For whatever reason or none, there seems to have been some excess of Holiday Mirth in the Kleptocrat Universe these last couple days, leading the Pringle Ring’s two main Blog Shills to attempt – each in his own way – that difficult, ephemeral thing we humans call “humor.”
At the Liberal OC, Dan Chmielewski brought on the funny over the weekend with a little piece entitled “The Happy Puppet(s).” The title refers to what Dan considers an embarrassing episode in the public speaking career of our own Greg Diamond – Greg’s whimsical but educational use of finger puppets in an exegesis of the Anaheim Council’s outrageous Angels giveaway, which Dan supports; as well as Dan’s hysterical plan to give the Eli Home some money and finger puppets in Greg’s name (which of course Dan never actually got around to doing.)
The bulk of Dan’s piece is an account of the fun he had at Jordan Brandman‘s Wednesday fundraiser to retire his debt from his record-breaking 1/2-million dollar council campaign. (Wait – Jordan’s got CAMPAIGN DEBT, after all the money Disney and the Chamber poured into him?) And the gist of Dan’s piece is that he supports Brandman no matter what Brandman does and there’s nothing you can do about it, nyahnyahnyah; and also mainly that lotsa Democrats hate Greg and love Dan and Jordan.
It’s easy to believe and understand why a lot of Democrats don’t like Greg – that’s what happens when you’re the conscience of the Party. But while Dan was busy dancing a happy fat-man jig fantasizing that anyone on God’s green earth actually likes him, he neglected to ask Jordan a few questions that I certainly would have if I had Jordan’s ear. For one thing, why did this supposed Democrat represent himself on the Citizens Advisory Council with a woman – Amanda Edinger – who hates Mexicans so much that her Facebook page as far back as you can see has been dedicated to the cause of denying them citizenship? (Dan actually promised our Ricardo Toro LONG AGO that he’d get an answer to that.)
Also Dan might have asked why was this supposed good Democrat Brandman so insistent on giving away $158 million to a millionaire developer crony with absolutely no guarantee that the jobs building that taxpayer-subsidized luxury hotel would be union, OR local? And Dan also may have asked what’s so democratic about Jordan’s constant attempts to stifle dissent on the dais? (Dissent which these days comes ONLY from Mayor Tait.) My suggestion of these questions on Dan’s blog was met with more typical hilarious Chmielewski humor – a link to some country song asking me not to “get drunk on Christmas!”
The feud between Dan and Greg brings up lots of interesting issues actually, starting with what does it mean to be a Democrat? (Similar questions could be asked on the Republican side.) Are there actual Democratic values, and what are they? Or is a Party just a club, where you unquestioningly support anyone the club picks no matter what their values are? And oppose anyone from the other club even if they represent your club’s values better than your own club’s pick? And are some Democratic values more important than others, particularly in a local office? Should we support a Democrat whose main function 90% of the time is bleeding public, taxpayer money to further enrich the already wealthy, just because he’s pro-choice and pro-gun control? And how is Jordan anything more than a Republican who happens to like abortion and want your guns?
Well, to move from the ridiculous and disgusting to the simply evil, Matt Cunningham – the actual paid propagandist of Anaheim’s kleptocracy – saw his own chance at belly laughs on the day after the four-year anniversary of the police shooting of Theresa Smith’s son Caesar Cruz, when he came across this burnt, torn-up teddy bear outside City Hall. Since Matt always complains that I write about what he does without calling him, sometimes even speculating wrongly on his motives (“Hey I was there, you weren’t,” he likes to say) I did him the courtesy of asking for his account of how he came to create this breathtaking satirical photo essay.
Good thing, too – I was ready to assume he was with a friend or two, who thought it would be a real LAFF RIOT to go and get religious votive candles and pose them by this messed-up bear in a clever parody of the shrines our Latino neighbors put up when one of theirs gets shot by a policeman or gangster. It turns out, according to Matt, he did it ALL BY HIMSELF. Went to the store, got candles, came back, set them up, LIT THEM, probably grinning and chuckling to himself, and clicked this photo. Were there passersby and did they stare at him like he was insane? Matt won’t say:
He then accompanied these side-splittingly funny images with a couple of parody quotes from some usual targets of his ridicule, Jose Moreno and Answer LA. When the world discovered his nauseating post and the firestorm of outrage hit (and the only folks vouching for its humor were his usual anonymous commenter trolls) he churned out a desperate self-defense:
[NOTE TO READERS ]: A few humorless leftists have read the post and taken exception, so let me say a few things. I found the teddy bear as is on the sidewalk (the candles being the only added touch) – never touched it, never moved it. This post is satire. The subject is the leftist tendency to feed off of tragedies of violence – to contend they have wider social and political meaning behind themselves and exploit them to push their politics and usually a specific policy agenda. Frankly, I expected this reaction from some of these very commenters, given they lack a sense of humor about their politics.
