Weekend Open Thread: Dunn backs Fair Wage; Anaheim cop union backs Lou; Coastal Commission Under Water.




Dunn, Correa: The Company They Keep.

Dunn, Correa: The Company They Keep.

Our transom is all a-twitter this weekend with missives and broadsides relevant to our week’s biggest stories.  Here are three of ’em:

1. Joe Dunn backs California’s Fair Wage Act,
calls for National Minimum Wage Increase.

dunn at marchSanta Ana, Calif. – Joe Dunn, candidate for California’s 46th Congressional District, announced his support today for the Fair Wage Act of 2016 and the Raise California’s Wage & Paid Sick Days Act of 2016.

“The middle class and particularly the working poor have largely been left out of the economic recovery. I support the statewide ballot measures to gradually get California workers to at least $15 per hour. Small and large cities throughout the state are already taking action to move toward $15. It makes sense to uniformly apply it so every worker in California earns a more fair minimum wage,” said Joe Dunn.

blue collar workersHe added, “Most Americans, unfortunately, have not seen an increase in the minimum wage since 2009 when it was set to the current rate of $7.25 an hour. It’s been estimated that raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour would benefit at least 25 million Americans and generate about $32 billion in economic activity nationally. In Congress, I’ll fight for an immediate increase in the minimum wage to at least $10 — we can build consensus for that, and a path to $15 an hour.”

“I’m grateful Joe Dunn is stepping up on behalf of the 400,000 workers in Orange County who would benefit from the Fair Wage Act,” said Mitch Marsile, a resident of Santa Ana and member of SEIU-UHW. “We all know how expensive it is to live in Orange County, and this is one way to improve the lives of our hardworking neighbors and to boost the economy at the same time.”

dunn at strikeJoe has the strongest record of any candidate in the CD 46 race in standing with workers to win fair wages and safer working conditions. He is currently working with the University of California at Irvine to permanently fund a labor center that would give workers a stronger voice in our local economy.

Joe Dunn has thirty years of experience standing up to the establishment, and holding big corporations and government bureaucracies accountable to Orange County’s middle-class families. He’s empowered communities through the legal system to stop polluters and fought price-gouging drug companies. He investigated Enron and other unethical energy companies manipulating prices. He took on oil companies ripping off consumers at the gas pump and stood up to gun manufacturers to make our neighborhoods safer.

Joe fought to secure millions of dollars from tobacco companies to be used for local health care services and community clinics. While heading the California Medical Association, Joe worked with physicians to help broaden access to affordable health care for Californians.

Joe lives with his wife, Diane, in their Santa Ana home of nearly twenty years. They have two adult children, Sarah and John. California’s 46th congressional district includes the cities of Anaheim, Garden Grove, Orange, and Santa Ana.

dunn at march 2The Fair Wage Act of 2016 would raise California’s minimum wage to $11 in 2017 and then gradually increase it a dollar a year until it reaches $15 in 2021. Once the minimum wage reaches $15, it will automatically be adjusted each year to keep pace with the cost of living.

The Raise California’s Wage and Paid Sick Days Act of 2016 would raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 by 2020 and guarantee that every full-time worker will receive at least 6 days per year to care for themselves and their families. Small businesses would have until 2021 to meet the $15 per hour minimum.

You can show your own support at: liftupcawages.com and raisewageca.org

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2.  Meanwhile Joe’s opponent Lou Correa boasts of his endorsement by the union representing Anaheim’s cops, the Anaheim Police Officers’ Association;  take this as you will:

correa rackauckas copSANTA ANA, CA— On the heels of winning crucial support from the Orange County Deputy District Attorneys and the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), today former State Senator Lou Correa landed the backing of the Anaheim Police Officers’ Association Political Action Committee in his campaign for California’s 46th Congressional District seat.

In a letter sent to Correa’s campaign for Congress, Kerry Condon, Chairman of the Anaheim Police Officers’ PAC and President of Anaheim Police Officers’ Association wrote:

“Dear Mr. Correa, It is with great pleasure to inform you that the Anaheim Police Officers’ Political Action Committee has voted to endorse your candidacy for Congress in June, 2016. We felt compelled to support you as we have many members who live within the 46th Congressional District and know that crime issues within Orange County affect all cities within it. As such, we need experienced leaders in Congress. Your public safety knowledge and support as a State Assemblyman, State Senator, and Orange County Supervisor is why you have earned our endorsement…”

anaheim police tackle protestorExpressing his gratitude for the endorsement, former State Senator Correa stated:

“Having the recognition of those who have sworn to protect our communities from harm is a great  privilege and honor.   I’m really grateful for this endorsement from the Anaheim Police Officer’s Association Political Action Committee.”

