Ahmed Abu Khattala – a name that will live in infamy!

Ahmed Abu Khattala was picked up by some of our Special Forces in Libya a couple of days ago.  Congressman Darrell Issa, Chairman of the Government Oversight Committee and the master of “the Baby Ruth in the Punch Bowl rhetoric”, immediately came out to state that “He could have been picked up six months ago – he even went to the mall!”.  For over two years Ahmed had been free to travel about Libya and chat up his dirty deeds about that infamous night in Benghazi when US Ambassador Chris Stevens was brutally killed along with three other US Citizens and Consulate defenders.    Ahmed even has a Libyan Face Book page.  Taking credit for hurting “The Great Satan” is always popular in the Middle East and Ahmed was just taking the opportunity, much as Jody Arias did to explain to his friends and neighbors that “The Devil Made me do it!”

Well, Ahmed is on his way to the good old USA for incarceration, detainment, judicial review and may in fact be facing the death penalty, unless he will give up about 35 of his dearest and close pals who helped him burn the Embassy Annex down, kill various American and Libya Militia forces and do harsh astrosities against the person of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens – himself.   Ahmed Abu Khattala, looks alot like Bowe Bergdahl’s dad – Bob!  Coincidence?  Who knows? Is Ahmed really just a patsy – that is being set up to take the fall for whole Benghazi mess – by the Libyan Government?  As Hillary Clinton takes her 2016 Presidential bid on the road to pump her book “Hard Choices”, Hillarys states:  “Oh, there are still a lot of unanswered questions about Benghazi!”  What is this?  Hillary is now a foil for Congressmen Trey Gowdy and Darrell Issa?  Good Grief Charley Brown!

Our questions are many: (1)  How many participants in the Benghazi Affair have been identified by the FBI?  How many are under surveillance?  How many are going to be prosecuted? (2)  How many participants in the Benghazi Affair do Congressmen Darrell Issa and Trey Gowdy know about.  How many names have been released to the Congress Oversight Committee, by whom and when? (3)  How many Fatwa’s were issued up to three weeks before the attacks on Tripoli and throughout Libya – prior to Benghazi?  What did these Fatwa’s call for?  The death of the Film Maker who created “The Real Life of Mohammed”, “Innocence of Muslims”…..or who?  Was Susan Rice actually correct when she reported the initial CIA intelligence reasoning on the Benghazi attack? (4)  How many different factions or Libyan Militia groups were vying for political advantage at the time of the Benghazi attack?  Which groups have prevailed over the last two years?

There is little doubt that the trial of Ahmed Abu Khattala will be in closed session.  No open court, no open press, all done behind a veil of so-called National Secruity and Secrecy – with back door deals abounding.  Ahmed Abu Khattala will not go to Gitmo.  Ahmed will be found guilty – after a perfectly fair trial of two to three years of agonizing legal shenanigans on both sides.  He may be executed in about 10 to 15 years.  They will probably assemble an “OJ Simpson type Dream Team of Lawyers” for this one.  Some legal careers will be made and we can look forward to seeing these future legal scholars as talking heads for the many legal issues that lay before us as a country.  So, is Ahmed Abu Khattala the gulity leader who grabbed up 140 of his close friends one Saturday night and thought:  “Our Militia needs some press, I hear the American Ambassador is having a coffee clatch at the US Embassy Annex on 9/11 and we have a seven country Fatwa – Let’s go kill some Americans!”?

The interesting part of this story is that several rhetorical questions will still need to be resolved well after this trail is over: (1)  Who is in charge in Somalia?  Somali Pirates or the Government? (2)  Who is in charge in the Sudan?  North, South, East or West Sudan or the roving militias that kill for religious reasons. (3) Who is in charge in Iraq?  ISISL, the Shia, the Syrians, The Iranians, the Sunni’s or the bankers in Abu Dabi? Are we letting Nuri Al-Maliki “twist in the wind”? (4)  If we want to keep our Embassy officials safe across the globe – do we remove them when things get iffy – or do we keep them engaged when they are in harms way?  (5) Who is in charge in Nigeria?  The Boko Haram (Translation: We hate the thought of western style schools!) or the Government of Nigeria?  How can young girls continue to be kidnapped, raped and killed in any society?

What is amazingly disturbing is that Congressman Darrell Issa and his harsh attitude toward anything Obama, refused to mention in passing that the United States Government knew the name of the Militia Group and the identities of the 140 who attacked our Embassy in Benghazi.  He didn’t have to name names….but he did have to tell the American people that every effort of the Government of the United States we being employed and that we had targeted these folks and were seeking their arrest and detainment.  Instead of focusing on the motivations and agenda of the Administration at the time of Benghazi – the focus should have been on those that were the perpetrators and their associations, to alert our intelligence community for future reference – if nothing else!

We seem to be living in a world of chaos, with huge segments of our global community totally dedicated to revolution and violence.  From Thailand to South America to Ukraine to Africa there is plenty of violence and chaos to go around.  As the saying goes:  Follow the money or lack of it and you may find the basic reasons for the Global unrest.  Can the IMF and Goldman-Sachs be major contributors to this process?  Who knows?

Finally, we do need to know:  Why did it take so long to arrest Ahmed Abu Khattala?  Was he truly the leader of that bad guy group or is/was he merely a patsy?  What was the name of his Militia again?  Who were his associated Groups?   Ahmed Abu Khattala – a name that will live in infamy!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk show...is the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.