In an election where one sole Democrat is running against so many Republicans that hardly anyone’s even talking about Debra Pauley and Katherine Daigle, it seems likely that Loretta Sanchez will be elected as the County’s newest Supervisor on Tuesday. (Ryan Cantor reminds me that it’s a “first past the post” race, with no runoff.) From what I can tell, the activity level of local Democrats in this election is “Abnormally High.” (I have no idea what Republicans are doing.)
Irvine Mayor Don Wagner and former Anaheim Councilmember Kris Murray are the two Republican front-runners. Wagner is the RPOC-endorsed candidate, but Murray has refused to get out of the race — and frankly, with all of the absentees mailed by now, it’s too late for her to show party loyalty now. (The prospect of selfish Kris being the GOP’s spoiler makes OJB happier than we can express.)
Here are the absentee ballots requested, by party:
DEM 74,669
REP 81,126
AI 5,726
GRN 656
LIB 2,079
P-F 485
Misc 71,071
Daily raw count of vote-by-mail ballots mailed 235,360
Here are the absentee ballots returned, by party, as of 6 p.m. Sunday 3/10:
Current Total Ballots Returned
Permanent vote-by-mail ballots 39,937
Single application vote-by-mail ballots 1,274
Military and overseas ballots 51
Total vote-by-mail ballots 41,262
Vote-by-mail ballots returned by party (all of Orange County)
DEM 13,413
REP 18,406
AI 736
GRN 90
LIB 221
P-F 38
Misc 8,085
Daily raw count of vote-by-mail ballots returned 41,166
Raw count of vote-by-mail ballots opened to date 0
Raw count of vote-by-mail ballots scanned to date 0
Here are the overall registration numbers for the Third Supe District:
Current Registration Counts:
Total active voters 1,596,205
Total inactive voters (what are inactive voters?) 362,026
Secretary of State report of registration (02/10/2019) 1,591,543
Statewide 17,660,486
Military and overseas 8,028
Party Counts
DEM 532,448
REP 543,205
AI 40,835
GRN 4,852
LIB 14,145
P-F 4,170
MISC 3,773
NPP 452,777
As for voter registration: as of January 7, following what looks like a minor purge of inactive voters, total registration in OC was at 1,577,845; currently (3/10), it’s at 1,596,274, of which the 3rd District’s share is 341,809.
(Before anyone panics, the ROV explains that this purge is in accord with state law, and would come after the election, and removes voters if (1) “Our office receives mail returned from the voter’s address that is not deliverable” or (2) “The voter does not participate in any election in the previous four years, and has not updated or confirmed their voter record.”)
This is our Weekend (and Week’s) Open Thread. We’ll probably have a separate post to announce the results, but they don’t seem likely to be unexpected. And for once, we can say — thank you, Kris Murray! Do whatever it is you want to do here, within reasonable bounds, so long as it doesn’t involve San Juan Capistrano. Seriously.
Sanchez by 1pt on election night, 4 or 5 after it’s all done.
With whom in second place?
Wagner, Murray, Pauley, the rest
Loretta is going to sweep this race
I have only one thing to say: woo, woo, woo.
Who’s your endorsement? Pauley?
Can’t talk. Hey! Hey! Hey!
Pauley it is!
Not every one feels it necessary to foist his own utterly unimportant opinion on every political piss pot that he can pull out from under the bed.
After a while it appears to be a bit of a personality disorder.
Scratch opinion and replace with endorsement.
Woo, woo, woo!
*Loretta is the choice….of course!
Please consider signing this reasonable, measured response to Newport-Mesa’s Solo Cup Swastika-gate:
Students from Newport Mesa school district have been dealing with racism and xenophobia on school campuses for far too long. The recent incident of students from Newport Harbor High, Corona del Mar and Costa Mesa High posing in a picture hailing Hitler with a swastika made out of red cups is not surprising. Students tell a story that has been occurring for over 25 years where a two tier educational system exist – one that prioritizes white students and one for students of color. School district members and administrators have known about these types of behaviors and have chosen not to take any real action.
