An uproar tomorrow in Anaheim? People just won’t sit still for the hotel tax giveaway! This just in:

Uh-oh -- will the 99% show up at Anaheim's City Council meeting to demand a vote on a tax giveaway? (Note: graffiti is no joke. This illustration does not endorse graffiti. Don't do it. And don't threaten the Council, either. Glowering is OK.)
The people planning this action are looking for speakers who represent the interests (and in this case the anger) of the 99% before the Anaheim City Council. This sort if thing is what brings all sorts of people on OJB together. If you’re interested in being one of the speakers — and they want literally dozens of them — you can contact Joanne Abuqartoumy to sign up — by phone at 714-715-8798 or by e-mail at (Don’t abuse the kind (and authorized) provision of her contact information, please!)
TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 2012, 5 PM
Let the people vote! Tell City Council to place the $158 million hotel give-away on the ballot.
- Three members of the city council, Eastman, Murray and Sidhu, voted to give one rich developer a gift of $158 million of the people’s money to build two luxury hotels at the GardenWalk mall.
- This egregious gift of taxpayer money is shameful. The developer does not have to pay the city back any of the money nor does he have to pay the transient occupancy tax (TOT) that other hotels have to pay, for at least 15 years.
- At a difficult economic time when police and fire personnel have been reduced, crime has increased, and library and park services have been cut, Anaheim cannot afford to give away precious resources that go to the city’s general fund.
- They say jobs will be created and sales tax will increase. There is no guarantee that any jobs created will be local jobs and their overly inflated projections are “pie in the sky” numbers that, in reality, would be miniscule compared to over $10 million per year that would be lost in the TOT give-away.
We, the people of Anaheim, wrapped in the democracy of the American flag, claim the freedom and justice that is rightfully ours. We ARE the 99%!
“What do we want, Anaheim? Let the people vote!”
To get a seat, be sure to come early (4:30)
Anaheim City Council Chambers, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd.
“Let the people vote! Tell City Council to place the $158 million hotel give-away on the ballot.”…….. Hmmmmm
I have better idea!
Give it to the Workers Unions so they can buy brown shirts for their members and some yellow badges.
Who needs profits, jobs and taxes from a tourism.
I’ll just mark you down for “there is no middle ground between this giveaway and shutting down the tourist industry in Anaheim altogether” with a side of “therefore they are victims of Nazism.” A pleasure to see you back here as always, Stanlislaw.
From our Republican friends at OC Political: the Resort People Are Coming, and they want their giveaway! They’ll be at Anaheim City Council too tomorrow to explain why the hotels are worth building if they get their $158 million and not otherwise.
May want to get there early!
Nice graffiti work. Legible, well balanced, good contrast. Down with the crooked politicians!
Of course, the hotel trio voted against any such notion. They would not be swayed. Angry people are not as persuasive as big bucks.
What’s alarming is all this ‘race to the bottom’ rhetoric about how Garden Grove’s giveaways are so lucrative that Anaheim has to be competitive in the same manner. It’s the same kind of nonsense that corporations have employed in the global economy that has destroyed the US working class and immiserated the global south.
Also unionized trade workers and the teamsters, in supporting this project as is, are itching to construct edifices of inequity where there’s no guarantee that future hotel service workers will be unionized and receive anything close to a living wage. Solidarity forever?
I feel bad for the building trades, who do need to see jobs created, but a refusal to subsidize this project before it can be built is not an existential threat to them, unlike outsourcing, paycheck deception, and other issues.
I tried contacting someone from the chamber of commerce about what, if any, guarantee there is that construction jobs would be local and not out of state.
I never did receive a reply…