Fun times, fun times. The moment Dan Chmielewski got home from the last Democratic Party of OC meeting, the first thing he did was to crow to some antagonist on his ironically named “Liberal OC” blog: “Life is quite full and great. Thanks for asking.” What was Dan so euphoric about? He had just been “censured” by the Central Committee for multiple incidents of (allegedly drunken) bullying and intimidation – is that what you’d call a “full and great life?” Well, apparently Dan’s euphoria was a result of his relief at not being removed from the Committee altogether, as had been widely expected and hoped for.
Also, I’m told he believes the larger world would never hear about this censure and the embarrassing details. But he thought wrong. The trash bin outside the union hall where the DPOC meets is a treasure trove of documents, which the Orange Juice Blog feels compelled to share with the world.
(I promised my wife I wouldn’t waste much time on this story, since there’s so much more important going on, but weekends post-election-hangovers are made for schadenfreude, as well as insights into the character of the blowhard who purports to “challenge the county’s rightwing noise machine,” LOL.)
We’ve uploaded the documents here, but I’ll share the high (instructive) points here: We learn from the DPOC complaint that the people he chooses to bully – at least the two who have complained about it – are a female employee working as communications director, and a 22-year-old Latino hired as Executive Director. He likes to yell things like “I’m going to make your life miserable,” and “You don’t know what the fuck you’re doing.” He leans in to the woman and strikes his hands together in front of her face, “causing the hairs on the back of [her] neck stand up.” The Latino he refers to as “son” and “you’re just a 22-year-old” who doesn’t know anything. He continuously interrupts each time they try to respond, while his volume “increases in volume, anger and intensity.” Also:
- Both victims, as well as witnesses, insist that Dan was intoxicated and smelled like alcohol.
- In both cases his big grievances were on behalf of Larry Agran’s pathetic Irvine cabal and their pet candidates and issues like Measure B.
- I find this funny: In both cases if he’d-a shut his damn mouth for a minute and listened he would have found that his complaints were unfounded and were already being addressed. There’s probably a lesson in there for many of us, but definitely him.
- Chair Fran Sdao adds to her complaint that, during meetings, he “repeatedly makes loud derisive comments … disrupts proceedings by carrying on loud side conversations …” and engages in other “abusive and harassing behavior not included herein for the sake of brevity’s sake.”
But most hilarious is Dan’s two-page apology / defense of himself:
- First of all he claims it’s “defamatory” when so many people claim he’s intoxicated and smells like alcohol, for TWO good reasons: “It’s virtually impossible given the time I leave my office to the time I get to meetings, and my body mass index.” GOT that, everyone who’s ever been to a bar? There’s no such thing as a drunk aggressive BIG guy, especially one who has a “job.”
- And he plays the Big Card – claiming that people WRONGLY feel intimidated by him because of his size when he’s actually “a teddy bear.” (For those who may not know, Dan is not so much “big” like Shaq or The Rock, but more big like Michael Moore on stilts.) Well, I’ve known plenty of big guys, and most of them have learned OVER THE DECADES to tone down their behavior to seem less threatening – Dan does the opposite, using his unnerving bulk to try to get his Agranista way.
- And his excuse for always being SO DAMN LOUD is equally precious: “I’m loud because I have a severe hereditary hearing loss. My mother and my son have the same condition as well. That’s one reason I sit up front so I can hear better.” YOU HEAR THAT? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU HEARTLESS PEOPLE, HAVE YOU NO COMPASSION FOR THE HEARING-IMPAIRED???!!!
Well okay, I’ll get back to serious matters now. This same guy who himself tried to conduct a post-primary DPOC purge back in June still gets to stay a while. It’s a shame, the DPOC would be better off without him, but here’s hoping he does learn to behave a little more civilized, and at least try to be sober for important meetings. It would be even nicer if he tried to make a better blog – cuz at this point, to quote the formerly astute John Mardahl’s bon mot, it’s better at CHANNELING than “CHALLENGING the County’s Right-Wing Noise Machine.”
Thanks Vern! I needed a chuckle this morning.
Dildo Dan & Door Matt Cunningham are the bottom feeders of the blogosphere world.
Yeah, Matt went right back to 2012 form with his latest piece on Jason Young, didn’t he?
That gang must really fear him. I should put up his Anaheim Politics 101 video on this blog somewhere.
Wordsmith is really topping himself these days. He attacks Cynthia Ward for once being a pal of Disney but not anymore – flipflop, the HORROR.
Of course he conveniently neglects to mention that he used to get PAID to badmouth Disney during those SunCal project days. Somehow changing your position because a dollar is waved in front of your snout is OK; changing your position because you realize you were wrong (and admit it) but have seen the light is bad.
The Grinning Assclown Brigade is getting really sketchy. Hairball landed a hit piece on Cynthia yesterday.
I’m pretty sure Lil’ Clumski’s real problem is a hereditary intelligence loss.
Maybe he’s right about that body mass thing and not having enough time to get drunk before a meeting. That means he is very likely getting drunk while at “work.”
We were promised documents?
Patience, I’m fucking canvassing.