[“Note to readers,” duh – nervous redundancy? And “humorless leftists” like Dave Zenger and Cynthia Ward?] So there you have it – Matt’s self-justification for making a joke out of the mourning customs of the folks who have lost so many kids over the last few years to Anaheim police brutality. We already knew what kind of a person Matt was, he has shown it time and again over the years, at least as far back as when he “outed sex-abuse victims™.”
But it does leave us with a big question – it’s been established that the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce funds this poisonous blog of his, which spends most of its time propagandizing for the Chamber’s interests. But how is this lampooning of murdered young men and the mourning customs of their families and friends in the Chamber’s interests?
We Jerbal-watchers HAVE noticed that this has been a SECONDARY theme of Matt’s blog from the beginning – the trashing of murdered minority youth and their families, and the uncritical celebration of aggressive policing. You may remember Matt’s cheerleading of disgruntled Anaheim police sergeant Tony Montanarella’s Register column – the one that ripped acting Chief Quezada for supposedly “catering to a very angry, vocal minority with political agendas at the expense of the overwhelming majority of the population we serve who support us and appreciate what we do.” Could it be that Matt’s blog is ALSO funded – THROUGH the Chamber – by the police union, the APA? Something else we are looking into. Expound on that more, Cynthia, if you care to.
UPDATE: Matt has taken his offensive story down, with a weepy misunderstood note that you can suffer through at the old link. I find the whole thing an instructive episode. You? I still have screen shots too, for what that’s worth. Oh, I neglected to mention – Dan Chmielewski’s reaction to my outrage over Matt’s piece? Once again, a link to the country song asking me not to “get drunk on Christmas!” Two peas in a pod, those two.
“.. an embarrassing episode in the public speaking career of our own Greg Diamond ..”
Lady Godiva wasn’t embarrassed about riding naked through the streets to achieve political reform — and neither am I embarrassed about publicizing Anaheim’s problems in a attention-getting way.
(Had I been riding through the Council chambers naked on a horse, though, I admit that I would have been embarrassed.)
Is there a particular reason that JB was represented by your middle finger?
He’s tall. Didn’t you listen to the narrator?
(Also — someone had to be, eh?)
Vern: You’re being WAY too kind to Matty by believing his bullshit story. He didn’t move the bear, he says? Then how did it move from the top of the concrete ledge to the floor?
If in his view that bear represented the murdered youth in Anaheim, my guess is that Matt was only saying that he didn’t touch it with his hands.
He probably kicked it.
Bloviator: Kudos to you for a well-placed bon mot!
Isnt it about time you guys cease hostilities?
We’d need to find a common enemy.
Dan C fits that description to a T.
Dan C is not worthy. Dan C has no power.
The Anaheim kleptocracy fits the description to a T.
Yeah, and the little puffs of ripped out stuffing just happened to be lying just so. in front of City Hall.
Of course his story is bullshit back peddling, but really, mocking the memorials to dead people? And then somehow pretending he was making fun of liberals in a witty political satire?
Vern, you are right. Humor is hard. It should be left to those who can do it, not to former high school Young Republicans or police union leaders, apparently.
“Good thing, too – I was ready to assume he was with a friend or two …”
Whoa, there — Cunningham? As many as two friends? You’re being far too generous with those assumptions!
“Clients” or “temporary political allies for precisely as long as the duration of his current contract” would be more believable.
Ah, Biff, I miss your comments.
Is Brandman wearing a skirt? Yikes.
And hovering behind him in the shadows, his portly but graceful Svengali. I love that picture more and more.
I’ve heard Jordan Brandman called “the future of the Democratic Party” plenty of times before — but never Curt Pringle. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry — so I’ll do both.
Oh, and BTW, Vern the cop union and the Kleptocracy are joined at the hip. In practical terms there may be no difference. You’ll notice how the union invariably supports whomever Pringle has anointed to run for the city council. And remember when the union boss wrote a dopey letter opposing the termination of the Chamber of Commerce contract with Anaheim’s crony capitalist Enterprise Zone scam?
