Unlike his fellow OC Congressional dinosaurs Dana Rohrabacher and (now, since 2010) Loretta Sanchez, Fullerton Republican Ed Royce has never lowered himself to debate his challengers. Reminds me of the story of when I met him:
It was 2006, and I heard through some conservative grapevine that the then-seven-term Congressman was having a “town hall meeting” at the Diedrich’s (now a Starbucks) on the Orange Circle. So I called my friend, labor lawyer Florice Hoffman, who was running against him that year, to check if there was anything she wanted me to ask him. “Yeah,” drawled Florice, “ask him when he’s going to respond to my invitations to debate him.”
A few dozen yuppie-ish and elderly Orange Republicans were milling around the sidewalk waiting to see the great man. Apparently what Ed calls a “town hall” consists of waiting in a single-file line and then getting to ask Ed a single quiet question and get a single quiet answer with a godfather-like hand-clasp. Most of the others were only there for two things: to thank him for keeping their taxes low, and to ask him when that wall on the Mexican border he promised would be built.
I explained to these Republicans that I was a Democrat, and was only there to ask him to debate his Democratic challenger. They all enthusiastically agreed with me. “A debate would be great! That’s what democracy’s about!” “So, you guys will back me up when I get up there, right?” “Definitely!”
Ed Royce is striking in two ways – he can’t be much over five feet tall, and he has huge bright blue eyes. Flanking him were two tall blondish, actually Mormon-looking aides or bodyguards. I gave my spiel, telling him about the Lincoln Douglas debates (which I had just read about.) Stephen Douglas was the well-known established Senator at the time, and Abe Lincoln was an unknown country lawyer running against him, who chased him to every campaign stop demanding a debate. Eventually Douglas gave in and they had their famous series of debates. What people don’t remember is Douglas won re-election, partly because folks thought he was such a good sport for finally agreeing to debate such an unknown rival. I told Ed Royce this story and concluded, “Florice Hoffman wants to debate you. What can I tell her?”
He smiled, stuck out his hand, and chuckled, “I want to debate YOU!” “But I’m not running against you!” Quite pleased with what he obviously thought was a clever response, he repeated “I want to debate YOU, young man!” I looked around at all my new acquaintances for support, but all I heard was, “Mr. Royce! Thank you for lowering our taxes! Mr. Royce, where is that border wall?”
All of which is to say I don’t expect Mr Royce to respond to this either, but he is certainly invited to our ROYCE-OFF next week. If we get no response we will proceed without him, and someone familiar with his views, record and personality will stand in for him.
The New 39th Congressional District
Last year’s redistricting changed Ed’s district pretty dramatically – what was the old 40th, centered in Ed’s home base of Fullerton and completely contained in Orange County, is now the New 39th, still including Fullerton but stretching far north into LA and Riverside Counties as you see above.
Ed has lost two vast swaths of the OC where he had reigned supreme for years: off to the southeast, gone are Orange and Villa Park; and off to the the southwest, gone are Vietnamese Westminster, Garden Grove, and those goofy little towns like Cypress and Stanton.
In their place he now has strange exotic Northern Territories with names like Diamond Bar, Chino Hills, Hacienda Heights and Walnut – places where the natives don’t know from this “Ed Royce.”
The partisan makeup of the district hasn’t much changed, with an 8-point advantage to Republicans. There ARE now a lot more Asian-Americans though – a change from 15% to nearly a quarter; Latinos remain around a quarter; blacks remain an afterthought.
Three things to remember about Ed Royce.
Ed Royce gets away with a lot due to his smooth, quiet, genteel manner. But he’s responsible for more damage to this nation than is a crazed buffoon like Dana Rohrabacher. Here are THREE good reasons why it’s really worth a herculean effort to retire the fellow:
1. Royce was a chief enabler of the financial crisis. As his wikipedia page points out (and if he didn’t like it he would have it taken down) his “most important focus as a representative has been banking deregulation,” and his biggest campaign contributors have been banks – according to Open Secrets’ “Wall Street’s Favorite Candidates” a full 43% of his contributions have been from the FIRE (finance, insurance and real estate) sector. And sure enough, the bills he has authored while on the House Financial Services Committee have all been geared to loosening up the regulations that protected the economy and us consumers from the reckless gambling that brought us crashing down a few short years ago. And he’s still trying to do more of the same.
