Larry Agran ran Irvine for more than a decade. His disastrous tenure was marked by divisive schemes, bullying, and rampant corruption. We are just beginning to learn what his reign cost taxpayers in Irvine, where Argran and his team of puppets spent hundreds of millions “and somehow forgot to build the promised [Great] park.” Thanks to the newly empowered Republican majority, Agran is on the verge of being held accountable for his waste and abuse.
As a forensic audit of Agran’s corrupt spending practices nears completion, the desperate political boss is still up to his old tricks. He and Councilwoman Krom, along with a cabal of corporate Democrats, have, and are, exploiting the emotions of nearly every constituency they can find in Irvine. He used the culture war to line his pockets and he is counting on the same cynical exploitation to act as both an escape hatch and a ticket to another term as mayor. It will not; we have all evolved.
Democrat Agran preserved power in Republican Irvine by “secretly running fake Republican candidates to siphon votes from the legitimate, party-backed Republicans.” Enter Katherine Daigle, who in 2012 entered the mayoral race between Agran and Republican Mayor Steven Choi. Any purported GOP candidate would have hurt, but Daigle was apparently used because of her unremarkable accent. At a GOP Central Committee meeting last year, I was told by a person close to Deborah Pauly that Daigle wants to be mayor because no one can understand Choi. Of Korean decent, I find the mayor perfectly comprehendible, but the line of attack struck me as nothing to ignore in a city such as Irvine. The plan failed because, in Frank Mickadeit’s words, “the public increasingly caught onto [Agran’s] shenanigans.”
A penchant for exploitation was on display once more when Agran proposed Irvine “befriend” cities in China, Vietnam and Pakistan. When predictable outrage emerged from the staunchly anti-communist Vietnamese population in Orange County, he only removed communist Vietnam leaving the council to reject “befriending” (a meaningless gesture) the cities in communist China and non-communist Pakistan. After the vote, Agran’s allies accused the Republicans of racism and McCarthyism. In a way this was impressive; the pointless and ginned up controversy allowed the Agranistas to exploit a wide-range of creeds and ethnicities in a single attempt to embarrass the majority.
The lgbt community is no less a target for the Agranistas, who are insisting on conjuring up homophobia in the lead up to November. Last year, a straight woman placed a rainbow flag prominently in the front of her suburban house. She claims to have done so because her gay friends are unable to as they live in apartments. I guess I missed that feeling of loss when I lived in an apartment. In fact, I tend to agree with the woman’s neighbors who (disappointingly to some) merely complained that the flag was an eyesore.
After this initial failure, the exploitation machine went into over-drive. A purported press release from Westboro Baptist Church was taped to the woman’s door and read: “We’ve turned America over to the (gays); They’re coming home in body bags.” Later, the woman claims a note was placed on her car maintaining: “God hates flags”. If God sits on the board of a home owner’s association, I would imagine the sentiment is close to accurate. The woman went to the police screaming hate crime, but no evidence was found, along with no evidence of genuine concern in the lgbt community. The controversy failed to reach City Hall (even after rainbow Christmas lights were added to the scene), but the Agranistas mocked the invisible bigots as intolerant and ignorant, while suggesting the straight mother was just one more endangered lesbian in Irvine.
Despite the all out effort to incite hate leading up to the election, the Agranista plot has backfired on the Democrat minority. Irvine is a model for racial diversity and racial harmony. In the lgbt corner, things are more complicated, as is well known by Agran. The same blogger, a notorious corporate tool, who misrepresented the rainbow flag incident is now attacking Councilwoman Christina Shea for her role in an anti-gay measure contested nearly two decades ago. I am not making excuses for the policy or any like it, but it is important to note that it occurred in the wake of the AIDS Crisis when very few saw through the fear and misinformation surrounding gay men.