The Anaheim police seem to resent the relatives of people they shoot – especially when things like memorials keep popping up to remind people of the dead.
The more I think about it the more I think the teddy bear mutilation was conceived by Condon & Co. – along with Cunningham – who is just happy to have somebody he can hang out with.
The post at the Chamber of Commerce’s blog is gone. It was a tasteless one. Placing the Virgen of Guadalupe candle holder was too much. It was bad enough that this “satire” was done a few days after the anniversary of a fatal police shooting.
Next time he should get it before people get their screen caps.
Toro, I thought the same thing, given that Thursday was Dia De Lavirgen De Guadalupe, which is a most sacred Holiday to Catholics, especially those of Mexican descent like Laura “Salcido” Cunningham. But, again, this guy publicly shamed child rape victims, so why would making fun of the Mother of Jesus be out of line.
As for Dan,like one of his nemesis on another blog said: “I find it peculiar that people like them (Dan C. and another mental midget) find it necessary to post pictures of themselves with politicians, movie stars and others that can validate their importance, the commenter called it the: “LOOK AT ME, I’M IMPORTANT” syndrome. Chmielewski’s posts and comments reek of this attribute, “My Client’s” or “…attending a business meeting in Downtown LA”.
He’s a joke.
This PR couple is in sync even when taking post or comments down. The link to the song “get drunk on Christmas” is also gone in the pro-business dem’s blog…
Well it is is amazing the criteria used to censor comments at the LOC, “Gattis EX Wife” can pot about child incest. That’s OK. “Design’s Child” Posts offensive racially derogatory comments about Sean Mill’s girlfriend. That’s OK. “Jose S.” Hopes people get raped! Yep.
But ask about Prevatt’s Alex ego “Joe Hill” or question Beth Krom’s ethics or even bashing Jordan’s detractors but criticize him:
These guys all play from the same bag of tricks: Project, Ignore, Deny and then Whitewash and SPIN.
I know for a fact that the Chamber has a very, very tight leash on Matt and monitors/censors all his activity on the blog. And the post was up for a long time… And the theme was one for which he was hired to expound upon. (Yes, we can go there now because things are getting real.)
But the timing… Today, the council is discussing the lease, and it’s hard to imagine a time when that Mayor will have more momentum on the issue.
There is an organized effort on the right to convince people that if the deal with Moreno does not go through, the area will be filled with affordable housing. In other words…. You fill in the blank.
At the same time, the Chamber is practically begging Latinos to march on City Hall.
Jesus Christ! (And that was a prayer for Anaheim, not an expletive.)
This is scary crazy stuff, even for Anaheim.
If anything it looks like Matt botched the job. And a good thing too, someone could have been killed.
Well… I wouldn’t be so scared, takes a hell of a lot more than a tasteless blog post to wake up the sleepy masses. And it’s often considered a good thing when they do wake up.
But one thing I skipped in my story was the chronology here. Matt’s story went up on Thursday. Hardly anybody saw it because it’s not that well read of a blog. A couple of Matt’s anonymous groupies (assuming they’re not Matt himself) gave little chuckles. Gabriel San Roman, whose lens is mainly racial, dinged Matt as a bigot for making fun of Mexicans, which of course Matt can always say my damn wife’s Mexican. (I actually don’t mind him making fun of Mexicans as long as he would spend at least as much time making fun of the much more powerful White race, which of course he never will.)
It was David Zenger who e-mailed me about the post on Saturday, or I would never have seen it. I told Greg and some others and immediately Matt was inundated with outraged comments. I know he only approved half of them. Monday I wrote my story and his came down.
I don’t know though, this whole thing was too sloppy and dumb, and just reflective of Cunningham’s mean heart. I don’t think we can build some kind of conspiracy out of it.
Perhaps not, though it does fit a pattern of exploitation:
The Hate Speech thing
We want a park, not a power plant
Keep the Angels
Why did it stay up so long? Even if it was Thursday, the logical day for a protest would be today. You don’t think it was meant to be decisive? A distraction? What do you think the Chamber folks thought when it went up? Matt new exactly what he was doing, he admitted it…
Perhaps the Chamber did not intend to provoke a riot, but they knowingly risked doing so to put themselves in a better position.
Vern, sloppy and dumb don’t begin to capture the twisted quality of this stunt. And it was a stunt, meant as a very childish challenge to Anaheim’s police critics.