2. Royce is a war-mongering, saber-rattling chickenhawk. Hence, the sarcastic “warlord” in my title. Pro-war groups give him their highest ratings. He was a dependable cheerleader from the beginning for Bush’s misadventures in Iraq and Afghanistan, and fought stalwartly against all attempts to impose any kind of timetable on these misbegotten crusades. The last two times he’s been in the news here was for hectoring Obama to be tougher on North Korea, and to send more troops to sub-Saharan Africa.
This warmongering is in stark contrast with Mr Royce’s own record. After all, he turned 18 in 1969, and somehow made it through five of the harshest years of the Vietnam War without serving in the military, while most of his contemporaries were being called up and shipped off. We citizens have yet to hear an explanation of how he pulled this off – even Dana and Gary have somewhat shaky medical excuses. Maybe his number never came up – but still, you would think that someone so gung-ho to defend America’s supposed interests with firepower would at least have volunteered.
This is why, along with the rest of the OC’s Republican delegation, Mr Royce is often depicted as a “chickenhawk,” as in this ancient frieze to the right.
3. Royce is an irresponsible anti-Muslim demagogue. It appears his reputation has been sullied, rightly, by his participation in last year’s infamous Yorba Linda Hatefest, that climaxed in mobs of Islamaphobes shrieking out hate speech at a peaceful crowd of Muslim men, women and children waiting in line to attend a fundraiser for a battered women’s shelter. Now he blames some unnamed “splinter group.” But those of us who studied the event know how it happened.
Wild-eyed Deborah Pauly’s over-the-top rhetoric of “pure unadulterated evil” and “giving these terrorists an early meeting in paradise,” which whipped the crowd into a frenzy, was prefaced and legitimized by Congressman Ed Royce‘s speech detailing in gruesome detail fundamentalist atrocities that happen in rural Iran and Afghanistan, and his declaration that “multiculturalism is paralyzing America.” What could possibly have been the sense of hurling charges of anti-woman violence at a crowd that was there to help build a battered women’s shelter? That day, Ed Royce showed himself to be nothing more than an irresponsible demagogue.
These are three reasons that normal people, normal Americans, should be strongly against Ed Royce. I hope to hear from Tony Bushala why conservatives should also oppose him, and exactly why they, apparently, consider him a “RINO.”
The Line-Up for June 5
- Jay Chen, Ed Royce, D’Marie Mulattieri.
SO. Two candidates have stepped forward to challenge this blue-eyed miscreant in his new district: Hacienda Heights Democrat Jay Chen and independent Occupier D’Marie Mulattieri. Only one will make it past the June 5 top-two primary, after which that candidate will have the truly daunting task of taking on Ed Royce’s big money and GOP institutional support. Let’s meet these two brave souls.
A second-generation Taiwanese-American and Harvard grad, Jay Chen started his own small business, investing and managing commercial properties throughout Southern California. He is also an intelligence officer in the U.S. Navy Reserve, in dramatic contrast to Congressman’s Royce avoidance of military service. He’s currently on the Hacienda-La Puente School Board, and recently hosted a naturalization seminar that taught more than 100 immigrants how to become U.S. citizens and greater participants in our democracy – in even more dramatic contrast to Congressman Royce with his xenophobia, aversion to multiculturalism, and blather about a border wall.
D’Marie (pronounced Dee-marie) Mulattieri was one of the major driving forces behind Occupy Orange County, and is hence well-equipped philosophically to take on Royce’s ideology of unbridled financial de-regulation. D’Marie describes herself as “socially progressive and fiscally conservative.” A successful small businesswoman herself, she was “frustrated with the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Citizens United, appalled by the abuses of Wall Street perpetuated by the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act and the resulting economic crash of 2008, and could no longer stand on the sidelines and watch the decline of the American Dream; rather she felt it was time to be part of the solution.”
