I’m not exactly sure what we haven’t done this before, but let’s try it now. The number to beat is 171 — that’s how many views this Voice of OC video had gotten as of 5:00 p.m. today. Watch this video, which was posted last Friday, to learn about a new scandal or two.
I’ve been wondering about the Lake Forest situation that has led now-former Councilman Peter Herzog to resign while blasting his City Council colleagues for what sounds a lot like a junior varsity version of the Anaheim shenanigans. (Mostly, I’ve been thinking “who the heck are we going to get to write about this?”) Then it occurred to me: Nick Gerda already wrote about it, and we’re not going to do a better job of it, so just go read his story. Herzog’s warnings — do you get the story title now? — about Council capture by local special interests, and how we’re not doing a good job of vetting our public officials, strike home.
(Hey, Peter Herzog — if you want to run for Fifth District Supervisor or something, you might well have a following! Then again, you’ll have to deal with David Zenger’s brutally funny comment on the VOC people: “Citizens, rise up! … I quit.” Yeah, maybe not quitting would have been a better idea. Still, good luck!)
The video covers other matters including the developing Fairgrounds Story, about which Vern will likely have more to say.
Now go bump up the VOC’s numbers on that video so that they will fear our enormous power. Go! Shoo!
Sorry I couldn’t make the 405 townhall forum (ad above) (lol). Any buzz on complete or partial videos?
I’ll be writing about it … the thing to come to will be tomorrow morning’s OCTA meeting. Hint my piece is called “The 405 Uprising.”
(Ad replaced with one for my concert Sunday!)
Herzog says the developer pumped up the “pay to play” levels in Lake Forest elections, to get their Brookfield homes development pushed through on an old car lot, over the objections of the local citizenry. Take a wild guess at who the lobbyist is reported to be on that project, according to a Lake Forest resident who has been attending the meetings, and has seen the Master of the Masters of the Universe at work.
Same old, same old….
No, no, no. You must be kidding, right?
Does he have his own island lair or something like that?
That’s MERIJOE’S town – and she’s very involved – although she comes from a Tea Party / Oath Keepers point of view and I know she never like Herzog – still she might have something to say – she helped me out a lot when she showed up and reported from the Travis Allen – Troy Edgar showdown… http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2012/10/the-troy-travis-cage-match-as-moderated-by-deb-pauly-for-the-405605-tea-party-patriots/
I’ll send this off to her….
Haven’t watched the video yet, but … no mention of Peter’s pretty severe DUI last year? (worse’n mine) And I used to have a soft spot for him since he brought on fellow Republican wrath by opposing “In God We Trust” on council walls … but he was kinda weak on OCTA when we needed strong toll lane opponents – he was an Alt 1 guy I remember, and Alt 1 was STOOPID.
No, no mention of the DUI.
I wanted Alt 2, but I thought that Herzog’s presentation was well-reasoned. (Essentially — “we’ll clear up enough space under Alt 1 to do any of them later and meanwhile a future Board could make a decision in response to conditions that develop between now and then.”) It wasn’t my preference, but it was reasonable and cogent given the split on the Board, which apparently just wasn’t ready to pass Alt-2 that day, meaning that we were potentially looking at “Alt-0.” And his position won the day — and may have prevented Alt-3’s adoption.
Mostly, though, I just liked his reasonable cogency (or cogent reasonableness, whichever.) By OC standards — South OC standards, especially — he seemed like a pretty good egg.
Regarding Brookfield, Cynthia is referring to big time lobbyist, Curt Pringle…another long time OC hack involved…Lucy Dunn,..both making cameos in Brookfield developers little presentation, evidently, they are entertwined with each other, so my sources tell me-follow the money.
I worked and spoke with Peter – I was pissed at the DUI incident but in speaking to him he is very sincere and concerned – I know, I know …time will tell, Im not an idiot, he did help with gathering petition sigs against Brookfield, anyway, Peter was already hocked off at the money GOP threw around at Nick, Robinson and Voigts campaigns, but I think what pushed Peter to resign was the fact that these 3 voted for a Jolene Fuentes for planning commission, who has absoultely no public service on record, other than HOA board and PTA, when there were at least 5 or 6 candidates for planning (and I was there to witness this) that had some background in at least reading a blueprint or map, none were career politicians, but had planning background and had been to planning meetings-something Fuentes never had been to-not even a council meeting.
I heard her interview, she giggled at the fact that she knew Scott Voigts when Scott remarked how he enjoyed her 4th of July Party, she wasnt able to answer questions the council asked of her, and she genuinely looked bored with the process like she already knew she had it in the bag. Oh, I forgot to mention Jolene is the widow of big time, influential OC GOP, Tom the priest pedophile protector. Peter is upset, as many of us critical thinkers are, (Oathkeeper or not) that it was payback time to the OC GOP, from Nick, Robinson and Voigt.
Here is Peter’s resignation letter http://lakeforest-ca.patch.com/groups/politics-and-elections/p/lake-forest-city-councilman-peter-herzogs-resignation-letter
He really should run for something down there next year. In a crowded Republican field, as a NPP, perhaps. He and one Democrat make the runoff — and let the best person win.
Good stuff MJ, thanks for stopping by.
Oh sorry, 2 of the candidates for planning were recent ex-planning commissioners for Lake Forest-Terry Anderson and Dave Carter (chamber of commerce prior pres)
Check out the lake forest website to see this Planning Commish interview on video – I think it was last month but dont remember the exact date-anyway the topics are labeled once you get in the agenda part.
Sorry, one more thing, Brookfield was a huge donor to GOP in support for Nick/Robinson to be elected to council….GOP gave Robinson and Voigts alot of money for their kitties-Nick ddnt take any but has admitted to getting “political pressure” by OC GOP to vote a certain way.