I don’t believe anybody was trying to provoke a riot. There are easier ways to do that if you’ve got a badge and a gun.
Vern you forget that Cunningham has lost the ability to form independent thought absent a paycheck and a work order. The commodity he is selling is his keyboard and a shocking ability to disregard any previously held opinions in favor of the paycheck of the month, So when he posts anything to the website he is clearly paid to maintain, I assume he is “working”…if not he might post disclaimers showing which articles reflect the opinions of his corporate sponsors and which do not. But then he would have to disclose his corporate sponsors or even, for that matter, admit to their existence.
As far as I am concerned, everything written on that site is the work of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce, and approved by its CEO/President and the Board of Directors. Since Matt shields the identity of his anonymous “writers” he has essentially said we need not bother ourselves with who they are, HE knows who they are and he vouches for them, otherwise why give them a set of keys to the family car? I also assume the Chamber is aware of their identity and approves of their written material, otherwise why pay the man?
We need to put the responsibility for these hateful rants on the shoulders of those responsible, and that is the CEO/President of the Chamber, Todd Ament, and the Board of Directors of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce, who are responsible for overseeing his work product. Without them the website would not exist. Period. It is time for them to own that.
Things are moving your way, Lady Ward.
One more thing… Vern, can you find out where Lorri Galloway is? Remember her? I’m trying to play nice, but it looks like she is adopting the Jordan Brandman guide to Anaheim politics. Reasonable enough I guess, as long she stays in public-sector labor union’s pocket. And I really hope those guys are working on the right side this time.
Hm … LoGal .. dunno if she’s still speaking to me. (He says, the morning after playing piano for the Tait fundraiser.)
I saw the same sort of thing the other night at the lakers game,,,only the bear was wearing a lakers jersey with “24” on it. one and four since kobe’s return,,,i think that they need more than a shrine on the sidewalk
How does anyone think it’s funny to mock victims of police brutality? You’ve hit another new low Matt. Oh and thanks for that brilliant outreach to Hispanics.
Look, Matt – another humorless, PC leftist!
That’s one of the problems I have with this whole Cunningham trope – he’s mocking the “Left.”
What’s going on in Anaheim – from crony capitalism to police shootings aren’t left-right issues, really. It’s a fake and cynical formula devised for effect.
Real conservatives do not condone cops unanswerable to civilian authority, and they do not condone handing off public assets to rich people.
Cunningham’s excuses and apologies are worthless.
We now know what his employers think about the people who live in Anaheim: we are working on their plantation.
From Salon:
Damn, that really sounds familiar.
That is crap – Kelly was responding to a lady (who happens to be black) that Santa Claus should be black. Did you see that part?
No, the critic was saying that Santa Claus should be represented by a non-human creature (as is done with the Easter Bunny) such as a penguin, which would take away the “ownership” of that figure by any specific racial group.
There are no penguins at the North Pole.
That could be part of the big reveal to children — in science class.
And come to think of it Santa is referred to as a jolly old elf – clearly a non-human.
“Or is a Party just a club, where you unquestioningly support anyone the club picks no matter what their values are? And oppose anyone from the other club even if they represent your club’s values better than your own club’s pick? And are some Democratic values more important than others, particularly in a local office? Should we support a Democrat whose main function 90% of the time is bleeding public, taxpayer money to further enrich the already wealthy, just because he’s pro-choice and pro-gun control? And how is Jordan anything more than a Republican who happens to like abortion and want your guns?”
BAM. That sums it up nicely, Vern.
More salt and less water in your soup, DPOC.
Typical … this story’s gone national, on the Huffington Post:
… which credits The Voice of OC story…
As always we get no respect. I post this story 3:30 pm, Matt removes his story around 6, Voice story goes up at 10pm. All I’m saying…
“A prophet is without honor is his own land.” (Not that I’m comparing you to Jesus or anything. Hmmm, how do I take this comment down?)
The irony here is Matt cut his political teeth working on Mike Huffington’s failed senate campaign way back when.
Of course he “had no inkling” that Mr. Huffington was a homosexual, struggling with a “Daddy” complex of his own.
The way life circles around is great. The internet maniacs at that place will vilify him, further cementing his place. Like I said, With High Hewitt as a friend/mentor Matt is EXACTLY where he wants to be.
Voice is on the news wire . The only local blog to get that honor. Not a slam against you Vern, just a what it is.
