Occupy Long Beach and concerned citizens against Monsanto got the word out about genetically modified foods Saturday along PCH in Long Beach. Their goal was to keep the problems of GMOs and Monsanto pressuring our politicians to stop the labeling of GMO foods, on the front burner. Since mainstream media won’t report on things that affect our health and environment and instead choose to focus on Paula Deen and Alec Baldwin’s bad behavior, it is up to grassroots organizations to keep the public informed.
The crowd remained a steady group of around fifty, standing on street corners and getting a great deal of supportive “honks” from passing cars. Those who still didn’t know what GMOs are, asked for literature from the group.
One of the organizers of Saturday’s action/event and Occupy Long Beach member, Wayne Marchyshyn stated, “Our ultimate goal is to have gmo free produce, but for now I will settle for labeling. People have a right to know what they are eating.”
The group plans to do this action monthly. If you want to participate in future events visit their FaceBook page. Or get together with your neighbors, friends and family and create your own action. There are plenty of busy street corners in the OC/LA area.
If we want change, it’s up to us to do it.
“Rights Are Not Given, They Are Taken“
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