He's a dipshit. Did he even talk to the ROV? This is just one of the problems that always just…
Posted in: "The OC", Fresh Juice
– November 8, 2012It been 48 hours since the election and in the news cycle that’s a long time ago. As you know Prop 37 lost, although not by much. If you think about it, the ones who fought for us to have the right to know what is in our food, did a pretty good job considering Monsanto and its cronies spent 45 million dollars versus 8 million from the Yes on Prop 37 campaign.
If they believe this issue is done, they have another thing coming. This loss has gotten even more people on board and not just in California, its all over the United States. San Juan County in Washington State won their battle against Monsanto on November 6th when its constituents voted to ban the growing of GMOs. Not label it, but ban it. Several countries have recently banned the growing of GMOs in their countries and Russia recently banned the importing of any GMO food products as well, after the release of the French study in September.
This election has been the nastiest I have ever witnessed. I have been told it’s always been that way but this time they didn’t try to hide their deception; from Monsanto’s gang putting the FDA seal and a false quote from the agency on their mailers ( a Federal Crime), to Romney telling people that Jeep is shipping jobs to China. They knew fact checkers would be on their tails but they did it anyway. The organizers of Yes on Prop 37 filed a complaint with the Criminal Justice Department about the FDA seal, but I won’t hold my breath to see if anything comes out of that. I’m sure whoever thought up that idea knew they were safe to do so because Micheal Taylor (former V.P. for Monsanto) heads the FDA would look the other way.
Whole Foods Market even sounded like they were getting their cues from the Romney campaign handlers. First they said they were against genetically modified foods; then they weren’t sure; then they said Monsanto had them by the balls and they had to play along or get what? Whacked? Then the undercover video showing employees telling customers that there were no GMO foods sold in Whole Foods Markets went viral and mysteriuosly disappeared off YouTube a couple of days later. Finally Whole Foods went public in their support of Prop 37 but I never found out how much or if they contributed any cash to help the campaign. In my book, when it comes to campaigns and charities, money talks and…you know the rest.
I didn’t vote for Obama or Romney but I am happy Romney got his “I’m better than you” ass kicked. As for Monsanto, they may have won this round but we will pressure those who buy their “seeds of deception” and use it in their recipes – to stop. What Monsanto doesn’t understand is that none of these companies who helped them this time will abandon them like a used condom if their sales start dropping. There is no loyalty in this Capitalist Market climate to anyone or anything except their bottomline. Even for Monsanto’s current allies.
Prop 37 fought well — and we will, I believe, have GMO labeling in our state before long. I hope to write about how this week or next.
Meanwhile — Mother’s Market beat Whole Foods. We’d better let Whole Foods know that!
So true Greg. Whole Foods really screwed up. I want to thank Mother’s Market in Costa Mesa for always giving us their support from day one.
Inge, do you really mean this: “In my book, when it comes to campaigns and charities, money talks and…you know the rest.” There are so many that their words and stories are so valuable and think how better campaigns would be if it were truly about the facts and not how much money one could raise, what big wig rich guy one knows, who has the most profitable big corporation on their side and how much you can outspend your opponent. When the money stops talking in politics, I feel that we would be overall better off.
Is the general rule for now, if you don’t want GMO’s you really need to eat organic?
*You can eat whatever you want……we could care less. Live on McDonald fries and eat nothing else. Eat Hostess Cup Cakes with “Good thru dates till 2020”.
But, along the way: How about knowing what is in those foods? You have a problem with that? The reality is that more and more of our food is coming from out of the country. Why do think Romney was so jazzed about South America……that is where Monsanto and Dupont have targeted for their GMO Foods in the next 10 years. Whatever happens the people should know.
Inge..is right and we will be by her side in this fight. Hopefully, it won’t take 10 years…..which by that time we will have been taken over…..by GMO’s. The European Community so far is holding out, the best they can….but the war is on and it is very difficult to fight Bill Gates and Billions and Billions of dollars.
I have no problem in knowing what I eat…the problem is that I eat too much crap to begin with despite what is in it! My gut tells me that I voted the same way that RAW and Inge voted on Prop 37, so not sure why you would think otherwise…I don’t believe that any of my posts have been anti-Prop 37, so I am not sure why you would feel the need to lecture. I have sought information of which Inge was very informative during that process.
A simple question…if we don’t want to eat GMO’s, is our option really to just eat organic until the law is changed? Sheez….
I do disagree with her comment that money talks in elections and well you know the rest…I for one believe there is way too much money involved in elections.
That is a great question Boutwell.
Even if an item is grown organically, and that item was grown from GMO seeds, then is it GMORGANIC? I have a feeling this will soon become the case.
codex alimentarius is something we should all be aware of. We must refuse dirty food & their lies.