Let’s not forget that before he blogged for profit for the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce ( and the OC GOP (www.REDCOUNTY.COM) he was paid to establish a Catholic Blog in the heat of battle with the rape victims he outed, the lawyers gunning for the church: ( ) .
But, I believe Matt to better at the game then you’all and suspect he’s got you right where he wants you. Positioning WHITE voters against disenfranchised BROWN residents who can’t/don’t vote. This will be ONE of the mechanism’s employed.
As for the VOC’s picking this up, I doubt it will have an impact, they can get 400 OCEA members to log on if it affects their pay, six selected Santa Ana (or Orange) residents to comment endlessly about Pulido, but the reach is quite limited. Given their poor track record of independence, I suspect this remains a “blog” issue and never reaches the 150,000 voters of Anaheim.
I put this up on Matt’s page. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, but I do think that we’re missing an opportunity to discuss the importance of memorials to the community that they serve.
Tearing Matt down is a short term high without a long term payout. Using this to celebrate the diversity of Anaheim’s traditions is just the opposite.
Maybe it’s small comfort, but one white guy in Fullerton has more perspective than he did yesterday.
“Alright folks. It was a mistake. I think a little more reflection is in order and a little less vitriol.
For starters, this is an opportunity to recognize there are differences in Anaheim. Big ones. Dialogue, even bad dialogue, bridges rifts.
We can either use this as an opportunity to widen the gap or to close it.
The next time I see a memorial, which is a tradition that I have never practiced or understood, I’ll spend more than a casual second noticing it’s there. I’ll remember that someone’s heart was broken, that life is short, and that perhaps my priorities that day weren’t what they should have been.
Kindness is a two way street. I believe that Matt didn’t mean to seriously offend anyone. The next time I screw up, which I’m sure will be soon, I hope that the person I offend offers me the same courtesy.”
You make a good point. I’ll join the line to be forgiving — standing right behind Theresa Smith and Donna Acevedo, with no cuts allowed. Theresa is as gracious as they come and would probably be forgiving. I think, though, that Matt would have to actually engage in some public self-criticism before Donna relents.
Those are nice sentiments Ryan, but I don’t think forgiveness enters into it. I agree that Matt probably didn’t realize how many people’s feelings he was going to hurt, but that’s just because it’s impossible for him to put himself into the head of a minority person or a poor person. He should just not be writing about a town like Anaheim which is majority minority and mostly working class. Actually I don’t know WHAT he should be writing about. Actually I don’t know what he should be doing. Don’t look at me.
I’ve got a couple of ideas..
The guy tore himself down. He’s been doing it for years.
Orange “fucking” County
RC, I take it that you are not talking about memorials like the Holocaust’s victims or Vietnam’s veterans. You may have seen a few memorials in the streets of Fullerton. I am surprised that you, a well informed person, does not understand the tradition and meaning of popular memorials.
Mr Cunningham knew quite well what he was doing. Kindness and forgiveness are important elements in civic affairs. We have been very kind trying to close the gap. Him and his sponsors need to have a serious soul searching.
Well, I clearly didn’t stick that landing . . . Second attempt.
I’ve never had to live a memorial. I never lit the candle or adorned a road side sign and traveled by it later that week.
There’s a big gap between knowing what the object is and sharing the emotion behind the meaning. I’m ignorant of the later. Today, I’m less ignorant of how important that emotion is, despite not yet having to life it. I think that’s a mildly positive outcome of a negative experience.
Hope that sticks better.
Ryan Cantor, you are a better man than any of us deserve to be hanging out with. Yeah, now your street cred is really blown, my lucid friend.
Haha, touche.
I hope somebody rapes me.
Excuse me, Jose, but — did you really want this posted here? Was this intended to be a private message to someone? I’d be happy to take it down.
It referred to something further above, by nameless, where nameless is doing his usual bitching about how the LibOC censors him, and yet they allow Jose S to say he hopes someone gets raped. (?)
It was a post about mike carona and i stand by my comment i do hope he gets raped and as far as myself i want to be raped by rachael ray. Or kari osmond.
Except it’s more likely to be this guy:
With God as my witness, until this week I thought that “Duck Dynasty” was a cartoon series.
Don’t worry Counslor. Now that HOMOPHOBIC SLURS are involved, I am all but certain you will have an opinon on these guys.
For the record, I thought Charlies Angels and the (earliest) Rightwing Produced LOGAN’S RUN was shitty TV. but, this garbage………..