Recent incidents of xenophobia occurred in 2016 when students tagged up Newport Harbor High with racial slurs (yes swastikas), engaged in bullying behaviors towards anyone who disagreed with them including a school based Instagram page. School board members and administrators have expressed disapproval for the actions of students in the pictures. Forums have been held at Newport Harbor High and Corona del Mar High. Although these steps are appreciated, more has to be done to challenge school environments that promote white supremacy.
Students have come together, both alumni and current students, to create tangible list of changes that can be implemented at NMUSD that changes the current school environment and promotes a more inclusive one. Students of color, specifically black students, and students with disabilities are over punished. Students have expressed fear of their safety and fear of a possible school shooting in the future as animosity has increased on campuses.
We ask that you sign on to petition especially if you are a student at a NMUSD school, a parent of a NMUSD student or a resident of Costa Mesa/Newport Beach. Any support provided is truly appreciated, please share and attend next school board meeting on Tuesday March 12th, 2019 at 6pm at 2985 Bear St, Costa Mesa, Ca, cross streets Baker and Bear.
Together we can challenge racism and xenophobia!
Below is a list of changes students are demanding:
To Address Physical and Psychological Segregation
– Diversity & Inclusivity department at each secondary school
– Compassion retreats, cultural events, cultural education
– Biased training for teachers, school board members and administration
– Trainings for students and teachers/school board members/administration on white privilege
– School district based association advocating for students on all campuses
– Seek out more diverse teaching staff that reflects the community
– Integrate area near ASB area at Newport Harbor High that promotes superiority though class and race
– Address lack of diversity in student body
– Have a designated area that is welcoming (non counseling area) to access forms such as waivers, college information, etc
– Have drop boxes for waivers to attend dances, events, AP classes, college testing
– Create system to include parents of students of color due to minimal involvement with school
– Implement Ethnic Studies to learn about all cultures including Black studies, Latino studies, Native American, Asian, Women, LGBTQI as a high school requirement
– Implement more history teaching in elementary schools as stated in state standards and not being met at NMUSD to include books that promote diversity ex: Diary of Anne Frank, Number of Stars,
– Bring back Spanish for Spanish speakers at NHHS
To Address Overpolicing of Students of Color
– Biased training for teachers, school board members and administration
– Address over policing of mental health symptoms/behaviors students are experiencing and lead to increase suspension/expulsion
– Stop bringing police dogs on campus that target classes where the majority of students are of color
– Do not remove cell phones from students (Ensign)
To Equal Access
– Increase assistance to parents to learn about college preparation/trade schools/job market
– Assign 1-3 family engagement program representatives per high school/middle school and 1 minimum at elementary schools
– AVID implementation in elementary schools
– Dual Immersion programs
– Stop the selective process for IB/AP courses that rely on biased teachers to recommend advanced classes
– Re develop AVID program at NHHS to stop AVID staff from limiting students of color from enrolling into advanced courses
Done with that? Now sign Fr. Denis Kriz’ petition to “Improve the Dignity of the Emerging Emergency Shelter System in Orange County, California.”
We, the undersigned
Call on our cities and county to ensure that the system of homeless shelters being constructed in our cities and county BE HUMANE and take into account the fundamental dignity and actual needs of the people that these shelters are created to serve.
Specifically, we urge you to implement the following recommendations:
(1) Create a system for secure storage of the personal property of people experiencing homelessness. Without reasonable provision for the storage and safety of homeless people’s possessions (for example, a site with a tub or shopping cart – sized public locker system), homeless encampments are inevitable.
(2) Meet the basic medical and hygienic needs of the homeless people in our midst. Beyond simply assuring access to public restrooms throughout our cities / county during the day, we ask that you:
a) Establish a system of easily accessible medical / hygienic facilities (perhaps through medical vans or hygienic equivalents) to be made available to homeless people during the day, so that they could be treated for simple ailments like colds or the flu, as well as have their persons and their belongings “deloused” (freed from bed bugs / lice)
b) Establish a system of infirmaries and, if needed, one-night quarantine wards for those arriving ill or infested with bugs, so that homeless persons arriving at the shelters for the night can become confident that they will not simply contract the flu or pests while sleeping at the shelters.
(3) Do not close shelters (that is, do not expel the people that the shelters are serving) before a reasonable hour (7-8 am). No one should be forced to leave a shelter at 5 or 6 am, literally into the cold and darkness, before most other businesses and services open.
