Yesterday I was shopping in Sprouts and I was in the produce section when I noticed they just got in a shipment of fresh corn. I then remembered reading an article that said Wal-Mart will be selling UNLABLED genetically modified fresh corn to its unsuspecting customers. Frankly, anyone who still shops at Wal-Mart after all their negative publicity deserves whatever crap they get in my opinion.
But let me get back to my Sprouts story. The assistant store manager happened to walk by so I stopped him and said I had some questions regarding the fresh corn. I asked him if the corn was GMO corn and he told me he didn’t know. So I asked if there was a way to find out and he responded that they just buy the corn and don’t ask those kinds of questions. Then he tried to get away, but I held him hostage until I told him how we, the consumers have a right to know what we are eating and that it is the job of the grocery store managers to find out the answers to these questions.
Which brings me to my point, it’s really up to YOU and ME to find out what’s in our food because frankly the employees in the grocery stores are just like most of us; they go to work to get a paycheck and go home. They don’t ask questions and they certainly don’t want to rock their boat. If you think the FDA and the USDA are watching out for you you can forget it; they are in bed with the ones who are trying to sell you this Franken food, and they don’t want you to know what’s really in it because they know we would throw a fit when we found out.
Do you know that the corn you are eating (unless it’s organic) contains an insecticide that is actually produced inside the plant, so it is impossible to wash it off? This is accomplished by inserting genes from the bacteria Bacillus Thuringiensis into the corn. Do you know that corn is under the jurisdixction of the EPA because it contains an insecticide? How’s that grilled corn taste right now?
Yesterday was only one example of how grocery store managers have no idea what kind of food they are selling in their stores. I asked a butcher years ago about the chicken he was selling; if it contained growth hormones and antibiotics, and I got the same blank look like I did from the Sprouts manager. It is up to US to make these managers think about this stuff and to get them tell their distributors to get this food labeled. We are the only ones who can really change this ‘business as usual’ model. Other countries like Ireland, Greece, Peru and France, to name a few have banned gmos, so the very least we can do is to demand our food be labeled.
Labeling gmos will be on the November ballot but we can start doing something right now. When you shop for food this week ask the manager what’s in it. Start with the produce. Tell him/her that you want it labeled or you won’t buy it. Remember money talks! We need to start a grassroots pressure and demand to know what we are being sold. After all, it’s our bodies, our health, and our hard earned money. We have a right to know!
Good call Mika!
I’ve watched the destruction of our farmland and rivers that eventually pollute the oceans and poison our bodies as well as the livestock feed we provide to fatten all of us up…Who really knows what the outcome will be when the post -Monsanto generations start reaping the whirlwind our genetically modified monsters create!
Of course maybe I’m being too cynical. Perhaps the bio tech companies are creating new jobs for the future. Cancer research patients with new kinds of weird mutant tumors to keep those in oncology supplied with exciting new diseases; biologists frantically working to save species from extinction on land and sea–including our own.Organic farms to try to supply us with safe sources of food. Bee keepers hand-raising baby bees in their basements to keep the bees alive…
One can’t even go vegan to avoid the toxins and degradation of our environment. Of course corporations are people, too, so I’m sure we’ll be protected. Nothing more important than profits this quarter!
Thank you Steven, please take your passionate words to the market where you shop. I really do believe it’s up to us the consumers to make changes. Big buisness hates it when we stop spending our money on their products. And there are companies who will do the right thing like Strauss Family Farms who were the first to be certified GMO free by the Non GMO Project. House Foods America who are based right here in Garden Grove just got certified as well. Here is a link to the Non GMO Project, it contains a list of companies who are non gmo certified as well as those who aren’t. This list is a great help to me when I shop, but it doesn’t include fresh produce. That’s where talking to the managers comes in.
The thing that I think a lot of Americans don’t know is that so many places have actually implemented regulations against GMOs. It’s not that it can’t be done; it’s that our government, being so “heavily lobbied,” will not do it.
Fact or fiction?