I have it on good authority, that John Kerry, is negotiating with Tehran the return of the cast members of the SHAH’S OF SUNSET on the condition the be executed.
Now, Jose, Matt, Dan and friends that was a JOKE. A good joke. Television sucks. There are few exceptions, I know of a good one, which has a character familiar to us all.
For it to be “rape,” rather than seduction, it has to be non-consensual. So are you hoping for something like Rachel Ray shoving a broken bottle up your rectum? Or for Kari Osmond to tie you up and have you fellate a dog? See, Jose, that’s “rape” — and that’s why “rape” isn’t funny.
nice image …..
Yeah, I thought you might like it. Published it anyway.
And nameless, maybe cheminowski likes me more than you.
I agree with nameless (in THIS case.) They let you say anything bad about people they don’t like, but if it’s them or their friends, it’s suddenly outrageous!
Make no mistake, I am not censored (that I know of) . I just think the hypocrisy of Chris and Dan is telling. And while I don’t want replicate the faux outrage over Matt’s silly stunt, I find Jose S. Hoping Mike Corona getting rape sophomoric and illogical. As much of an assailed as Corona was, last I checked we don’t kill people for crimes and we don’t subject them to rape. But, again the doublespeak at the LOC.
Ask the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce to remove Matt Cunningham from his position as writer of Matt not only has enraged the Latino community but has continually attacked supporters of Mayor Tait. Enough is enough.
(714) 630-8901
(714) 427-6868
(714) 280-0009
Best thing I heard all day:
“If Anaheim was India, they’d be removing barriers in front of the embassy”
Reminder: STUPID ACTS don’t always deserve attention like this.
I can’t understand either this comment or the “Charlie’s Angels” comment. Removing barriers? What?
You aren’t listening to the Jon and Ken show. India removed barriers in front of the US embassy to retaliate against the treatment of their diplomat being arrested and stripped searched by the NYPD….don’t really get the connection to this thread, but…..there it is.
US Marshals. NYPD stayed out of it.
Indeed I am not!
So “nameless” is saying that Anaheim would like to remove barriers in front of the Orange Juice Blog embassy? That’s the part I don’t get. In the analogy, we have an embassy?
Actually, I got it off MSNBC last night. I can’t stomach KFI.
Sorry”….that’s what I got from KFI……Should have known I would get it wrong.
Listen skallywag theres nothing wrong with rachael rays boobies they’re perfect and greg easy with the broken bottles up the butt and bestiality you’re a weird dude.
YOU easy with joking about rape … it’s not slightly aggressive sex!
Welcome to a slowly unfolding understanding of what “rape” actually is, Jose.
Ryan, I respectfully disagree with you. Mr. Cunningham as far as I know has not yet apologized for his crude attempt to make light of other people’s suffering. I think before anyone offers him a second chance he must at least man-up and sincerely apologize for his blog posting. I believe his post shows one of the following:
Mr. Cunningham either believes that all police officers always faithfully follow the highest standards of conduct and they never cross the line into illegal or immoral behavior. Therefore, he felt comfortable mocking the symbolism of specific Hispanic American suffering at the hands of a few of our local police.
The second possibility is that he simply lacks any compassion for those Hispanic families who are suffering the loss of a loved one and thinks it is humorous to mock them.
I have met family members who believe they have wrongly suffered the loss of a loved one by the illegal actions of a number of our police officers. Their pain is real and as a society we should not tolerate shootings or beatings by our police that clearly were not justified! Even is Mr. Cunningham believes this not to be true, to make light of their suffering and the way the choose to memorialize their lost dead family members demonstrates a lack of compassion that all people of good will should condemn. I am still waiting for Mr. Cunningham to man-up.
Apparently my disdain for matt Cunningham’s and his action s makes me a full fledged member of Team Tait according to Dan C (Coward) over at the Fib OC. Another sideline cheap shot from a guy who uses his large mass, and writing skills to malign anyone who would disagree with him about anything. I swear this guy is just an ego maniac. Dan C do me a favor and leave me alone. If you wont allow me to comment on Fib OC, be brave enough to not take shots at me on your pixelated fish wrap. And if you try to engage me again in any other way like you always do hen you find your hulking mass in my proximity, I will file a civil restraining order on you. Be warned fucker.
Everyday is a Fool’s Day, and Dan is just as funny as Matty.
And your husband must be hysterical as a boiled blind drunk