Sometime later this month I’ll interview them both in Fullerton, in a sort of Royce-less debate (unless we can talk Ed into showing up.) What do you all think I should ask them?
For one, I will ask D’Marie what she means by being fiscally conservative. Does that mean she would cut even more, from services and taxes? Is Jay also fiscally conservative? Does anybody actually call themselves fiscally liberal any more?
Why is D’Marie not affiliated with a Party, and why on the other hand is Jay a Democrat? How will he defend his Party from what’s likely to be a fairly withering attack from both D’Marie and Ed? Why should the 22% of independents in the district who will decide the race vote for Jay, or for D’Marie? If D’Marie makes it through the primary, why should the district’s Democrats vote for her?
How will they restore the economy, how will they bring jobs to their district? Will they fight to add a public option to Obamacare? Will Jay fight to re-instate Glass Steagall (we know D’Marie will.) At what times will they support President Obama and at what times will they resist him? Would D’Marie “caucus” with the Democrats? Would Jay or D’Marie be in the Progressive Caucus? What else should I ask these two bold contenders, in the Royce-Off?
All that other stuff is as may be. Royce stuck Fullerton with a series of incompetent, geriatric RINO fools, pension barnacles and stipend whores.
He, like, installed them? The three clogged sinks? The way Huff is doing in La Habra?
Been doing it for 20 years. But the times are changing.
*Ripped our opinion supporting Royce…eh? Oh well, God will know!
*Sorry wrong post…we thought you had shaded the other post supporting Ed Junior!
Our apologies….but we still support Ed!
Please refer to our comments on the Pauly/Royce Multi-Cultural Hate Group – Situational Ethics-Might be different if I were King-article.
I still haven’t heard how you two defend what Ed said at the rally. “Multiculturalism is paralyzing America?” What does that mean? Do you agree? How about his describing fundamentalist atrocities in far-off lands, as an intro to a Muslim fundraiser for battered women?
How about his NOT condemning Deborah Pauly’s death threats and hate speech? And only weakly regretting the lynch mob that he warmed up for?
Royce is as far from a Portrait in Courage as we have. Demagogue. You guys have to stop defending politicians who do and say bad things simply because they seem nice to you.
Teaser from Mulattieri:
I use the term, “Fiscally conservative” to underscore the need for FULL accountability. To treat the taxpayers money as we do our own, or at least the way I am with my money or any business I have ever worked for.
I always work to receive the best value for each dollar spent. I have consistently brought every project to completion on time and under budget. We must audit how and where money is spent. Redistribute money to the advantage of the taxpayers not the corporations and too big to fail banks.
It is time for our country to join the 23 other industrialized countries that provide a social safety net for its citizens. We can do this very easily, by cutting the defense budget in half, removing the $106,000 cap on social security (which by the way is not struggling…yet) closing corporate loop holes and charging a financial transaction tax as well as reinstating a wealth tax.
I agree with most of what she suggests (although I’d want to use more care with cutting defense than just saying “in half), except for the last one.
There’s a good argument for a wealth tax in theory. Unfortunately, it’s not constitutional. We could have a “capitation tax” on the states, who (if their constitutions allow) could impose a wealth tax, but the only direct personal federal tax allowed by the amended constitution is on income, not wealth.
Professor Vern,
In order to do that…you need a new constituent body willing to fill the “war chests” of
those that still need to be re-elected to vote on things.
Multi-Culturalism is a fact of life. The good old days of all Germans, English, Dutch, Italians, Chinese, Japanese and Irish are sadly over. Today we can even celebrate
Kwanza…can’t we? Everyone we know celebrates Chinses New Year and even knows the animal year in which they were born. Latinos in California are not the disenfranchaise Majority. Asians from every point of the globe can be found her in California. Now, if we could only get them to bring their great food and beer (the kind those locals like) here for our consumption. Blacks? This is now the Royal Minority with President Obama being elected. Can you ever imagine another time in U.S. history when Major Media would be following the demise of a single black teenager from Florida…as a major full length press punch?
