A California lawmaker introduced a bill to require food companies to label “sugary” drinks with a warning label. State Senator Bill Monning, the author of the bill told a reporter from Reuters, “When the science is this conclusive, the state of California has a responsibility to take steps to protect consumers.”
Anyone who knows me (even a little bit) knows that I am an advocate for living a healthy lifestyle and that includes eating healthy foods. At the same time I don’t think a warning label will change the habits of the typical American who enjoys eating the typical Standard American Diet (SAD).
Food companies know darned well what they are doing when it comes to selling their (junk) foods. They spend millions if not billions of dollars to figure out what kinds of tastes will keep their customers coming back for more and that’s the mainstay for any business isn’t it? They need repeat customers and what better way to get customers coming back for more than saturating drinks with sugar (real and fake).
Sugar is addicting. I think everyone knows that…but it just tastes soooo good! We don’t see the health problems that sugar causes us until we have a health crisis, like Type II Diabetes. I think we need more education about how our food choices effect our health.
Do you know that you have to walk a brisk thirty five minutes to walk off the 162 calories you just drank in a 12 ounce can of soda? I know someone who drinks a six pack of Coke everyday and takes four different medications to remain mentally “stable.” I am willing to bet if he stopped drinking all that soda, he wouldn’t have to take all those meds.
Thirty-three percent of the sugar we consume comes from drinks. The rest is hidden in foods we don’t even think about. The majority of sugar in packaged foods and soft drinks is genetically modified (GMO). If the label says “sugar” it’s from a sugar beet which is GMO… its not even real sugar!
For those of you believing you are better off drinking diet soda– keep fooling yourself. Artificial sweeteners are made from a shit storm of chemicals causing all sorts of other health problems. How many of you have witnessed someone order a bacon cheeseburger with chili cheese fries and a diet Coke? Do they look in the least bit healthy to you? I’m guessing the answer is “no.” Those people are only fooling themselves in to thinking they are eating somewhat healthy.
Sugar effects our waistline and our brain functions. How many of you are eating boxes of candy (since it’s Valentines Day today) and later on will feel sleepy? It’s the sugar messing with your head… but I am hoping you already know that.
If we already know that sugar is bad for us, then why did the average American consume 162 pounds last year? Last year New York City Mayor Bloomberg tried to get sugary drinks over sixteen ounces banned. People revolted. They don’t want government in interfering with their right to eat or drink what they want…but they do apparently want cheap medical care when they get sick.
I stopped eating junk foods and that includes soda and anything with sugar over three years ago…but I do occasionally eat a small piece of chocolate or cupcake. Guess what! Two hours later I am craving another piece! The craving for sugar does not go away. Our bodies like sugar, but look at what its doing to our health and our children’s health.
I have watched so many people over the years take endless bottles of prescription medications and continue to eat the foods that got them sick in the first place. It doesn’t make sense to me.
We don’t need a warning label, we need a paradigm shift in how we see food and the connection between disease and junk foods. Children should be educated how making healthy food choices will keep them healthy. Eating healthy foods make you feel better.
I am also aware that what I am saying is blasphemy in the eyes of corporations who make billions of dollars each year selling us foods that make us sick. The soda manufacturing companies need to keep selling us sodas. Who cares if it’s making us fat or sick? That’s more revenue for the health industry! And how much money did Weight Watcher’s rake in last year? The numbers aren’t in for 2013 but they made $253 million in 2012. I met someone the other day who has been going to their meetings for ten years and jokingly admitted that he has lost thousands of pounds. What a racket!
I am not against labeling foods. We need to be aware of what we are buying so we can make a conscious decision. I don’t understand why a warning label about the effects of sugary drinks is important to Senator Monning. There is so much other fraud going on in the food industry right now that I think it is more important to expose and legislate that. Do you know there are foods in your grocery store that are deceptively labeled? I plan to write more about that in another post.
If we don’t change our eating habits and go outside and exercise we will die much sooner than we should. Do we really need a warning label telling us that the drink we just bought is bad for our health? I don’t think so. We need to take responsibility for the choices we make, especially when it comes to food.
The “taking responsibility” trope is fine and all, but look–as you pointed out, the food corporations spend billions in research to create addictive products, and to market the stuff. If it didn’t work, then the money wouldn’t be spent–so I don’t think it’s a fair fight.
Thus, I’m fine with taxes and warnings to combat the powers that be. If they want to try and sell us the “personal responsibility” excuse, then fine–stop advertising your garbage and let’s see what happens.
I think food labels and warnings work.
A few years ago I was with some friends and somebody suggested stopping at the Cheesecake Factory for some cheesecake. It was right after the mandatory calorie labeling took effect and WOW. Just seeing that slice of cheesecake with a card that said; “1150 calories” was enough to stop us in our tracks. If you go to a chain restaurant and read the calorie counts they are eye-popping and sometimes surprising. Many items that one might think would be a good choice can be very bad indeed.
