Conservative pastor, E.W. Jackson –a minister who compared gays to pedophiles and Planned Parenthood to the Klu Klux Klan is Virginia’s GOP candidate for lieutenant governor. He is also the author of “Ten Commandments To An Extraordinary Life”. Here is an excerpt from his book:
“When one hears the word meditation, it conjures an image of Maharishi Yoga talking about finding a mantra and striving for nirvana…The purpose of such meditation is to empty oneself…[Satan] is happy to invade the empty vacuum of your soul and possess it. That is why people serve Satan without ever knowing it or deciding to, but no one can be a child of God without making a decision to surrender to him. Beware of systems of spirituality which tell you to empty yourself. You will end up filled with something you probably do not want.”
Jackson is a perfect example of why I say Religion and Politics don’t mix. Back in the day when I tended bar, we had only two rules — 1. No discussing religion 2. No discussing politics. Discussing either of these two subjects was a sure fire way to a bar brawl. I do not believe in organized religions, but I have plenty of friends who are religious who practice what they preach. They do not go around spewing nonsense or spend the day trying to get converts. I do have a HUGE problem with those running for public office (like Jackson) or who already hold public office and openly hold these kinds of beliefs and are in the position to draft laws that you and I are supposed to live by.
This type of speech does nothing to unite but instead continues to divide and attack groups of people with a different world view or lifestyle than themselves. Those who were elected to “serve the people” should be held to a higher standard of behavior than the citizens they actually work for. Freedom of Speech does include the right to talk like an ass, but we have to remember — we are a huge country with a mix of different ideologies, lifestyles, ethnicities and yes — spiritual/non-spiritual beliefs. Those in office have influence over his/her constituents. Their speech also fuels the fire for those who are unstable and have violent tendencies — to act on them. How many gays have been killed because of “hate speech”? We hear reports of kids who are gay or suspected of being gay being bullied at school. The kids who bully other kids who are different than them or are perceived as different, don’t think of this stuff all on their own — they learn from adults.
Don’t get me started about all the Religious Right’s rhetoric against women — whether they are working women, single mothers, “welfare-moms”, lesbians, etc. Its all about blaming a certain group of people for the problems in America.
If they want a group to blame — how about greed? Corporate greed. The Bible talks a great deal about that. How about our governments treatment of the poor, sick, elderly and disabled? What would Jesus think about that? And isn’t the Christian doctrine based on the teachings of Christ? Jackson attacks the practice of Yoga, which I doubt he knows anything about… believing that meditation opens the door for Satan. If he actually took the time to learn about Yoga and its philosophy he would know that it encompasses empathy, self reflection and tolerance. This guy could use some “quiet time’ to contemplate why he thinks the way he does. I doubt he is interested in doing that…I mean contemplation….I think he is looking for a larger pulpit…the political pulpit.
Have you ever heard of this organization?
Yeah, I doubt Inge has either.
Believe it or not, there ARE progressive Christians out there…folks who’s understanding of their faith leads them to a completely different understanding on a wide array of issues than Rev. Jackson.
The crazies on the religious right get lots of press. Inge is part of that. There are others quietly, and without much fanfare, battling the negative stereotypes that people like Rev. Jackson contribute to. They don’t get so much press.
Oh and by the way, Inge…do you believe in a person’s Constitutional right to speak their mind in the public square, regardless of their religious beliefs?
Yes. What would you say if Jackson gave that same speech as a practicing Muslim ? And I thought of you when I wrote this…I knew you would “bite”
Doesn’t matter what his faith is. Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Wiccan, etc…they all have the right to Freedom of Speech, regardless of whether or not they are running for office or elected to office.
You probably expected me to not feel the same way about a Muslim saying such things, right? Well that just goes to show how infected you are by your stereotypes. But by all means, keep giving cyber-ink to the crazies. I’ll defend your Constitutional right to do so until the cows come home.
You don’t “like” when people mix religion and politics? About all one can say to that is “tough shit.”
