You KNOW they think we’re going to stop soon, run out of energy, lose interest, be easily pacified with a couple of gestures. Well ARE WE!?!? No.
- If you are arrested or mistreated by law enforcement during a protest, fill out this form.
- If you’re arrested at a protest and need help getting bailed out, enter your info here.
Here are just a few of this week’s anti-police-brutality, anti-racism protests and marches that are planned… UPDATED June 17 … LET US KNOW IF WE’RE MISSING ANYTHING!
Saturday June 27
Santa Ana and then
Orange Circle at noon:
and also in Orange at 1:
Sunday June 28
11 in Newport!
We’ll post more as we hear of them!
*A great trivia question: Harbor Blvd. runs from Newport Beach/Costa Mesa all the way
to Whitter Blvd. When was part of it called Los Angeles St. in Anaheim and Fullerton Road in Fullerton? Did it have any other names? Come on you Fullertonites…..come to the party with the Answers..
Spadra Road didn’t go that way. It followed what is now Brea Boulevard and went up through the Brea Canyon to…Spadra.
Did you mean for this comment to be on our post about the Anaheim council? Or OC’s anti-mask activists?
I know, right? Ever see the size of Shidu’s (alternative spelling, copyright pending) floppy shoes?
*On the article: Flag Day? The Trumpster’s Birthday? “Commemoration of the People’s Park in Seattle”. Something old, something new, something borrowed something blue!
So, The Trumpster get credit for the last two anyway! “The Day of Good and Evil”? Just guessing of course!
Yeah I didn’t know that till today myself. No wonder he loves the flag so much.
I added it to the title on your piece, NOW it’s a Trump Birthday Weekend Open Thread!
So how did it go?
The protest and march for Daniel? It was good. I updated the story, if you look above.
Whoops I mean it’s in the update to THIS story – http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2020/06/anaheim-swat-officer-nick-bennallacks-fourth-killing-daniel-ramirez-2019/
..if that’s what you’re talking about.
*We can’t wait for The Trumpster Rally in Tulsa….”Livin on Tulsa Time!”….oh yeah, Boris says they had a Million people sign up to go to it. Great…..how many will transfer the Corona Virus to another Million Trump Voters?
*The Trumpster goes to show one thing: “White Lies Matter!”. How long will the people of our great country….put up with this nonsense? We are kinda feed up. We haven’t gotten our Stimulus Check yet and we have yet to get our Tax Refund. Could this just be a giant
coincidence or this guy so out to lunch…..that he can’t turn out Entertainment tonight long enough to actually run our country?
*Fed up too!