No, Professor Vern – Ed Royce is merely speaking to those local folks who give him cash and make sure they vote every time they see his name on the ballot. Also, if the truth be known…..there is nothing wrong with liking anyone from any party if they treat you nicely – which Ed Royce has done with us….every time we seen him.
You are right, he is a demagogue, who’s picking on Muslims because they are a weak and unpopular minority, and doing it for the votes. You say so yourself. You should hate him.
Maybe you don’t want to admit a guy you like is a destructive irresponsible demagogue. Maybe that makes you sad to know that. But at least you could refrain from rushing in to defend him, when me and Greg are just telling the truth.
So much to cover here:
There were no “old days” of “all Germans, English, Dutch, Italians, Chinese, Japanese and Irish,” and if there had been they would not have been “good” that that they were over would not be “sad.” (And what do you have against the French, leaving aside Blacks, Native Peoples, Spaniards, Greeks, etc. I know — it wasn’t intended to be comprehensive. That why not to try.)
It’s unusual that a national majority is disenfranchised — off the top of my head I can think of the old South Africa, Bahrain, and I think Syria and maybe Lebanon,
I have enough respect for you think that if you think, really think, about your calling Blacks the “Royal Minority” here, you would retract the statement.
Medger Evers got some good press in his time. So did Emmett Till. (Since you already know about and rejected MLK, Malcolm X, and Fred Hampton as examples, I won’t belabor them.
He may be exchanging bigotry for cash and votes, but that doesn’t cleanse it from being bigotry. It just makes it hypocrisy as well. And he’s not “merely” doing it. It’s wrong. Would you excuse Ahmedinejad’s comments about the U.S. the same way?
There’s nothing wrong with liking anyone from any party if they are decent in how they act and what they support. There are plenty of decent Republicans — some who even have the courage today to speak out against bigotry in their party. Their being nice to you, or not, has nothing to do with how worthy they are of being liked. You may like them despite their being offensive and their spitting on the Constitution, but they are still offensive.
multi culturalism is when a new ethnic/religious/social group incorporates its ideas, beliefs, traditions into the american melting pot. that is a good thing. demanding separate, special treatment for particular customs and traditions which are diametrically opposed to the traditions of our country and calling for the overthrow of our government and exemption from our laws while demanding that mainstream society adhere to those very laws that they want to restrict as to others is not multiculturalism, it is repression of the majority that made those very rights available to the minority and it should be exposed and denounced
Where do you get that definition? First of all, The U.S. isn’t a “melting pot,” it’s a stew pot. That’s why you still have St. Patrick’s Day and the like. The tastes meld, but retain their essential flavor.
As for demanding special treatment — what do you have in mind? Orthodox Jews wearing headgear in the military?
What customs and traditions are diametrically opposed to the traditions of our country? Fighting back against racial supremacy? (Technically, you’d be right.)
Who’s calling for the overthrow of our government? Oh, you mean the Tea Party?
Whose calling for exemption from our laws? Oh, you mean church groups who want to retain tax-exempt status while engaging in politics?
What “repression of the majority” do you think is actually taking place?
I get the sense that you may be talking about “honor killings” or something. Well, “honor killings” are illegal and denounced by most Muslims I know. No one of consequence is defending them in the way you suggest. So what are you talking about? It sounds fine in general, but likely weak in particulars.
