The purpose of the federal government is to promote and protect the health, safety, and security of the American citizens. But what we have instead is a President who is KNOWINGLY, WILLINGLY, and INTENTIONALLY VIOLATING THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES by allowing illegal aliens to cross our borders with impunity!
This is NOT “a surge of undocumented immigrants” as the morally bankrupt mass media would have us believe. This is a SWARM (or FLOOD if you prefer) of ILLEGAL ALIENS seeking to take advantage of a sympathetic and inept President, thumbing their collective noses at our laws, in order to gain a foothold in our country where they will receive medical and numerous other benefits to which they are obviously not entitled. And with this SWARM of illegals will come the inevitable diseases and epidemics which they are so eager to share with the American people. And what will President Obama gain from this? Millions of future Democrat votes to transform the United States into a one-party dictatorship.
If this isn’t bad enough, now we have the testimony of a U.S. Border Patrol agent, Hector Garcia, who told CNN in a recent interview that the current chaos along our southern border is being “organized” and “orchestrated” by Mexican-based drug cartels, with the full knowledge and consent of the Obama administration! According to Garza, “we have a situation where the federal government is aiding, abetting, and facilitating” these illegal border crossings!
Make no mistake about it. This is TREASON, pure and simple. And one who perpetrates a treasonous act is, by definition, a traitor!
Don’t deceive yourself, Mr. Obama. You were NOT elected because people loved you. You were elected as a reaction to to the lies and deceit of war criminals George “Dubya” Bush and Dick Cheney. And you were ONLY re-elected because your opponent, Mitt Romney, was so out-of-touch with the American people.
The question, Mr. Obama, is not WHAT do with those who have crossed our borders illegally. The question is WHY they were allowed to cross our borders in the first place!
And the answer, Mr. Obama, is to get our troops OUT of Iraq and Afghanistan where they DON’T belong (and never did), and put them on our southern border where they DO belong. This should have been done months, if not years, ago. And WHY hasn’t your Department of Homeland Insecurity (sic) done it’s job? Are you simply waiting, Mr. Obama, for enough future Democrat voters to enter this country illegally before you will take action?
I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat, but I fully support the impeachment of this traitor, Barack Hussein Obama.
The Honorable Eddie Rose
Former Laguna Niguel City Councilman
“A Voice—Not an Echo”
I’ll be glad to begin with the first comment. Get this vermin out of my country immediately, then arrest Comrade O’CornCob for treason and high crimes and misdemeanors.
Pardon my naivete, but can you clue me in on the meaning of “O’CornCob”? Anybody?
I don’t know that name either. I am more concerned if it organic or GMO ‘OCornCob’.
The term is apparently derived “from the practice in the days of the outhouse of using dried corn cobs for toilet paper.”[4][5]
By the middle of the 20th century, the term was used among American criminals.[6] According to a 1944 report on same-sex prison rape, the term had taken on a more specific meaning of taking the penetrative role in anal sex.[7] It was also popularized in part through use in gay culture.[8][9]
In a similar context, a corn husk is a “condom, especially one manufactured for anal intercourse.”[10]
According to linguist Jonathan Lighter, to cornhole and variant non-derived synonyms have developed as compound verbs: to corncob [1975] and to corndog [1985].[11] Linguists have noted the verb form as an example of possible compound verbs in English. There is debate whether such words are genuine compounds or pseudo-compounds.[12]
That should take care of your naivete. LMAO
And this relates to President Obama how?
It has been rumored that Obama is gay.
Are you sure you live in California?
What does living in California have to do with rumors of Obama being gay?
Dumbest rumor I ever heard of too. Any idiot who thinks Barack is gay doesn’t know gay people.
Anon… I used to live in North Carolina in the 70s and I had trouble finding work because when prospective employers found out I was from California, they told me they didn’t hire pot smoking queers. Back then I was 18 and didn’t know what queer was other than unusual. Then I did get hired at a restaurant that was owned by a gay man and I learned real quick… he would tell me to come watch him “beat his meat.” in the kitchen… actually he was tenderizing a piece of meat and it was a gay food server who explained the whole “gay thing” to me. Back then people in those southern states believed all Californians were pot smoking gays… I am willing to bet that hasn’t changed much.
Back to Obama… I don’t care if he is or is not gay!!!! And anyone who is obsessed with that probably has (closeted) homosexual tendencies that he/she needs to come to terms with.
I would rather have a Flaming Queen sitting in the White House than some bigoted, self righteous asshole and I am talking to you Eddie Rose! Now put that in your ‘OCorncob and smoke it!
That information is for the term “cornhole”. Interesting how you left that part out.