Put up the docus.
Did Greg post this comment in the “Channeling” (good quote) the County’s Right-Wing Noise Machine” rag?:
“Correa closer to Hitler and Donald Trump than most Nazi repuglican butt faces. Lou is worse. A fake, lying Hispanic fraud.”
I hope he didn’t. Lou has had a decent position on the recent immigration issues.
No, he did not.
Jeez, even you thought that was Greg?
I suspect Chemical Lewinsky is leaving that up as long as possible as some sort of revenge for my truthfully reporting on his censure.
No, I didn’t.
As pissed as I am with Greg, he’d never say anything like that about anyone.
Heh I was talking to Ricardo. See the confusion the trolls sow?
Guess I mis-aimed my reply arrow.
“Channeling” was MY line, dammit! (OK, maybe GMTA.)
If you want evidence, Ricardo:
(1) I’m not allowed to post there — or even put comments into moderation where he can see them — and he has blocked my IP address.
(2) The icon next to my name (which is connected to the email address used) is different from any one that I’ve used there. It does appear to be from the same anonymous person who posted a comment here so vile that I trashed it.
(3) Lou Correa is not industrious or dextrous enough to become “the worst Member of Congress,” even if h wanted to, which to his credit he doesn’t. He’s just a common vendido shmo — a waste of a good Congressional seat that could support someone fantastic. On the other hand, in some districts, he might be the best that we could get, and there I’d support him accordingly. (No, none come to mind.) The district he represents just doesn’t happen to be one of them.
No capable and decent candidate from his current district will take him on — and this is EXACTLY why I am not categorically opposed to carpetbaggers. Any wealthy Latinx out there want to get an easy road to Congress in 2020? I know just where you should run!
Hey I know We were promised documents?
I’ve been working nonstop. I’ll scan em tomorrow or Tuesday. What’s the fucking rush.
I hate this stupid story.
I wish you wouldn”t post this shit.
Alas, Dan, fat, drunk, and stupid are no ways to go through life!
He’s not big like Michael Moore, if I correctly recall that Moore is not that tall. He’s big and tall like Donald Trump. (This is among other similarities. One such similarity is that he willl now just turn this around and say “no, YOU’RE like Trump!”)
As you note, most very large and aggressive men learn, as part of their socialization, not to do things like barrel towards other people at ramming speed. Most people will hearing deficiencies learn not to shout in other people’s faces. Those who don’t learn to behave tend to be those who believe that the barreling and “arguing with the ref” styles suit their purposes in intimidating others in personal interactions.
If he really sits so close simply so that he can hear, but can’t (I can attest from experience) refrain from loud catcalling, maybe we could sit him in the corner facing the wall, like a fourth-grader.
I said “Michael Moore on stilts.” I thought that was a good line, and accurate enough.
So Lil’ Clumski likes to physically intimidate women? I would feel pity but there is much to laugh at.
And did you see his response when the same “antagonist” (4th district resident whom they laughably think is you) calls him on it?
The classic “Never raised my hand.” Which apart from being a pathetic loose dodge is ALSO not true according to witnesses. (Including one witness who just got elected to Irvine council!)
As if I would waste a minute on that creepy clown’s website.
Whenever “4th district resident” (I think I know who it is, but whoever it’s the best commenter over there) pops up, Dan’s trolls start insulting your painting, and the fact that you got fired by Shawn, and that Greg once called you a “surf Nazi” so you must be anti-semitic.
People with no talent always try to belittle those who have some. That’s just the way it is.
Oh, don’t I know it.
No, silly Vern — I have no reason to believe that Zenger is anti-Semitic, no more than Jerry Seinfeld would have had reason to believe that about the Soup Nazi.
Exhibit #1 for the craziness about carpetbagging: don’t you wish that either Jesus Silva or Greg Sebourn could have moved down to Fullerton District 3 and run from there? I do. Jesus would have been a far better rep for the district than the winner there, and Sebourn would be on Council. But of course neither would dream of doing it because of the dreaded signs.
For the record, I favor a “by-election” system — such as we have for the House of Reps — rather than a “by-and-from-election” system such as the Death-to-Carpetbaggers Squads demand. That way, residency is something that can be factored into a decision by individual rather than their being told “too bad, all of the potential candidates living in your district suck, and nobody will dare to move in for fear of Bushala signs.”
Believing in a pure residency requirement Uber Alles isn’t anti-Semitic, but it is anti-sensible.
I understand, it’s DAN’S TROLLS (who always try to comment here as well) that make the anti-sem jump.
Ironic that it’s the same line used by Becerra
I expect it comes up frequently in their drunken-liberally conversations.
Dan is a big Brandman fan, right?
You know what they say. Censure begets censure.
Farrah Khan stoodup for Dan. She was put up to charges against him by LeToureau and michael Fox. She had Dan’s back
Right, we’re to believe anything coming from an anonymous troll who impersonates the dude in question? By the way, have you asked the object of your affection if he appreciates you doing that? I can tell you he doesn’t.
You mangled the syntax with “was put up to charges against him.” I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.