The ability to forgive and forget is one of those hidden fundamentals crucial to a functioning democracy. I stood on the corner of an Orange County intersection, by my lonesome and for days on end, holding a “NO on 8” sign. As such, I know something of our history and the wider issue. The spirit that leads people to do the right thing, change positions and forgive mistakes is one in the same. What happened in the eighties was bone headed, but we are all in a different place. I don’t know Councilwoman Shea’s position on Prop. 8, and I don’t care. Like the many gay homeowners (someone tell the Agranistas we don’t just live in cities) in Irvine who are not displaying the rainbow colors, I want to see the Republican majority last and hold Argan accountable for his massive fraud on taxpayers.
“The spirit that leads people to do the right thing, change positions and forgive mistakes is one in the same. ”
Wise words.
Actually, it’s kind of fun to watch Larry go through his Rolodex, desperately trying to find the votes and to shore up his listing campaign.
He scored hit with the Veterans Cemetery –which he opposed when he as Great Park chair — but watching the
How much money do you think Larry will “loan” to his campaign this time around?
tylerh! Where the Hell have you been? You’ve been eye-poppingly missed!
Missed? Yes. Eye-poppingly? THAT is pretty damn missed.
Holy Molé Davem
How do you know about my of Agran teasing?
Basically, I’ve been in hiding. But I’ve come to an important realization: the public comment period at City Council meetings is like Open Mike night at a comedy club, but WITHOUT THE TWO DRINK MINIMUM!
So I am at Irvine City Hall every other Tuesday night, schedule allowing.
Say it with me,
“The Great Park and its Balloon isthe most photographic, iconic element west of the Mississippi”
Say it with me,
“The Great Park and its Balloon ist he most photographic, iconic element west of the Mississippi”
Apparently you are unaware of Pringle’s Folly – ARTIC – the soon to be completely useless translucent Bus Barn with no bus riders, built with $200,000,000 ripped off from Measure M taxpayers.
Now that’s iconic!
I had missed that.
In the meantime, check out this poll, that claims 81% of irvine wants our iShuttle expanded. Luckily, there is still time to vote.
“Even though iShuttle ridership continues to grow by 10 percent per year, some Irvine residents oppose the iShuttle, saying that public transportation doesn’t pay for itself; that it’s subsidized; and that it’s just not suitable for Irvine, where most people rely on private automobiles. They believe that iShuttle service should be cut back or discontinued altogether.
“What Do You Think?”
Wow, there’s a loaded load of road apples. Does anybody have the absolute rider numbers?
I’m glad Tyler has been showing up with me and a few others at the Irvine Council meetings to mock Larry Agran at every turn regarding the wasting of over $200 million at the Great Park. That’s 740 eye pops for those counting at home. The final report will out soon, but look for raw depositions from some key players to start making their way into the local press as early as next week. Our new city attorney for the forensic audit announced this little gem at the past meeting and had Beth Krom squealing like a stuck pig that the media may get these depositions before the council gets them. She must know the jig will soon be up.
For those who haven’t been following this as closely and wanna get up to speed with what we have been dealing with, longtime Irvine resident John Jaeger has started a blog about the audit and his first post is great. The link is below.
I am still stunned that Agran filled out a speaker card to address the council. What a bafoon! As if he does not already have a platform on which to dispense his ideas. I think the Mayor handled the scene well, but Agran does not understand the First Amendment. One of the most interesting parts in the video of Agran’s stunt is when the camera (dramatically) pulled back to show the empty chamber. An interesting point of comparison between Irvine and a city like Anaheim, where the chamber is never empty.
If someone would please pick up the OJBlog mic that Mr. Lamb threw down, we’d greatly appreciate it.
Well, that was a nasty steaming pile, but then what can one expect from a “conservative activist,” those whose sense of ethics are lower than the average liar.
Let’s not forget that, but for Larry, we’d now have a massive airport at El Toro with flights destroying the quality of life over most of Southern OC. He’s also stood for decent humanitarian principles, an anathema to the average right wing douchebag. Thus the petty ad hominem attacks that we expect on places like Fox “news” and the OC Register op ed page.
Why this nasty little piece of bilge was allowed on this otherwise pretty good blog is beyond me.
Right on! They are calling from Stockholm. Larry’s Nobel Prize is waiting for him.
So, no chance of a coherent response, I see.
That was very coherent. Coherently sarcastic.