If you don’t like that, then you don’t like the form of Freedom of Speech that the framers created.
Is that the same group who believes in taking care of the planet? They believe in climate change? Then “yes”…I have heard of them. Not the same group? then “no”
I did not write this…what do you think about this Anon?
I will say I am impressed (so far) with the new Pope. And I thought it was funny when he said “even Atheists go to heaven” …well, that was a blow to people who get up Sunday mornings and sit through a lecture when they could be: hiking, sleeping in, gardening, reading a good book, meditating (giggle) oops … hope Satan wasn’t paying attention…wait he already controls me…Now I can say “the Devil made me do it.”
I disagree with Wallis on that issue. Does that answer your question?
Does that one position mean that Wallis is not a progressive in your eyes? Are you normally in the habit of judging people with litmus tests like that?
I said I did not write that article…I asked your opinion…there is a difference. I don’t care what that preacher thinks…he is not a public official…he does not help write laws that affect us.
Anon… I was ASKING what you thought if he were Muslim…I never implied that YOU would be upset…How many do you think would go nuts if he were Muslim? How many do go nuts THINKING Obama is a Muslim? And what if he was? So what?
People who are seeking public office need to be aware that nut cases actually listen to them…like they do Rush Limbaugh. They stoke the fire of hatred….Public officials are supposed to represent everyone.
So when a public official, say, votes on legislation to advance something like the Keystone Pipeline, are they “representing everyone”?
(before you go jumping to conclusions, that example does not represent my view on Keystone in one way or the other…it’s what we call an “example”)
Anon…let’s get this straight…I am not accusing you of anything…this is a debate…like college…I don’t take things personal and neither should you…and
no the Keystone Pipeline is harmful to the environment and us…They are voting for the corporations — who gave them money– to run for political office. Look we are all in this together. These politicians KNOW what they are doing…it doesn’t matter which party…something about politics makes them believe they are the “shit” but like my dad used to say… “everyone puts their pants on the same way…one leg at a time” There are a few politicians who really do believe in doing public service, but they are the minority.
Its the same with Monsanto. They KNOW they are merchants of death…that’s why they got the Monsanto Protection Act passed. They don’t care about feeding the world and the politicians who passed their law don’t either…Its all about them.
Like I mentioned before…I like the new Pope…he walks his talk. I also have a colleague who is a Catholic priest…he walks his talk. He has no agenda other than to serve others. It would be nice if people like Jackson would learn from these men instead of spewing total crap in order to get a few votes from a bunch of bigots.
Oh, so now you acknowledge that public officials can’t “represent everyone”?
Not can’t… won’t. Corporations are NOT people. I really don’t feel like repeating myself…I already addressed that. I have to take my ghouls for a walk…but feel free to continue…I will be back…
They won’t because they can’t…it’s literally impossible. An elected official can’t agree with you or me or anyone else on every single issue, and therefore it is impossible for them to represent your interests at all times.
And Freedom of Speech does have its limits… Greg Diamond knows a lot more about that. It’s the you-can’t-cry-fire-in-a-movie-theater thing. I had to get his opinion last year about Freedom of Speech, when I wanted to pass out flyers at an outdoor event and he told me about the “time and place” rule.
Legislators and those seeking the office need to follow the same rule…I call it the “shut-the-Hell-up” rule and focus on jobs, infrastructure, taking care of elderly, kids, — you know the real stuff that people care about and stop worrying about who is doing what to whom or who is meditating.
No, they don’t “need” to follow that rule. Again, if you feel that way, then you don’t agree with the Freedom of Speech created by the framers.
Rev. Jackson isn’t anywhere CLOSE to crossing an abuse of Freedom of Speech. You can not like it all you want, and that’s YOUR right.
I mean, isn’t your position akin to some petulant child shouting “concentrate on what I…I…I…want you to concentrate on”?
Stiffen your spine a little. You’ll feel better.