*Our dear Legislators refuse to demand all products that GMO be labeled. Well, the rumor of the day is that some labeling laws will be coming into effect soon. We can only mention in passing that when the “Slime Burger Meat” and the “Pink bone Burger Meat” came out on the news….we asked our local Gelson Meat Manager. He swore on a stack of bibles that Gelson’s didn’t do such things. The news came out and luckily Gelson’s was not on the list of bad meat distributors. The corn deal is a very big deal for two reasons: (1) The digestibility factor – it takes longer in the human body to digest Corn with pesticides. Additionally, the science is still out on whether that pesticide becomes permanently resident in livers, kidneys and other parts of the human body. (2) GMO Corn is created to stop the loss of the planted corn seed. If the pesticide makes bugs and birds not eat the corn – more to sell. If the bugs and birds eat the corn and die……less predators for next year.
They do no studies to make sure these crops are safe and are quickly selling the corn seed to not only our farmers – which have to buy new seed every year. (Sounds like the car and computer industry but they are sending this stuff as fast as they can out of the country to the third world and then importing it back to the USA.
Nice folks….eh?
Thanks for the article…you are right on!
Stop eating store bought food and grow yopur own. problem solved
It’s not so easy Cook when someone lives in an apartment or condo. If life were as simplistic in reality as it seems to be in your world. Oh and for your information Monsanto plans to own all the seeds and make it illegal for you to use your own. How would you like to spend time in jail for growing tomatoes that are not Monsanto? The whole idea is that once seeds are genetically modified they can be patented.
*Mike Wallace – right you are sir. Right you are!
MIKA. She’s a woman. Like Mika Brzeweszsdsdiskdjsi.
*Ron’s great grandmother used a man’s name when she wrote her Cowboy Pulp Novels in the 1920’s. Guess she thought Minnie Hayes Wilson…..wouldn’t sell. She sold her novellas under Robert Woodrow Hayes… we understand.
I bet she was alot of fun to be around. I named myself after the late Mike Wallace who was my hero!
*Grandma Minnie was a pistol. She was big in the pressure movement for the 14th Amendment and Women’s right to Vote. As well as the WCTU – Women’s Christian Temperance Union which hated that demon alcohol…….her only son later became a down and out alky…that lived in Stockton.
*Mike Wallace – by the way…..Grandma Minnie lived to 99 years old. In her last days her OAB (Old Age Benefits) were about $18 a month. She ate cat food and my mom
and her sister had to bring Grandma Minnie a few bucks extra …every now and then.
She wound up in a home with the desire to live to be 100 years old. She passed away a few months short of that goal, due to bed sores. Under her water pitcher next to her bed, was a note: “They killed me!” Meaning that the petite 87 pound lady was never turned over or assisted in any way. She virtually died of starvation and bed sores.
She was a great and noble lady! – that deserved better in 1952!
Stop calling her MIKE, I told you it’s MIKA!!!
I told you Vern I should have gone with Meg. 🙂
Didn’t want you to sound like Meg Whitman. DID want you to sound like a cross between Mike Wallace and Mika Brzezzndinzdzski.
Sprouts does carry grass fed beef from Uruguay that is way better for you than the mystery meat that the USDA puts their stamp on. Cows aren’t meant to eat corn (GMO or otherwise) like most of the beef produced in the US is.
It’s real stupid to eat food that you don’t know where or how it was produced.
I can understand Peru not wanting to let Monsanto in there to screw up their corn seed stock. They have kernels as big as your thumb, and stalks way over 12 feet tall.
Stick to the organic stuff.
Nice to see Mika writing about this. Very important for people to know.
*Demagogue – you are obviously – No Rancher, Farmer or Country boy. Traditonally, when American beef was fed Corn, it raised the yields by upward of 40%. That goes double for Pigs, Sheep and Chickens. If you wonder why those items don’t taste the same as they used to – ask Dan Glickman who was Agriculture Secretary under Clinton who opened the door to Dupont and Monsanto and said – Corn….we need to increase Exports – so add that pesticide to the seed……
Anyway, you do need to dig a little deeper into Corporate Farming and what they have done to our country – Big Pharma, Big Chemical and Big Corporate Farms.
Um… yeah, it sounds like Demagogue knows all that, guys.
To the Winship’s:
Yes, the yield went up when they fed the cattle corn,but the cattle’s digestive system is not designed to process corn. When they eat corn it ferments in their stomachs, causing bacteria to grow, including MRSA. So the USDA recommends giving the cattle antibiotics, accounting for 70% of the antibiotics consumed in the US. The cows then develop resistant strains, ulcers and all sorts of health problems. Then people like you eat that tainted meat and wonder why you get sick all of the time. When you do, you run to the doctor and ask for what? The other 30% of the antibiotics.
