This came in today from our sometime friend, sometime foe, always competitor Chris Prevatt of the Liberal OC, and it sounds interesting and worthwhile. Hey, I wonder if I can do the music…
Chris and his partner are looking for investors to make this project happen. I’m going to try and make sure they devote plenty of time to the great grass-roots movement “Move to Amend” which is aiming to amend the Constitution to overturn this disastrous decision. I bet they already are planning to include that, but I’ll make sure before I donate…
Meanwhile, Move-On is having an event on just this topic at Loretta Sanchez’ office Wednesday afternoon. I’ll put info about that at the bottom of this post. – V
99 Voices – A Multimedia Documentary
A Documentary project in Long Beach, CA by John Christian Hansen & Chris Prevatt
About this project
Dear (Potential) Backers,
Our $20,000 funding goal is the absolute minimum we need to complete our documentary ’99 Voices’ — this is a multimedia documentary in two parts: a feature length film and a large format hardcover photo journal.
It is important for our backers to understand that if we do not reach the our minimum funding goal of $20,000 within 30 days, KickStarter will return all pledged money to our backers and NOTHING will go to 99 Voices — ultimately killing this important examination into the democratic process in the first presidential election since US Supreme Court’s ‘Citizens United’ ruling — a ruling which allows for virtually unlimited spending in all elections.
Please support ’99 Voices’ with however much you are able — backers at EVERY pledge level with be listed on the official website under the “Our Supporters” tab and on a rolling crawl prominently placed on the website’s home page (unless of course you prefer your name not to be included).
Backers at the $10 pledge level (and above) will also be listed in the closing credits of the film under the “Special Thanks to …” section AND receive a ’99Voices.US’ bumper sticker …. etc. more here…
What is ’99 Voices’?
99 Voices is a multimedia documentary in two parts answering the question: “In a post-‘Citizens United’ America, do ‘We the People’ even matter anymore?”
• Part I: 99 Voices – a Documentary Film
As political junkies ourselves, John and Chris will be traveling to Madison, Wisconsin to cover the Scott Walker gubernatorial recall election; then to Tampa, Florida and Charlotte, North Carolina to cover the Republican and Democratic National Conventions; and lastly to Philadelphia and Washington, DC — the birthplace of and the current residence of our democracy.
We will be asking ordinary Americans just like you from nearly every state in our union: What do you think about the state of our democracy? What kind of impact is ‘Citizen United’, and the resulting increase in unregulated special interest spending, having on the national election and the political process in general? Is change needed? And if so, what would you change and how should we begin to make that change happen?
• Part II: 99 Voices – ‘We the People’ in Our Own Words – a Photo Journal
Photographer and videographer, John Christian Hansen captures images from inside and outside the Republican and Democratic National Conventions in Tampa, FL and Charlotte, NC –as well as Madison, Philadelphia and Washington, DC– interweaving them with portraits and individual stories from not just the 99 voices featured in the documentary, but also those we couldn’t fit into the final cut of the film.
I will donate, but have a question. Will this documentary have any information or facts on the amount that public employee unions are putting into elections every year to buy their candidates? Will it discuss that my tax money is being used against my will to attack candidates who oppose their viewpoints? Somehow, I doubt it. If you make your film a bit more unbiased, it may appeal to more folks. Sadly, that is not the MO of hate groups like moveon.org.
Will definitely pass your excellent suggestions on to Chris.
But … MoveOn a hate group? I’ll admit they’re a little closer to the Democratic Party than I like to be (altho they do attack the WORST Democrats.) But please elaborate on how they are a hate group.
Yet, if it is there candidate that gets the SuperPAc money, corporate career politician, tom Daly it is okay. Give me a break!
You’ll rraise one dime with such hypocrisy.
Any truth that Chris P sometimes writes as Joe Hill?
Really doubt Prevatt is Joe Hill. They don’t write the same at all. Why would he come up with an extra name anyway? And why are you people always trying to do this?
Number two: Dan C seems to be a Daly man, off-and-on anyway, but I doubt Prevatt is. Don’t get the two confused. I usually agree with Prevatt.
Joe Hill is great by the way, whoever he/she is. Now that I think of it, Joe Hill has been as rough on Daly and Solorio and their SuperPACs as me and Diamond have been. So get your head on straight, “Hypocrits!”
Thanks for the coverage of the project. We will definitely be featuring the response to Citizen’s United by Move to Amend. You can’t really talk about Citizen’s United without doing so. I look forward to talking with you about it further.
We plan to make this as balanced a documentary as possible. Since most unions are corporations there is very little difference between them in relation to the impact on the political process by Citizen’s United.