Many, maybe even most folks in this country have no idea what a good diet is or how many calories they should eat or how much sugar is in a soda. ANYTHING we can do to help educate them and discourage bad choices is a good thing in my book.
Some of us actually need some of those cheap calories. I’m not over weight nor am i addicted to sugar, I could use a slice of cheesecake every day, at least until I can gain some weight back. Why should I have to pay more or suffer abuse because of that?
I don’t need some nanny state ragging on me all the time, that’s for sure, but I do like seeing the calorie content so I can get as much bang for my buck as I can these days.
Yeah, it’s all about you Carl.
The poor suffering right winger–the tragedy of our times.
Shh — our friend Carl really is sick. And he’s a nice right-winger.
AND he’s actually agreeing with you guys on labeling. Take a chill pill you two.
Vern, Thanks!
It’s ok, I am agreeing on labeling, always have. BTW That’s how I make a living, the label business…if I can ever get back to work again.
Sometimes I have to laugh, seems it doesn’t matter what’s said but who says it means more to some people than the message.
Well, ok, but I do tire of the ubiquitous use of “nanny state.” I’d rather see more concern about the corporate greedmongers who are concerned about profits, nothing else.
Really Vern?
Carl’s “Why should I have to pay more or suffer abuse because of that?” and “I don’t need some nanny state ragging on me all the time” comments are OBVIOUSLY so supportive of food labeling.
I guess rap and I are just too obtuse for this blog. We need to learn not to criticize or comment on OJ’s right-wingers (and whatever it is that Inge is ( I don’t even think she knows what she believes) no matter what crazy incoherent or non-sensical shit they write.
Um… the two sentences you quoted are dumb and paranoid, yes, in my opinion as well, but read the comment again – I don’t think I need to interpret it for you – it is pro-labeling.
You don’t just SKIM things you respond to, do you? Bad habit…
And to blow that up to you guys are not allowed to “criticize” our right-wingers – Jesus, you’re better than that. Criticize away! Based on what they actually say, though…
Yeah, he “agrees,” but only for back-ass ward reasons. We label foods so people can make good informed choices NOT because some aberrant individual wants or needs to shovel all the fat and sugar into their gullet that they can.
Carl’s reasoning is not unlike Inge’s, which can be summed up as “it’s all about me”, hence my comment.
Perfect reasons – everyone has the right to know what’s in the food they buy. Should NOT be a left-right issue, so let’s be glad when it isn’t!
I’m not making it a left-right issue (you’re the one that introduced that) only a solid reasoning one.
Carl and Inge are making the argument that that we should only legislate something if it is helpful to them personally.
Inge knows about sugar thus why label it, but Inge’s concerned about GMOs so that labeling would be good and helpful legislation. Carl doesn’t like the “nanny state” but calorie labeling helps him, so it’s okay. I’m just saying that these two need to look further than the end of their noses when it comes to advocating or disagreeing about what makes good public policy.
*Diet Coke….kills? You betcha….anyone that first ingested that crap back in the 70’s knew something was very wrong. Making you drink more part of the formula for success? Making people fat and cancer victims? You bet. What has the shelf live of strontium 90?
Most of the American food supply. After Anna had her Breast Cancer Lumpectomy in November …we were forced to re-examine our diet. The first thing we did was go to Mothers and get 80 PH strips. This tests your Akaline/Acid balance. Remember high school Chemistry – this stuff still works. You can get the ones that work with urine or saliva. $9 Bucks. Everyone usually has an acid system when they wake up in the morning, but on the second pee of the day…..you should be 7.0 or above. Water is PH Neutral….7.0. If not, and you are still acid, you have a fertile ground for growing cancer. Cancer does not grow in Alkaline environment. Next, we started looking at everything that had Soy in it. Soy creates estrogen hormone and cancer: Do not look at your Girl Scout Cookies this year……they are worse than Oreo’s, Ritz Crackers, Cheese-its and Bisquick combined. No Soy Protein, Soybean Oil, Soybean Lecithin, Hyrdrogenated Canola, Soy or Vegetable Oil. Even the Vitamin E listed on each product is made from Soybean. The FDA, recently has declared that Soybean products must be listed as allergenic. The new Cherrios that are coming out in a couple of months will say – just above the Consumer telephone number: No GMO Products are used in this product and this product contains NO Soy Products. How in the world our food got this way is pretty easy: Shelf Life. Products that used to last days, weeks or months – now last for years due to the amounts of added cancer inviting chemicals. Remember the days when cookies used the following products: Wheat, Eggs, Butter? Three not 23 products. Check out the number of chemicals that are being used in Lorna Doone cookies. Check all the Junk Foods – so far the best ones we can find are certain pretzels and Cheetos (which does have Monosodium Glutamate). Check each product you buy, especially breakfast cereals. This would truly be shocking if you merely looked at the same product (name) being created in foreign countries with a completely different formula.