Grass fed beef get enough fiber to keep their 4 stomachs in good health. That is what their natural diet is.
Cows didn’t decide to grow corn and eat it. Corporations did.
How’s the cattle business in Corona del Mar? Knuckleheads.
*Demagogue, tell all that to the Germans who have been feeding Corn to their animals since the days right after The Plague of Europe in the 1300’s. What has caused the maladies you mention has been Corporate Cramming of Animals into very confined spaces which causes rubbing, sores and easy transmission of animal disease. You are quite correct that the Corporate Ranchers have been busy ramping up the ingestion of Anitbiotics….but MRSA is found mainly in your regular, run of the mill Dirty Hospital Environment…and unless that was brought in from Corporate Ranchers not wiping there feet when they got admitted to the ER…..well…
Grass Fed Cows and Beef Cattle also ingest mixtures of wheat, oats and other feeds that have a wonderful habit of fermenting without any problem. In fact, if you have ever made Homebrew….it is doubtful you added any Corn….which is mostly reserved for those Thunder Road guys in North and South Carolina. Well, Tennessee of course, we don’t want to miss Jack Daniels.
Actually, pop was in the Cattle Business in the 1950’s. Lost his shirt….due to diseased animals. Ever hear of Hoof & Mouth Disease? Sure you have! Sounds like you have had it for years!
*Demagogue, forgot the most important part about Grass Fed Cattle….they pick up the chemicals from the Acid Rain….which folks have stopped reporting about for the last 20 years. Think we don’t have that anymore too?
Anyway, that called natural feeding yields skinny cows that fart like crazy and cause alot of distress by the EPA. But that is an entirely different story…isn’t it?
So the corn that they eat isn’t subject to contamination from acid rain? Tell me how that works.
Studies have also shown that pastured animals can help reduce soil erosion and even reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. While grass-fed cattle produce more methane than grain-fed cattle, pastures and paddocks create a phenomenon called “carbon sequestration” which offsets the amount of methane released by cows in the fields. Pastured cows also release less ammonia in their waste, which further protects the atmosphere.
Yes, the grass finished cows are skinnier and produce leaner meat. Better Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio which is healthier and far better for you to eat. Maybe you prefer to eat greasy burgers full of hormones and antibiotics.
Hope you have good health insurance.
*Demagogue – sounds like you have some Monsanto stock….and need to sell more
pesticides to kill those nasty weeds…..Roundup…anyone?
Acid rain affects areas of the country and the world that have high humidity….fog….lots of low cloudiness……and a bunch of manufacturing facilities that spew a bunch of vapor and smoke. Without a doubt any kind of crops are affected. Corn, Wheat, Soy, Oats and even the Salmon runs that used to occur vividly in Washington State. This is a complicated subject that requires Dallas Rains and his Doppler Weather Patterns and the big guns on the Weather Channel….if they would cover it.
Arguing about Animal Husbandry is much akin to betting on the Kentucky Derby. Most of the Jockeys know who is going to win…but not many of the folks in the stands.
Corporate Farms are not going away anytime soon. They are too busy shipping the really good beef and pork to Five Star Vacation Destinations around the globe. The same goes for our Central Valley Agricultural products. While we are busy exporting our best products……we import from places like Ecuador and the Phillipines. Most of these locations use human waste as their basic fertilizer. Bandini Mountain has long gone. Monsanto and Dupont are not shipping Fertilizer to these third world countries when they have the low cost substitutes available.
Glad you are concerned about our food supply but until GMO are listed on labeling…the consumers of the world will remain in the dark. Why GMO’s don’t require FDA 10 or 20 year studies before implementation into the market place is a joke, in our opinion. GMO’s are undigestible and there is every reason to believe that the pesticides that are ingested reside in folks livers and kidneys and other important vital organs.
I would be better off trying to explain this to my cat.
You people make no sense. Who is arguing about animal husbandry ?
Why do you think that I would like Monsanto and their poisonous GMO’s ?
*Demagogue – Sorry we can’t quite grasp your ironclad logic about Corn feed. Breeding different breeds and types of cattle is a very important part of the process. Sorry you don’t quite grasp the A & B’s of Longhorns, Herefords and Brahma’s. For those that are enjoying the joisting here…maybe they can get the idea.