Your hero has been responsible for directing millions in no-bid contract work to his pals. It’s the greatest rip off in OC history – if you don’t count Pringle’s ARTIC.
I just got around to reading this today. There are a few things wrong here. Katherine Daigle was not a Agranista phony-Republican stealth candidate, I know her. She writes for this blog. Mainly because she’s not part of either big clique down there.
And it’s not a billion dollar balloon. And Chmielewski texted to bitch something about the gay flag being really an Italian world peace flag or something. I dunno what else, Irvine hurts my head…
You’re kidding, Vern!
You haven’t blocked Chumley?
But I enjoy my text conversations with the Chump! The last 3:
May 16
DC: Vern. I am reading your Norby piece. You are using my photo of Pam Keller without permission nor attribution. Please remove it at once / Dan.
VN: By and by… busy day … Good piece eh?
DC: He’s a piece of shit. Ask his other 3 wives.
DC (2 hours later): Meanwhile the photo is still up. I will send an invoice for unauthorized use if its not down shortly
VN: Dumb pic. Ok ok. But as a publicist I advise you that having a pretty woman up advertising your blog for free is never a bad thing. [parody of something he told me once]
DC: Your not a publicist and the photo is mine. It’s called IP theft.
VN: Whatever. There. Free ad for lib oc gone now. Carry on…
DC: I would turn down a free ad in Hustler too Vern
June 9
DC: Heads up. I’m told someone left a comment on your blog using the name DanC. Wasn’t me.
VN: I know. But it WAS someone putting us down and praising you so i didn’t figure you’d mind. You want me to change his name a little?
DC: Di what you want. Wasn’t me. Zenger knows nothing about me at all but defending my school years would make me sound like Al Bundy. loser
VN: Yeah pretty much everyone is smart enough to be able to tell it wasn’t you. I took it as “Dan C as topic.” Someone who says you have gainful employment and the rest of us don’t so I figured it was a friend of yours.
DC: Yep. I am sure it’s one of my MANY friends! I own a business and have 7 employees so does that mean I’m self-employed?
DC, later: Sarcasm.
and July 11
DC: You should be embarrassed by the number of errors Daniel Lamb made in his Agran post. A billion dollar ballon? The gay pride flag which is really an Italian world piece flag. Wow
VN: Have to admit, haven’t read Dan’s piece yet. I should. But we’ve got so many great ones the last few days, if you noticed. Send over one of your anonymous minions to correct and insult him.
DC: What anonymous minions? The ones who attack me?
VN: Wait a second – the people who attack YOU are not anonymous!
DC: Sure they are. Some of them.
Okay, other ones were better.
“DC: Di what you want. Wasn’t me. Zenger knows nothing about me at all but defending my school years would make me sound like Al Bundy. loser”
I know all about this poor non-athlete.
No, Dan C you would not sound like Al Bundy. Al Bundy once scored four touchdowns in a high school football game. You, however did a bang up job coaching that five year olds’ T ball team; that and a few games sitting in the Angel Stadium cheap seats, and knowing who the Hell Jim Fregosi was, of course = “business of baseball” expert.
Italian world piece flag…?
Gonna need help deciphering that one.
Oh. I accidentally left out the part where I razzed him about world piece, and he blamed it on auto-correct. Right. Like there’s any auto-correct that doesn’t know the word “peace.” Illiteratus.
A) Stop friggen distracting me! B) Stop distracting me with politics! C) It was a ‘PACE’ flag, but that is immaterial because the woman told the media that she hoisted it in solidarity with her “gay friends”. D) Am I the only one who thinks it is more significant what the Agranistas are NOT denying… and E) Thanks Dan C. for finally showing me the courtesy of using my name!!! 🙂
Could this hold a clue to what the Chumpster is getting at?
“And it’s not a billion dollar balloon.”
True, the whole thing was inflated.
haha… inflated! Well, yes, duh, “billion door balloon” was mere hyperbole, or it probably is in any event…the audit continues…
Vern! Always nice to get noticed! And with respect to Daigle, your contention is not mutually exclusive with mine; looks like we can all be made sheep from time to time.