Copyright law contains a fair-use exception for quoting something for the purpose of criticism, so I’m going to reproduce a large portion of this post by one of Eleazar Elizondo’s opponents, whom I will refer to only by the code name “Huevo Ensucara,” as used in the photo at right. What follows (in poisonous green and stolid teal, with emphasis in frightening fuchsia) is a direct quote from another local blog:
O.C. Hatch Act violators could include Quirk-Silva, Pham and Kang
So the Orange County GOP and the Democratic Party of Orange County want to use the Hatch Act to push candidates that are in their way out of the picture? Well, that sword cuts two ways. There are plenty of OC GOP and DPOC candidates who should be charged with Hatch Act violations, including:
- Sharon Quirk-Silva, a Democrat running for the State Assembly’s 65th District. The fact that she is the Mayor of Fullerton could be a Hatch Act violation, “if the elected office is not the individual’s principal employment.” She is a teacher. That is her principal employment. The Hatch Act contains an exception for public school teachers. But the City of Fullerton gets some federal funding And she is also on the Orange County Sanitation District Board, according to her official bio. That agency receives federal funds. Adios Quirk-Silva.
- Long Pham, a candidate for the 72nd Assembly District. He listed his occupation as “Member, Orange County Board of Education.” Oops. The O.C., Department of Education gets a lot of federal funding. And the education exception in the Hatch Act applies only to teachers. See ya Long!
- Gregg D. Fritchle, a Democrat running for the 55th Assembly District. His ballot designation says he is a Social Worker. Really Gregg? For what public agency? Busted!
- Sukhee Kang, a Democrat running for the 45th Congressional District. His ballot statement says his occupation is “Mayor of Irvine.” If that is true the Hatch Act excludes him. But if he draws an income from other sources that exceeds what he gets as Mayor, and in fact lives off that other income, he could be violating the Hatch Act, as the City of Irvine does in fact receive federal funds.
- Jorge Robles, a “Law Enforcement Officer” and Republican who is running for the 38th Congressional District. That is a Hatch Act violation as law enforcement agencies all get federal funding. Bummer.
I would imagine that we could do this all night long if we start to look at all the local candidates running in November. The fact is, the Hatch Act could take out a lot of candidates this year, here in Orange County. If it is going to be used by the hacks going after Moreno, then they better be prepared to see their pals get raked through the coals too!
April 12, 2012 at 8:15 am (UTC -7)
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the law applies to partisan elected offices. City Council and School Board seats do not count. Why you mention people who are not covered by the Hatch Act in this post is misleading ad best, a deliberate lie at worst.
[OCBOE candidate]
April 12, 2012 at 8:23 am (UTC -7)
No, I just screwed up. Thanks for catching that. Too bad
Let us never be accused of unfairness — in one day, Orange Juice Blog has now provided two Orange County Board of Education District 1 candidates with opportunities to demonstrate their analytic skills. (The post where Eleazar Elizondo analyzes an actual issue recently facing the OCBOE Trustees is here.) Readers who will vote in that district are welcome to make their own comparisons.
(For the record, I don’t much care politically whether Moreno remains in the AD-69 race or not. Let the law operate appropriately — so long as it’s interpreted correctly.)
“No, I just screwed up. Thanks for catching that. Too bad”
– That bit at the end made me do a double-take. Art admitting a mistake?!? Was that a freak occurrence, or will we see this again?
How’s that state senate race coming along Greg?
I’m afraid that big, free, BOB HUFF ad on Art’s blogs has done him in, Sean.
Oh I think he may have been done in before that ad appeared Vern.
“Done in,” Sean? I don’t know — there are plenty of reasons to run for office even as an underdog. I seem to remember the website you’re associated having free ads up for Gary Johnson a while back; do you think that based on his expected vote total Gary Johnson has no reason to run for President?
Of course, I’m going to do way better than Gary Johnson. Probably better than your blogging friend, too.
Thanks for asking, Sean! I’m confident about making the runoff. I’m looking forward to getting access this weekend to the Democrats of North Orange County’s campaign office (in cooperation with Jay Chen’s campaign), out of which I’ll be working. (Public opening to be announced soon.) My focus is on November, not June, though I’m doing some things in preparation for June that I won’t discuss until after that election.
I’m trying not to write about the race here, because I think that writing about one’s own race (and one’s opponent or opponents) on one’s “general interest” blog, rather than on one’s campaign blog, is crass. Don’t you? I’d call it “unethical,” but not everyone thinks that blogging demands (or even involves) ethics.
how are those prospects for a wife and family coming Sean?
Perhaps we need not get quite so personal, eh?
Sean does.
Now now now.
If Sean jumped off a cliff, would you jump off a cliff?
If Sean robbed a bank, would you rob a bank?
Be that as it
mayis, I don’t want to encourage it. But you’ll notice that, despite my response to it, it has not been taken down.I demand you take this post down IMMEDIATELY! THis is libelous and I am calling the lawyer and reporting this to the Santa Ana PD. You guys are BUSTED for messing with the best Latino blogger ever, EVER!