The causes of all disease for animals or humans: Either hereditary or environmental.
Don’t believe that all things are black and white. Sometimes there is a paler shade of gray.
“The causes of all disease for animals or humans: Either hereditary or environmental.” That is not true.
Have you ever heard of someone “worrying themselves sick”? The role of the mind is very important in both the cause of illness and the cure. I’m sure that you have heard of the “placebo effect” which is nothing more than getting your brain to participate in the healing.
You need to think outside the corporate box that you were issued.
*Demagogue, yes excessive worrying can cause stress and stress over time does lower the immune system, however our immune system cannot fight off disease when the food it ingests is not healthy either, or no longer contains the nutrients found in “organic” food. Remember when we called “organic” plain old food? Before all the pesticides, insecticides and gentically modified crap? Radiating our food kills any beneficial “vitamins” that were once in, let’s say a tomato. Changing the chemistry of food has the same effect.
Eating Frankenfoods change our bodies chemistry. Have you watched the free online movie “The World According to Monsanto”? If not, please do. It’s a real eyeopener how they got started.
I am working on some future articles about the Biotech/Agribusiness that will blow your mind. Stay tuned…
I’m with you Mika 100% on trying to eat well and stay healthy. It’s near impossible to stay well when you eat crap like CORN FED BEEF (Winships).
I don’t know how old you are, but tomatoes that you bought in the store used to have flavor and color and fragrance. Today, organic is way better in all of those regards than the plastic stuff that corporate farming offers us. The absolute best is homegrown, but not everyone can do that. That way you can pick it at the peak of ripeness, and not subject it to transportation.
I’m a firm believer in the “slow food” movement.
*Mika & Demagogue – We were in Aruba a few years back. They had a great German Restaurant on the beach. We had a salad to die for….lettuce and tomatoes with actual flavor. We ask the owner where she got her salad makings. Central Valley California she responded. What you forget is that all Veggies are rated and the best go to the five star restaurants around the world. We still have the best lettuce and tomatoes that we had in the 60’s….except now we have 34 million folks and Walmart and Costco making deliveries for the bad guys….with low cost, low rated produce.
Demagogue… are truly a hopeless twit. Ever heard of Kobe Beef? Ever hear of Agentine Beef. The World’s best quality! All corn fed. Can’t you just get off your duff and ask any Omaha or Midwest Rancher….by a simple phone call what they think of your burnt grass feeding program?
Winships……So I’m a hopeless twit. What a brilliant argument you’ve cobbled together there.
Yes you can believe that Kobe is the best beef in the world, if you like very fatty marbled beef. It tastes great, and it’s bad for your heart. Recommended to you by your cardiologist!
Donuts taste great, but I wouldn’t say that they are good for you.
This whole thread is about how different types of food affect your health, not about how much you like some corn bloated cow that you met 20 years ago that was very nice to you.
*Demagogue – You are so busy telling folks not to eat Corn Fed Beef….that you have forgotten to tell them to stop ingesting GMO Corn of any kind from Kellog’s Corn Flakes to Movie Pop Corn, to Corn on the Cob. You are evidently a German that has gone off the rails…….It was the Germans that said: Corn is for animals not people! Guess you read or interpretated that brochure wrong…eh?
Note to Demagogue: this comment is a Chewbacca defense. You don’t have to reply to win the argument. If you’re enjoying it, though, do what you will.
Mr Diamond,
I’ve never heard the “Chewbacca defense” term before. Your own wordsmithing? Very descriptive.
Obviously this all amuses me.
Oh, I can take that. It’s from back in the Golden Age of South Park (the early aughts.) Johnny Cochran uses it to confuse a jury. He pulls out a big picture of Chewbacca, gets the jury looking and thinking about it, and tells them they must acquit, and they obediently do so. It basically means confusing people with an irrelevant distraction.
It’s as an important contribution to modern thought, from Golden-Age South Partk as the Underpants Gnome conundrum.
Step One – steal underpants.
Step Two – ?
Step Three – profit.
The Underpants Gnomes’ ieternal intractable problem is that they don’t know what step two is – how to transition from stealing underpants to enjoying a profit. They do have a real catchy song though.