Naivete not taken care of. LMAO
According to linguist Jonathan Lighter, to cornhole and variant non-derived synonyms have developed as compound verbs: to corncob [1975] and to corndog [1985]
to corncob…. see it?
I can’t believe I have to explain this. Geez….
Do you have a citation for this sense of “corncob” later than 1975? If not, at least that gives us a sense of the age of the person who came up with that winner.
“Fetch” is not going to happen.
Well thanks for explaining that with such a charming attitude!
I think that, 6 years into Obama’s presidency, we now have a pretty good idea of the general demographic profile of those who use terms like this and espouse views like Mr. Rose and Mr. Lowenstein.
Eddie Rose,
First of all, you may want to read my post about the 2008 Wilberforce Act requiring that unaccompanied minors from countries other than Canada and Mexico who cross our land borders receive due process — including the opportunity to make their case before an Immigration Judge — prior to removal from the country. Is it your position that Obama should not follow that law?
I don’t grant Agent Hector Garcia the enormous credibility that you must to make a charge of treason. And if drug cartels — rather than desperate Central American families — are indeed taking advantage if these laws, then that should be subject to a legislative fix.
People (including, for this purpose, corporations) have the right to take advantage of existing laws. (Ask Mitt Romney about that; he’s an expert.) And these are not necessarily “future Democratic voters”; they’re asylum applicants, who even if succesful in many cases may instead be granted deferral of removal.
Your use of animal terms to refer to children fleeing slavery and death, from a disaster that OUR “Drug War” and policies supporting brutal foreign dictatorships have largely created and definitely exacerbated, is disgusting. And, as you’re apparently scared of fleeing children, it should also be embarrassing.
Let’s see…by these standards, you’ve also supported the impeachments of Presidents Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter.
Well, at least you’re consistent! lol
*Dr. Rose…..”my nose is old friend of mine”…..and this entry does entirely stink. But that’s OK… long as you add Richard Nixon, LBJ, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush to the list of other Treason prone Chief Execs.
Abe Lincoln and George Washington for sure!
I still think Senior Bush should have been impeached for what was effectively a unilateral start of a war – “Desert Shield.”
Hmmm… as I remember, Saddam HAD invaded and taken over Kuwait. AND Bush I had a decent debate over it in Congress, WITHOUT an election coming up (in stark contrast to his son 12 years later.)
And even though I opposed it at the time, I realize now that it stopped Saddam from developing nukes. Maybe that’s all not enough to make it justifiable or legal. Maybe it just looks great in comparison to his son’s illegal adventures.
No, I’m not talking about Desert Storm, I’m talking about Desert Shield. Bush put all those troops in harm’s way. After that Desert Storm became inevitable.
A bilious rant just waiting to escape an overactive colon. Is there ANYTHING good inside of you? I really wanna know.
Does anyone have any idea what Eddie Lowenstein is referring to when he calls the President “O’CornCob”? First time I’ve ever seen that expression.
Maybe he made it up. I’m sure he thinks it’s clever and funny. Is corn on the cob a stereotype black food like fried chicken and watermelon?
Damn, now I’m hungry.
Wow! And I was accused of ‘ranting’ in some of my past posts. I had to chuckle when he signed, “The honorable Eddie Rose” at the end of his post. It gives me some ideas how to sign off on my future posts.
But seriously… I have mixed feelings as to what is going on at the border, but kids are the one who will suffer the consequences… they always do. All countries have closed borders. I still want to know who is coming up with the $3,000 to give to the coyotes… I don’t hear anyone in media asking that question.
I think the problems we see now have taken years in the making… calling each other names and screaming at each other won’t help anything. Listening without judging is a better way to go.
The same behavior is going on between Israel and Palestine…too much screaming and yelling and not enough listening and add a dose of “I am superior to you.” The difference is they are killing each other…will the same thing happen here soon?
I live in a condo complex with all sorts of people, some from different countries…we all want to live in peace and enjoy life and those who have kids…to see them grow up. Is that too much to ask?
I will admit I do not like Obamas way of leading but reading this post made me cringe. To me it is full of hate and that doesn’t solve anything…maybe I can offer him a nice fresh, organic smoothie to help him mellow out???
The current crisis has been years in the making.
The children riding the rails from the Southern border of Mexico, north through Mexico are being aided at some point, passively or actively and frankly, I don’t think it maters which, by the Mexican Govt., and perhaps others interested in facilitating their transportation.
I have been told by someone I know personally, that it is being orchestrated and his position is that it’s political in nature and there may also be cartel involvement in shared resources.
I have a HUGE problem that the media and Congressional representatives have not been allowed to interview and photograph this mess. If you want support, you need advertising and since when was the big O afraid to get on the stump and raise some money? How stupid is this adventure?
