[…just over our transom, from Eli Home founder Lori Galloway…]
Dear Board Members:
I want to keep you updated regarding the article in the OC Register yesterday about our need to raise $200K before the end of the year to keep our shelter going. I fielded calls all day mostly from people wanting to help. We received $5,000 from the United Food workers with a pledge to raise more until we hit the amount we need. Fox 11 news wants to do a story on it. I spoke to about 200 OC business people at Chapman University last night and I did a “hard ask” for funds. The most touching messages are from those who have benefited from Eli’s programs, so I have attached a message from one of our moms, Ruth [deleted]
My best to you,
Hello Lorri,
How are you and your family doing? I pray you are all doing good, its olny me Ruth i know its been awhile since i last talked to you, and i apolize for that, Thier is no excuse for my behavior please forgive me, Lorri i just wanted to let you know that you are amazing and to thank you for all your program has done for me and my son Isaac, We have both been blessed beyound messure because of you and your supporters generousity and kindness for the Eli program!
The outside world will never truely understand the inpact that your program has on chaning lives and making a diffrace in the lives of abused woman and children they will not even come close to comperhending the love and support that you and your supporters have given the woman and childen that have been though the Eli program! a lot of people dont get the facts about the Eli program they olny make asumptions they think they know!
But the reality is thier on the outside looking in, They dont see the need! they olny see the problem! They dont know what happens in your homes they dont see, The shatterd lives that enter these homes, The broken hearts that need mending The poor in spirts that walk though the Eli program, they dont understand as a whole what kind of Hope you provide for us and our children! what kind of Future your program gives us! the obstacles we Conquer to have better lives for our children, The Strenght that you guys give us to put one foot in front of the other! The courage your program gives to fight our fears the tools Eli provides for us to Suceed.
Lorri you had a vision for the Eli program 25 years ago and you and your supporters have went above and beyound to help change lives for the better and you and your supporters have done that over and over again and you will continue to do it ELI is with us!
And we as a whole we will get what we need to keep The Eli Program Striving the community loves you! We need you please tell me what i can do to help! anything i know how to fundraise, I know how to Pray! i am really good at putting groups together, I know how to bring the community together! I have lots of good idias what ever i can help you with please dont hessitate! Eli has a plan and it is going to be Amazing! THANK YOU SO MUCH! lots of love and respect best wishes always.
– Ruth (last name and e-mail withheld by Orange Juice Blog. Paragraph breaks added, spelling retained)
Btw that was a fun read. Except for citing Greg. Lol!! And Tammy Shenanigans has a credibility problem. Hello.