I wouldn’t eat any of that stuff just because Tony the Tiger told me that it was great.
As for me being a German and those brochures that I’m supposedly reading……I’m not, and their propaganda kinda got them into trouble with the whole world for that Holocaust thing.
You remind me of a snack food. What is it?
Oh yeah. Corn Nuts.
Dispute Over Labeling of Genetically Modified Food –
*But what do we know?
If you take all the food that is treated to make it save to eat out of the supermarkets, how much would be left? Maybe 20 percent?
What are you going to eat?
Cook if you stop buying the 80% of the food that is not good for you they won’t put it on the shelves.
That’s called voting with your pocket book.
If you only buy healthy non-GMO food, that’s what will be in the stores.
I hear that some countries in Africa follow that kind of advice. They have the benefit of the skin over bone look with a short life expectancy. Is that something all Americans should be striving for?
I’ve been to countries that have their raw sewage flow into the local water source river and then out to sea, untreated and totally natural.
Here in Orange County we have a huge plant that treats the waste water and create clean pure water, but of course that is human intervention and totally unnatural. (I heard that some bottled water has additives for good taste)
Cook you are talking about countries that the people are suffering from starvation, not from eating too much of the wrong kind of food.
Americans are obese, not starving. What’s wrong with you?
And the raw sewage flowing into the ocean….that’s what happens when you make the government small enough to drown in the bathtub. Sound familiar you ‘ol teabagger?
Yeah, make government really small, let corporations put whatever they want into our food. Let ’em put antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides, tons of salt and sugar in there. What could possibly go wrong? Then when they get fat and diabetic and can’t walk up stairs anymore we’ll just buy them Rascal Scooters with metal flake paint jobs and hook them up to portable oxygen generators so that they can go to the casinos and gamble. Is that your idea of “the American Dream”?
It’s not mine, but I guess we’re different. I would prefer that my food be untainted by corporate greed and their profit increasing additives. I like my government big enough to treat the sewage and fix the roads, and regulate the greedy bastards who put profits before my health and well being.
*Demagogue – “The correct statement fits you better: “Flakes, Fruits and Nuts!” Now
we are talking real California politics!
You two have a real hard time focusing on the gist of the conversation.
So I’m here in N’Awlins and I go out to dinner at Emeril Lagasse’s restaurant Delmonico. So guess what the premier beef is that they are serving?
It’s 100% Louisiana Grass Fed Beef. That’s the gourmet’s preference for how they want their cattle fed. Naturally.
Now you old timers may want your steaks all fatty, soft and chewy. I guess it’s probably easier on your dentures, but the healthier segment of our population is now looking for something better for us and the animals. We are buying beef that is raised on a natural diet, so the cow isn’t crammed into a feedlot and forced to eat GMO corn that results in them standing in their own diarrhea before they get snuffed. I like my meat a lot less stressed and a lot more hygienic in their environment than the corporate cattle.
I know it’s selfish, but I’m willing to pay for it. You’re probably okay with the “In N Out” urge. But you’re probably willing to compromise on a lot of stuff.
Note to Vern: You would really like the music here. Forget about Bourbon St., that’s for the frat boys. Frenchmen St. has great live jazz and zydeco with no cover charges and friendly people are plentiful. A real nice vibe here.
How’s the weather? From what I hear it’s always hella hot and humid.
Yeah it’s hotter than….but that can be good! Think people running around drunk and half naked. It’s nice to be out at night when it’s in the low 70’s, and you don’t need to be dragging a jacket around with you. Also they make a really good Ramos Fizz here, and the signature drink is a Sazerac. In a to go cup if you want.
The Lower 9th is still a mess from the hurricane, but the French Quarter seems unphased.
Lot’s of people sportin’ the straw Fedora. Very cute on a woman.
Take some photos, I’ll post ’em. You are an emissary of the Juice!
Demagogoue; Now we have you figured….you are either po white trash or a high yella that thinks your stuff don’t stink. *Have another at Pat O’Briens on us. We are not suggesting put any money on the horse…by the way…because this not going to be Thriple Crown winner… especially eating Louisiana Blue Grass. It is Kentucky Blue Grass you nerd cake….Kentucky! Meanwhile, don’t be trying to swim that Indian River with 50 pounds of chain either..