Anon…lets say you are gay, black man living in a small town in Virginia. And lets say you just opened a Yoga studio in town…what if Bubba decides that you are possessed by the Devil and decides to “beat the devil out of you?” all because he listened and agreed with Jackson’s speech(sermon) Then how would you feel?
We know when our speech divides and when it unites and politicians are supposed to work for everyone.
Also, speech comes with consequences…if someone says things like he did…then he has to be ready and accept the fall-out.
Where in Jackson’s excerpt does it say he advocates beating the devil out of people?
Like I said we elect men and women to keep our society running, not to be the morality police. And what’s with the personal attacks again? Did you ever take a debate class? I feel fine thank you. I actually did some Yoga earlier.
Where do you get these absurd notions?
We elect people who will go into office and represent our individual interests.
Do we all have the same interests?
If someone wants to vote for someone based on their desire to elect someone who’s going to be a “morality police”, is that their right?
of course…stupid people vote all the time. Please give me an example of something you enjoy doing… like a hobby or do you look different than someone else…like use a cane, stutter…something that makes you different. I will return later…
I enjoy debunking these absurd notions of yours.
Interesting study…
By the way I have a Yoga Teaching Credential, and I find that there are plenty of disreputable leaders involved in yoga, just like in all of the religions. It does seem to be a magnet for self involved people.
Gosh, I hope that I’m not one of them. No, I couldn’t be.
Religious people do have a tendency to become self-absorbed and lacking in empathy and mutual understanding. But that says more about human nature than it does about religion, per se. I don’t think the major religions teach that people should be self-absorbed pricks.
I think that religions attract more than their fair share, because religion can attract the very weak and needy, and “leaders” to take advantage of them.
Religions also attract their fair share of people who honestly want to take a good, hard, look at themselves and become better people.
Demagogue…since you have a Yoga teaching credential…you might like this blog…
Anon…here you go again…I ask you to give me an example that might make you seem different than others and you can’t do it…you seem to be missing the point either because you really don’t understand or you don’t want to understand. This is the last time I will say this…
Freedom of speech is a right, but it comes with consequences. Talk like an ignorant bigot and people will respond. Politicians work for everyone, including Yogis and gays. Crazy, violent people take their words to heart and innocent people get hurt.
You’ve failed to show that Jackson’s speech crossed an abuse of Freedom of Speech. Nowhere have you shown that.
Not all people respond to the lunatic rantings of crazy people. SOME people can actually discern crazy from cogent.
So then why would you then make the blanket statement “Talk like an ignorant bigot and people WILL respond”? (emphasis mine)
It’s statements like this that undercut your credibility.
“Politicians work for everyone.” That’s just an abstract, feel-good wish that you have about politicians. It isn’t real. I disagreed with virtually EVERY position George W. Bush ever took. Was he working for me? Did you feel like he was working for YOU?
that’s because you aren’t paying attention or have reading comprehension issues.
Is that what passes, for you, as an effective rebuttal?
I won’t make a rebuttal to someone who doesn’t make sense. You once again did not read the article. Maybe you should read something by Michelle Bachman…she might be more your speed.
Show me where I didn’t make sense and I’ll put it in terms you can understand.
And yes, I read your article. That’s why I responded.
Damn. The conservatives finally figured it out. Now I feel all empty inside.
Greg…. Better fill that emptiness with something or the Devil will get inside you 😉
I’m thinking of Nutella.
Just when Bachman leaves politics…another wacko is ready to step in….Saturday Night Live is salivating about their new “material”… you just can’t make this stuff up!
Yes, by all means, keep giving the crazies ink. Do exactly what the mainstream media does.
It’s exactly what the crazies want. Without it, they’re nothing, and nobody would know about their wacky ideas.
The “mainstream media” means Fox Broadcasting and talk radio, correct?
*Just one question: How can Inge be so right about so many things? Is she reading our mail or baby sitting our neighbors house? Impressive!