Now HERE is a good statement on the Anaheim/Sidhu/Melahat scandal,
from District Attorney candidate Mike Jacobs!
An FBI investigation into corruption and bribery in Orange County’s largest city. The Anaheim Mayor forced to resign in a cloud of accusations. A $350 million Stadium sale put on hold indefinitely due to malfeasance. Consultants and operatives of both political Parties quitting in disgrace as the scandal spreads across the County.
And where was Orange County’s District Attorney in all of this? Doing nothing, of course. Mr. Spitzer promised to investigate political corruption in this County when running for office four years ago. He even mentioned Harry Sidhu specifically when trying to get votes in Anaheim. He was certainly aware of all this misbehavior, yet, just like his predecessor Tony Rackauckas, he has turned a blind eye to political corruption, and now it appears he’s received campaign contributions from those involved in this scandal.
As your District Attorney, I would take political corruption in this County seriously. Not only does it rob from the public till, it also damages the people’s trust in our institutions, leaders, and democratic system, turning the voting public cynical. And the more this behavior is allowed to continue without consequence, the more it spreads and festers.
Todd Spitzer may not realize it, but his office has a Special Prosecutions Unit for political corruption cases, as well as a Major Frauds, Consumer Protection, and Environmental Protection Units. To my knowledge these have never been PRO-ACTIVE Units that initiate investigations, but only look into cases brought them by other law enforcement agencies. It takes an experienced and focused DA to be proactive, as I was with TRACKRS, a proactive homicide investigative unit of the OCDA that Spitzer allowed to die.
We should not need federal agents to come into this County to clean up our mess. And if you elect me as your District Attorney, we won’t.
Michael A. Jacobs is a former Orange County Deputy District Attorney with nearly 30 years of experience as a prosecutor. In the current primary, the Orange Juice Blog recommends a vote for either Jacobs, Peter Hardin, or Bryan Chehock, any of whom would do a much better job than the incumbent.
*As we cast our ballots in this Primary……perhaps one prevailing idea should be in our thoughts: “Which candidate is a Trump Trash Republican?” We remember the good old days of real Republicans and tear up a bit thinking about how their legacy is going to be impacted by the current array of neo-trash Republicans dedicated to the demise of the 1st Amendment unless it can be used to Name Call, Lie, Steal and denigrate our society in general. Anyone that supports Trump is NOT a Republican and most likely not someone you want to hang out with. Ah, but what can one really say about a country that would support Greg Abbott, Ted Cruz or DeSantis?
Bullshit he’s sitting next to me at the Swinging Door with Megan (hottest back tatoo in OC!) Bragging about some internship in Florida.