To date, Correa has won the following public safety endorsements:

  • California Police Chiefs’ Association
  • Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC)
  • Anaheim Police Officer’s Association Political Action Committee
  • Orange County Deputy District Attorneys
  • National Latino Peace Officers Association
  • Santa Ana School Police Officers’ Association
  • Santa Ana Police Officers’ Association
  • Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchins

riot squadToday’s announcement comes after the California Democratic Party “Pre-Convention Caucus” delegate vote, where Correa won a plurality of the votes. With 17 votes out of 41 total delegate votes cast, Correa earned 41.5% of the vote, while his competitor, Joe Dunn, earned only 36.5% of the vote. 22% of votes were cast for no endorsement.

This news follows a poll showing Correa with an enormous lead, nearly 30-points ahead of his closest competitor.

The poll, conducted by Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates, is relatively fresh out of the field, and was conducted from December 13th through December 16th. The initial results show Correa with a decisive lead over all other candidates (etc. etc. etc.)


3.  Finally, a chapter director of the Sierra Club reacts with anger and disgust at the California Coastal Commission’s purge of its fine executive director Charles Lester, which we’d mentioned in a couple pieces this week;  I’ll only reprint a few choice paragraphs, here’s the full piece well worth your time.

Coastal Commission is Under Water.

Overreach Meets Blowback in Morro Bay.

by Andrew Christie, Sierra Club Santa Lucia Chapter Director, Feb. 13, 2016.

lester-coastWhen Coastal Commissioners were preparing to fire Executive Director Charles Lester at their February 10 meeting in Morro Bay, they sounded a recurring theme: “We’re not evil.” They insisted they weren’t firing Lester to send a signal of greased rails for future development projects; they had not gotten any phone calls from lobbyists about this; there’s a $10 limit on gifts they can accept; they weren’t developer hacks; all the media accounts of the likely reasons behind the firing were juts wrong and mean, as were all those damn environmentalists, and so on…

…It put me in mind of what David Foster Wallace said at his 2005 Kenyon College commencement address, describing the human condition: These two young fish are swimming along in the ocean. They encounter an older fish swimming the other way who calls out, “Enjoy the water!” The two young fish swim on a little farther, then one of them turns to the other and says, “What’s water?”

Here’s the most charitable thing I can say about most of the commissioners who voted to fire Lester: They were probably young fish.

lester surveyingLongtime coastal advocates – people who live and breathe the Coastal Act – know the score. They understand the history of the Commission, Sacramento power politics and the currents of wealth and influence that have been brought to bear in the effort to undermine the Coastal Act’s policies safeguarding resources and public access since the day it became law.  They recognize the fiction behind the stated reasons for Lester’s ouster: insufficient agency diversity, poor “communication,” inadequate attention paid to commissioners. It begs the question: if this wasn’t related to the development community’s longstanding antipathy toward the Coastal Program, then what was it? Because it certainly wasn’t about the weak reasons stated.

The perennial campaign to get the Commission’s Executive Director fired, which began with Lester’s predecessor and has now succeeded, is all of a piece. It has always looked like a duck, walked like a duck and quacked like a duck – a fixture of the state’s aquatic political environment of money and power – but making that identification seemed to be beyond the young fish who occupy most of the seats on the current Commission.

Commissioner Wendy Mitchell is not a young fish. She knows exactly what she’s swimming in, and she did the terraforming to create the environment for Lester’s firing. A midnight appointment by Governor Schwarzenegger, Mitchell is a close friend of developer uber-lobbyist Susan McCabe, who pulled the strings to get Mitchell appointed. [McCabe – that is Poseidon’s star lobbyist! – Vern.]  McCabe is said to refer to Mitchell as “my commissioner.” Mitchell’s voting record and years-long campaign of relentless attacks on Commission staff in general and on Dr. Lester in particular are a matter of public record.

El Nino StormsThe Commissioners had every chance to do the right thing. A considerable amount of antidote to Mitchell’s handiwork was at hand in the lead up to their Feb. 10 meeting. They could have read the 14,000 written comments they received on Lester’s proposed dismissal (4 in favor, all others opposed); listened to 253 members of the public testifying against dismissal, with not a soul speaking in favor; heeded the words of 36 former Coastal Commissioners, including two former Commission chairs; former colleagues of Lester who had worked with him for decades; sixteen state legislators; ten members of Congress and 153 members of the Commission’s current staff…

Read the rest…




GRRRRR.  Discuss this or something else, with all the decorum you can muster.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.