, revealing shocking truths and thought-

This UCLA study finds that Measure ULA would have a positive effect on the housing crisis, and specifically rebuts the fear that taxing the sale of expensive real estate would indirectly cause rents to rise:



About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.