In the meantime, get on down to Biloxi and tell ’em Ron & Anna sent you! They actually sell Corn Fed Midwest Beef. Lightnin Hopkins woulld tell you along with Jimmy Reed…..but like everything else…you have too much Cajun Blood to listen.
For God’s sake, ‘Ships — I accept your not making sense much of the time, but don’t class-bait or race-bait. It either is beneath you or it should be.
Before you go trying to figure me out, you might want to double the flow on your oxygen tank, because you’re obviously not getting enough oxygen to the brain. I was talking about the 100% Grass Fed Louisiana Beef, and you end up in Kentucky chasing your imaginary slaves.
Weird fantasies you have. Very telling about who you are, or want to be.
*Dr. D., you are clueless as well. We lived in Mississippi in 1965 and 1966…when working for North American Aviation in Picayune at the Static Test Facility. We had the guys that were killed as us to go on the March to Selma and Jackson. They were paying $100 dollars a day and “the colored girls” you could handle. We had to turn them down since we were trying to send a man to the moon at the time.
We went to New Orleans every week-end for nearly two years. We learned a lot and luckily….as Yankees….we managed to survive. Many did not. Many found Flaming Crosses on their front lawns and such.
Meanwhile, “Demagogue buddy” is flogging the dog…..about Grassland. Are you
a Rancher? Have you ever worked around cattle? Please….your affidavi’s are not
impressive. Are you a Clinical Pharmacologists? How about a simple Nutritionist? Do you buy your foods at Mother’s Market and Trader Joe’s like the rest of us? Do you
drink beer? Which one? Right now, we are not inviting you to NRDC annual picnic.
*We also lived at the Ramada Inn in Gulfport, Mississippi and hung out in Biloxi, glad we weren’t in the Air Force. Maybelle was our waitress and took real good care of us.
When we left….we asked: “Maybelle, are we still Yankee’s?” Maybelle responded: “Yeah….you still Yankee’s…but at least you ain’t no damn Yankees!” That was the kindest thing a southerner could ever say to someone from California.
The south was just like in that Tommy Lee Jones movie…”In the Mystic Mist” during the 1960’s…..great movie about the south… and Mississippi…. and Louisiana in particular.
This portion
confuses me, but I think it may be better left unexplained.
*If you saw the movie….”Mississippi Burning”….you will understand. Two white guys
walked into the Ramada Inn in Gulfport and approached our table. They asked us…
to join the Civil Rights March to Selma and Jackson….get it?
I think we’re pretty much off-topic by now. Anything more to say about GMOs folks? No? Shall we move on?
If I’m not mistaken, Ron (I have to believe that this isn’t Anna’s writing) just claimed that Goodman and Schwermer — “the guys that were killed” — walked into a Ramada Inn and offered him and another man $100 a day and unlimited sex with Black girls if he would participate in the march to Selma, but that Ron and his friend had to turn them down due to their work on the space program.
I just think that we should clarify that before we move on from it. GMOs may destroy us, but so might that comment.
The older you get, the more you become like yourself. Could be good, could be bad.
As you age, you become more honest about who you are. Pretending is too much effort.
*We thought Dumbo was elephant in a Disney Cartoon! Diamond… pushing the envelope…..however. Caldwell did not write the definitive U.S. History Book……people
like Daniel Elsberg did. LBJ…….was the worst until Nixon, Ford and Carter…then Clinton! You folks born in the 50’s didn’t quite get a full deck issued by the provider and your ears were stuffed with bees wax.
I tried reading that out loud, Ron, and all that came out was “Narm, narm, narm.”
By the way, not to put too fine a point on it: LBJ was the last until Nixon, Ford, and Carter!
*Agreed….LBJ was the worst. But the others did their bit …didn’t they?
I leave for a couple of days and what do I find when I return? My article has been hijacked by Germans, demagogues, the weather, damn Yankees…and LBJ! Has even one of you been paying attention to the gist of my article? Did anyone ask the grocery store manager about gmos needing to be labeled this weekend?
That’s one downside of blogging. The accomplishment has to be in the writing, because it often won’t be in the discussing.
*We totally agree with Mika. Labeling is a big deal and we need it for California and the rest of the country.
We apologize for our Corn vs. Grass uncreated-but responded to controversy….which we needed to engage in… for some clarity.