Dr. Diamond; Check your history please….The Chinese built the Transcontinental Railroad in the 1850’s along with digging most of the Silver and Gold in California and Nevada. You do remember that today in Los Angeles and SF they actually have “China Town”. They also had “Little Italy”, “German Town”, “Little Tokyo” and if you count the Multi-Culturalism in New York City and thousands of Eastern European Jews, Greeks, Puerto Ricans and Spaniards……back in numbers and back being picked on with a variety of very nasty names…….you have to agree that whether you believe America is “Stew Pot”, “Melting Pot” or a “Vegetable Pot”……..this is what America is. The English have always been the Land Owners, The Italians always the Restaurant Owners….along with the Mexicans. The Japanese were always the low key rich farmers and folks that worked around your yard before the Mexicans. The Germans were always in the Service Industries, Manufacturing, Engineering and serious beer drinkers. The Greeks were always Independent thinkers that had great bakery goods. The Puerto Ricans always had the best low cost street items, electronics, music and of course switchblades.
The point is this: We now have a huge Vietnames Community….”Little Saigon”..ever heard of it? What is (are) there religion(s)? We have a huge Indian population in Los Angeles that includes Sikh and Vegans – no less! The various areas of China are now starting to implant themselves in the Orange County land mass: There are 12 basic ethnic Chinese Groups and they are all represented right here in our town.
Wiley Drake, Pat Robertson and even half the Southern Baptist in America….think that Multi-Culturalism is being Catholic! Give us a break, your argument is not going to fly anywhere, especially here in the Golden State. You can try to feed that duck, but it is not getting off the ground…way too heavy to believe!
Final point: Pull up your list of Cable TV Channels: How many are foreign languages?
How many are Spanish Speaking only – without english subtitles? Do you ever watch Al Jezzra News? How about the Japanese Financial Reports? Not everyone watches Fox News or CNN…you know? Does Ed Royce know about this or do you think he keeps himself sequestered in a private jet to and from Washington D.C.?
They say: “It takes a hater to know one!” So, what are you really saying? Final, final point: We have a Black President, we have blacks in Commericals for Viagra along with hundreds of other products, we coverage of Black issues, Entertainment, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson Memorials and thousands of film and television programs.
Multi-Cultural? Too late for that boyz……we are a real freedom loving country that has brought ever race, creed and color here. No, there is no one to hate but the old people left! The old people have all the money, are taking young people’s jobs and won’t die. You want to blame someone for banking crisis and the crash of the Global Economy….Old People – with the help of a bunch of young greedy twits that were mentored by “The Old Folks”.
Stop getting distracted by shiny objects. Your friend Ed Royce spoke out against the Muslim religion, to a crowd of anti-Muslim bigots. He gave them legitimization as a Congressman, and some quasi-intellectual arguments, and then they went forth and hated Muslims even more.
And as you admit, he did it for votes, and because American Muslims in their small numbers are easier to pick on than Mexicans or blacks. He is a bad man. You can’t make that go away.
*Sorry forgot the most important Multi-Cultural Event in Orange County: Persian New Year at Irvine Park…with atttendance numbers upwards of 200,000 folks. Bigger than the Vintage VW Swap Meet Event that we go to every year!
*The one thing you cannot fault Ed for….is knowing his audience. In the words of Bill Maher: “So, you got a religion that worships a rock?” Does that mean that Ed and Bill are on the same page? Bill also says: “So you have a religion that believes in your special friends…..like Angels?” As you can see; Maher is a bi-relgious slammer. Will he give Ed Royce some money for his next campaign? All too confusing for us. What did mom say: “Don’t discuss politics or religion socially….it will only cause trouble!” What about Methodist-Lutheran’s? Any comments about those too?
Halfway through reading that comment I lost all feeling in my face. Give me a moment to recover. OK.
Bigotry bad. Multiculturalism good. We seem to agree on that much. I’m just walking with that knowledge in a less meandering and surprising path than you.
*Some folks are very quick learners….no doubt!
Jay Chen supports illegal immigration and amnesty for illegal Chinese immigrates. he is an open borders Nut!!
Thanks for bringing our attention back to this great story and debate, Jimbo. Vote Jay Chen!!!
Hi jimbo — I’m doing a story on the role of racist attacks in Ed Royce’s campaign against Jay Chen. Would you be available for an interview by e-mail?
(Vern: I have plenty more coming out on the CA-39 race. Royce is sending out so much crap that it’s hard to keep up.)