Here’s a list of candidates running for city council in Fullerton who have endorsed measure W– the ballot measure that allows Chevron to build homes on its oil patch in West Coyote Hills.
Travis Kiger
Don Bankhead
Jennifer Fitzgerald
Jan Flory
Brian Bartholomew
Bruce Whitaker
Here’s a list of candidates running for city council in Fullerton who have accepted campaign contributions from Chevron or from Chevron’s Land and Development Project Manager
Travis Kiger
Don Bankhead
Jennifer Fitzgerald
Jan Flory
Brian Bartholomew
Bruce Whitaker
Any questions?
You must be new to campaigns. I’m pretty sure this proves that Chevron will donate to any candidate that agrees with the company. Much like the Sierra Club does.
Jane Rands and Barry Levinson have my vote, both oppose W.
I will not be voting for anyone who is for Measure W, and has taken money from Chevron. I can’t believe they think building homes on top of carcinogens is OK!! Just proves their education is not well rounded, or money creates tunnel vision!
I’m not sure how it works and I swear I’m not on anyone’s side, but if someone decides to donate money to a campaign, they can do so without permission, right? How is that ACCEPTING money from someone? just curious. Should the money be given back?
The argument is that it becomes “accepting” their tainted money when it’s not returned to the sender. That has always struck me as odd. I’d think one would want to keep the tainted money and use it to bite the hand that provided it. I never got to test out that theory this year, for lack of receiving tainted money.
It’s just like if I wrote you a check, Merijoe. You can cash it or not; refund my money or not.
Most candidates now a days run automated systems (i.e. paypal or the like) to accept credit card donations. The same rules still apply. You can always give it back.
In my opinion, city council candidates should not accept any funding from any individual, PAC, or corporation that has materially benefited or may materially benefit from their vote. Given Chevron’s history with campaign financing and their willingness to lobby for their interest down at the local level– yeah, they should absolutely give it back. If they’re not willing to do it, they should post an explanation of why they feel they’re entitled to keep it.
Silent acceptance is not an viable option. That’s how backroom deals get made, distrust brews, and bad things happen. If we really want to be for transparency and accountability, we can’t let things like this slide.
Yeah, I thought so, but I wasn’t sure, I’m not familiar with political protocol, I know on a personal level, if someone gave me something that felt bad to me, I would give it back but personal and political are two different animals, Im learning.