Ron & Anna,
You have no idea how happy I am to hear that you took charge of your health. You are so right! Alkaline is the key to good health! I am certain that eating a steady diet of genetically modified foods gave me rectal cancer. I thought the corn chips, soy products and dairy were a healthier choice to other foods. I had no idea they were ‘fake” foods because they were NEVER labeled! I ate them daily for 8 years before I was finally diagnosed with Stage 4 rectal cancer. It nearly killed me but since it didn’t I will continue to fight Monsanto and other companies who make GMOs.
I strongly believe that Monsanto and their friends are fighting labeling because they know they can be tracked…meaning its easier to determine and prove that the person ate their poisoned foods when the food is labeled.
Sugar is definitely bad for us but I think a bigger threat are GMOs. Chemical companies are all about making money and they could care less if they are killing us to make a profit. If you get a chance watch the movie, “The Idiot Cycle.” You can stream it on line. It exposes the chemical companies who make the GMOs AND the prescription drugs that they make to deal with the illnesses THEY created! They have us coming and going!
I tell everyone and anyone who will listen what eating that poison did to me. These days I do not eat anything processed… I don’t care what the label does or does not say. I am vegan. I am still alive almost 3 years after being declared cancer free…BUT my life has changed forever. I don’t want others to suffer the way I did.
Putting a warning label on soda probably is a good idea… BUT why won’t Congress push to have GMOs labeled???? Is the chemical giant Monsanto a bigger influence over Congress than the sugar industry??? There is GMO sugar beet sugar in those sodas….
*We love you Inge……right on!
*Inge forgot a biggie. The Girl Scouts are selling their cookies right now and we bought one box of Thin Mints…..our used to be favorites. Tell everyone you know not to buy any of this poison. It has literally everything you never should eat; all the soy products, the hydrogentaed oils…..and the list goes on and on. Tell them to pick up a box and read the ingredients. Why would the Girl Scout Council sell this poison?
*We also didn’t mention parabens and a variety of other very toxic ingredients in lotions, toothpaste, hair shampoo and conditioners and the list just goes on and on. Why is Cancer up after 40 years of War on Cancer? Why do most people that use Chemo, Radiation and Tamoxifen last no longer than those that dont? Why are side effects still rampant on drugs over 40 years old and without the ability to buffer those side effects?
Watched a McMillian and Wife episode the other day. Mrs. McMillian was visiting a guy in jail…….this is in the 70’s – She said: “Here, I brought you an organic apple….they are supposed to taste better than the regular kind. But I can’t tell the difference!”
Welcome to GMO World folks where Roundup pesticide is added to every Soy Product in North America. Those same Tomatoes that used to last four days…now last for several weeks……..of course, you can’t really digest poison as easily as you can real food…eh? That process may take weeks, months or years too!
Child obesity: Study suggests training kids to pay less attention to food might help them eat less.
Among the multiple factors that can cause obesity is an abnormal neurocognitive or behavioral response to food cues. The brain becomes wired to seek – and expect – greater rewards from food, which leads to unhealthful overeating.
…In a novel study published this week in the journal Appetite, Kerri Boutelle, PhD, professor of pediatrics and psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, and colleagues report using a single session of attention modification to decrease overeating in obese children….
Amazingly, Soy Lecithin is the chemical that can make those abnormal neurocognitive behaviors ….go off the rails. Look it up yourself..
Yes, it might help. But please admit that spending vast amounts of money in the shameless marketing to create addictive behavior is far more effective.
This makes no sense, we should go after the soda kings and those awful people that drink this stuff, because it is nothing but sugar water and devoid of any nutritional value.
But smoking marijuana is just fine, we should sell it, smoke it, eat it, and more importantly tax it, ridiculous.
Why is there no issues with government ready to control your food and drink, but not with controlled illegal substances?
And what about smoking pot, shouldn’t this be illegal, the government has penalized shops, bars, homeowners for smoking legal cigarettes.
“Go after?” Aren’t they talking about just labeling? And it would be perfectly legal? While marijuana, would be heavily regulated, and not sold to kids? You’re losing your perspective.
what about the natural juices? they all contain 10% or higher sugar naturally. we have regulations that requires them to meet certain brix or sugar levels, while this is bill limits those sugar added beverages to only about 5.25% to have only 75 calories in 12 oz. If these beverages are bad for teeth and causes diabetes or obesity, what about those natural juices?
If this bill is passed it will promote the use of artificial sweeteners to give the right sweetness and this is probably going to lead into another warning.. soon our food labels will be meaningless.
what causes tooth decay is the acid from the beverage, as well as the acid from microbial fermentation of sugar in the mouth during inactivity or sleeping , or from the lack of mouth hygiene.. etc. Not rinsing or brushing the teeth is the cause; sugar is not the only one that turns into acid when fermented. sugar is not any worse than simple carbs for people with diabetes.
I totally agree on the whole warning labels thing, but if we put warning labels on sodas, what will we put it on next? Sugar is in everything!
Did you know that there is over half the amount of sugar in an apple than a can of soda?(but there are also other nutrients in an apple)
Apple or Apple Juice? Apple. There are lots of nutrients in apples and apple juice, but the sugar in apple juice goes straight down to your liver.