I certainly don’t think this one issue is enough to Impeach the great and powerful O, but the combined mess he’s made so far, perhaps…
BTW The first job of the federal govt should be, to protect and defend the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the level playing field of law for all. That is what they all take an oath to…
Current accusations about our President include: He is inept, over his head on most everything and Vladmir Putin has proven it seveal times this year; no, he is really devious, concocting ways to deliberately lead the country into international (Syria, spying on our allies as well as all of us) and domestic morasses (Spying on all of us again, immigration, Keystone pipeline, etc.) and show the world we are no longer a world leader in much of anything; his immigration strategy is to change economic and social demographics of the U.S. and thereby eliminate the middle class and his actions and inactions are achieving that goal; the latest public opinion poll shows he is ranked as the worst Democratic President ever, even lower than Jimmy Carter; he has yet to decide if his Presidential Library will be in Chicago or Kenya; etc. Take your pick. Or, maybe you have another one?
“Take your pick.”
I vote for Hawaii.
That’s a good choice, but it will be South Side Chicago and will be the hub of a larger project to bring tourists there. Which is as it should be.
Chemical weapons have been verified as having been removed from Syria.
That involved leadership that got Putin on board with the chemical’s removal.
All without putting boots on the ground and sacrificing American lives.
Some people are so blinded by partisanship, they can’t see reality.
P.S. – My guess is that the use of the words “A Voice-Not an Echo” is an adaptation of the title of the book written by Barry Goldwater as a tool in his 1964 Presidential campaign, that title being “A Choice, Not an Echo”. Just a little suspected factoid I thought I would pass along. Wonder where we would be today if Goldwater had made it to the White House back then?
Wow. Must be the supermoon magnifying the douchebag effect. At any rate, Americans have zero tolerance for self-reflection or questioning their infallible sense of American exceptionalism. And Goldwater sucked.
Greg Diamond
Posted July 13, 2014 at 1:00 AM
Do you have a citation for this sense of “corncob” later than 1975? If not, at least that gives us a sense of the age of the person who came up with that winner.
“Fetch” is not going to happen.
You libs are some of the laziest fucks on the planet.
Ever hear of google?
Here is what I found after a 30 second search…. lazy fuck.
Corn cob
A largely unpleasant person, usually male. A substitute for the word “faggot” that you can use to avoid sounding homophobic
Ex 1:
Person 1: Dude, Rocco is such a faggot!
Person 2: Hey, don’t say faggot. That’s rude. But I’ll agree, Rocco is a total corn cob!
Person 1: Um yeah…
You’re welcome.
I’m not opposed to citing the Urban Dictionary to explain the meaning of some slang.
In this case, however, (1) you cite the second proposed definition, (2) which does not say what you said it does, and (3) which has received what is by Urban Dictionary standards a pitiful 32 upvotes to 10 downvotes — that is to say, the presence of the proposed definition has barely registered there.
In contrast, you have registered here, but your presence has grown tiresome. You are wished into the corn.
That’s a real good thing you did Gregg, a real good thing.
Just to settle all the brouhaha, I don’t normally use the name O’CornCob when referring to the squatter @ 1600 however I was feeling kind that day.
Oh and Greg, just so you know my normal reference to the boy king is Comrade O’CornHole. heh heh!
Have a nice day!
Wow, you’ve really got all the hater lingo wired! What a classy distinction THAT is!
Hey, don’t forget your meds today!
Clive Bundy quote: “This land is your land….this land is my land….from California to the New York Island…….” Ooops…that was Woody Guthie wasn’t it? “Everything’s goin be plastic by and by……” don’t know who wrote that one!
*Boehner: “A Boy Named Sue!”? “Let My People Go!”….said Moses Malone!
[Hi, OJB. Get a load of this little gem I discovered not long ago on the big http://www.]
Revealed: The Destroyer of Obama’s Tyranny
(One of the following will stop the runaway train called “Obama” and will be famous forever! Check everyone listed and guess who will achieve this:)
A Republican; a Democrat; an Independent; a Chinese dissident; a Muslim jihadist; a talk show host; a teenager on meds; a movie star; a White House policeman; a Black rap artist; Michelle Obama; a Jewish columnist; a 90-year-old jogger; a death row inmate; YOU; a member of a Russian garden club; a Wall Street insider; a perennial lottery loser; a Secret Service agent; a recently discovered superbug; a vengeful pig farmer; a 105-year-old Tea Party member; a mad Army general; a gay alien from the Exonica Galaxy; the world’s first transgendered dog, or one of Obama’s live-in relatives.
(The correct answer, buried above, is three letters long and in caps. For more on the same tyrant, Google “The Background Obama Can’t Cover Up” and also “Coming to a theater near you: WHITE HOUSE-GROWN TERRORISTS starring Obaba Black Sheep…”)