(4) Establish a system of “day centers,” often called “multipurpose centers,” so that people experiencing homelessness have safe places to go to during the day where they could have many of the above mentioned needs met, as well have places to receive counseling or simply to rest / recreate.
(5) Respect the right of people experiencing homelessness to file complaints against homeless service providers and allow them to document the problems and complaints they have about the shelters through photography, video, or audio recordings.
We believe that these are not difficult matters to resolve and their resolution will not only make the system of emergency shelters being constructed more humane but also much more effective. Many more homeless persons will take advantage of a humane system built around their needs.
Finally, we are under no illusion that humanizing the emerging Emergency Shelter System will in itself “solve” the larger problem of homelessness in our county. That problem will only be solved here when our county’s 5000 people currently experiencing homeless become able to secure permanent housing. Still, while this problem is confronted and solved, we believe that our county’s weakest members deserve shelters worthy of the name.
NOTE: Special Election-related discussion (for those inclined) should now move over to our results page: http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2019/03/supe-3-special-election-results-thread.
Seattle (like LA and SF and others) is here deeper in the throes of opioid abuse and its collateral damage of homelessness and crime ( no, not conflating them) than Anaheim.
This YT suggestion caught my interest after last nights council item on needle exchange, not so much for the painful display of the Seattle situation up to 0:44:00, but for the info on the RI solution that followed. Anaheim has a recovery program through LEO referral whose leader ( I sadly forget both names) frequently reports growing participation at the comment podium, I (also forget) the participation rate, but do recall that Anaheim’s program is ( unlike RI) voluntary. With Seattle joining SF in growing notoriety for the collateral effects of non-enforcement, and the (single minded) HIV containment focus of top-down needle exchange efforts aspiring locally, is there a point at which opioid abuse should no longer enjoy status as a constitutionally protected freedom ? I submit this FWIW as I thankfully enjoy (before you rush to remind me) the status of ignorant spectator on this topic, although in the urban landscape we share, that scale point can be closer to NASCAR viewer (sudden face full of car parts) than opera viewer.
Just ran across this, which oddly seems to suggest that while the MIComplex (“Defense”) jobs have largely exited SoCal, apparently spending hasn’t. Will have to dig deeper.
If you dig deep enough to produce an actual story, we would love to publish it … under whatever damn name.
Must Watch: “Is Seattle Dying”.
Great documentary on municipal government failing the people. You think the riverbed people were bad….
Looks like some vote or discussion of Republic’s evergreen contract is scheduled for the next HBCC meeting. It seems timely to find out what level of support the self appointed defenders of the dump have from the company. Is Republic aware of and okay with bloggers who write about Historic Wintersburg as a Japanese American concentration camp theme park and post doctored nudes of Mary Urashima? What about the fake twitter account of a Japanese American lawyer used to spread lies? The constant delving into Mary’s divorce and calling her “racist, crazy, dangerous, a cultural fetishist”? Is it okay with Republic that allegations are often made of financial impropriety with zero proof to back it up?
Why should rate payers make a company connected to such behavior rich? Have they ever denounced these words and deeds claiming to be issued on their behalf? All the bizarre comments about Pearl Harbor and disturbing remarks about those of Japanese descent? And why does such a large successful company not have professionals working on their behalf instead of 4 or 5 totally uncivil non employees?
Mary should take her story to a national news outlet. This saga is ripe for it. Even a documentary about the journey to preserve. An interview with Mary, one with her biggest detractor and then the company itself explaining their role. Show the last 5 years of her work and the massive push back with all the posts, blogs, photos generated by the handful of folks who have embarked on this really personal opposition to her vision. It seems that reporters should reach out beyond the Huntington Beach branch. Higher ups in the corporation. Genuinely interested in their connection to what is happening locally for years now. Maybe a consumer reporter? A watch dog type investigation? It seems a business with any integrity would make a real point of distancing themselves from this ugliness.
I don’t know what you’re talking about here. Could you work it up into a story with documentation and submit it to either me or Vern? If you want to have an effect on the upcoming vote you mention, you’ll need something a lot less vague. I’m sure that you can look up the financial contribution information yourself.
Yes. Sorry. Will return with clarification.