Oh the things the Moorlach could do with third term.
Moorlach could end homelessness if Moorlach had only four more years. Moorlach cut pensions if Moorlach have more time in government.
Moorlach make no more big expensive mistakes in third term. No more Chriss Streets. No more John Williamses. No more big doomed lawsuits to save County money end up costing County money.
If the Moorlach just get two more Supes to agree with Moorlach at next meeting, he can get it on June ballot, and he know the voters will give him third term. Because where else can the Moorlach go, what else can the Moorlach do, but be a OC Supe?
Will it be Janet to say yes? Pat? Shawn? Bill? The Moorlach need just two, to vote yes on Item 50 next Tuesday.
Then Moorlach make case to the people of Orange County. The people love Moorlach. The people need Moorlach.
The people would never send the Moorlach back to private life to be a boring old accountant again, would they?
Moorlach no get third term. Only Shawn vote for brilliant Moorlach proposal. What matter with Janet, Bill, Pat? Why they no want to be Supes Forever? Was Shawn’s vote in exchange for the Moorlach’s vote on Shawn’s Item 51 to make Supe position just for rich people? Did that pass? (see comments below) Vern find out…
If the Moorlach no get third term, small hairless Hansen creature could feast on remains of the Moorlach like vermin.
Do you mean THIS small hairless Hansen creature?
Where did you find that photo of Moorlach? He’s naked, for Christ’s sake!
Me like Vernin Vermin.
He has exhibited such great personnel management skills, including selectoni of people for key jobs and pension plan administration, he should apply to become the new County HR Director. Of course I am setting aside the rumor that he really has his sights set on the County Auditor-Controller position, which is presently being recruited, the incumbent having left Orange County for a similar job in Sonoma County that pays $ 40K a year more.
You need to get a picture of Moorlach next to Costa Mesa Planning commissioner Colin McCarthy, or Leprechaun mayor Monahan.
It looks like Chewbacca standing next to a couple of Jawas.
I know that many people don’t click links, so I’m going to make this easy for them:
I tossed in Nelson’s proposal — requiring that Supes opt for the minimum (1.62% at 65) pension plan for County Employees — as well, because in combination they make for a devastating 1-2 punch:
Your paraphrase of Shawn’s (sorry, can’t call him Nelson) measure is not so outrageous, when I remember what he said to me and a group of my (Williams whistleblower) friends. He firmly believes that if you DIDN’T TAKE A 50% PAY CUT to be an elected official, you shouldn’t be in the government. Because, I guess, you will start to see the office as something you depend on financially. I see his logic. But of course the flip side is only reasonably well-off people will be able to serve, and it’s better (despite FDR and the Kennedys) to have folks in office who know what it’s like to have to scramble for a living, representing the rest of us. (The 99% anyone?)
And seeing these two measures sitting right next to each other, you begin to suspect that Shawn and John already have each other’s votes, and only need one more.
I would not be taking a 50% pay cut if I beat Bob Huff this year. How do I plan to avoid corruption if elected? I’ll do it the same way I have done so up until now — by refusing to engage in it.
Honestly, when you look at the wallet cancer that many (not all) politicians and wealthy people have — do they really need to keep padding their bank accounts like they do? — you see that Nelson’s theory is absurd. When you’re in a social group that says that avaricious fleecing of whoever you can is OK, you do it. When you aren’t, you don’t.
Beyond a reasonably moderate “middle-management” level of income that society should be willing to pay for honest public servants, refusing to engage in sucking as much as possible out of the public treasury is a matter of character, not of lack of need. It’s only people who would rob people blind if they could get away with it who think that we need to make sure that only rich people run the country because they are somehow incorruptible.
(Yoo-hoo — MITT ROMNEY, anyone?)
There’s an analogy here to sex — Nelson’s theory is that only men with lots of sexual partners should be in charge of guarding the virgins, because they have no need for additional sex and will therefore leave the young girls alone. How would that work out, do you think?
By the way — all you legislative term limits advocates out there (of which I’m not one): every hair on your body should be standing on end right now and the prospect of this being snuck through on the June ballot when relatively few people will vote. If this is worth voting on at all, it’s worth voting on in November, even if it inconveniences the Moorlach.
If you have the courage of your convictions, you will start screaming about this story within two minutes after reading it. Ready? Go!
I’ve lost a lot of respect for John lately. It always seems to be all about him. Of course his judgment is just terrible and he’s let the County drift under the current CEO.
Of course this is pitched as a mandatory term limit to schnooker the voters into giving John another four years, although, legally I’m not even sure if the 12 years starts AFTER the effective date.
Nelson’s item is simply codifying what the Board agreed to last year – the idea is to remove the incentive for future Boards to enhance pensions that would necessarily include their own. I don’t know if this is even necessary with the existing Measure J, but that’s the rationale.
They be watching and learning.
Repeal two term limits, old law / rule gone.
Replace with three term limit. New law / rule / ord.
3 term limits, the clock starts on enactment.
Its not about 4 more years, its about 12 more years.
Is “Alvarez” about to become a verb?
The proposal to put a change in Supervisor term limits on the ballot couild be enticing to Supervisor Campbell, as well, as he is being termed out too. If this gets on the ballot, we could see a campaign by Campbell for a 3rd term in hopes the voters approve the term limit change, with his prmary oppontent being Todd Spitzer. This could get real interesting.
No, the measure wouldn’t take effect quickly enough for Campbell. It’s just for Moorlach!
I understand that Spitzer is thinking hard about it, as it also says “limit of three terms throughout your life,” so that would newly limit him to the one term he wins this year, and he’s not 100% sure he’s gonna beat T-Rack for DA in 2014.
Complicated considerations for our career pols!
You can’t pass a 3 term limit and then apply it differently to some qualified candidates.
It doesn’t matter what words you use or how you arrange the meaning of those words, if its looks backwards to limit terms, then it unconstitutional. SC-09-03
No, Cook, the proposed language is to go into effect in ‘013, Campbell’s out this year. So it would help Moorlach but not Campbell.
The language has not been written yet, link to your info please.
If the voters pass such Ordinance, it become effective on the next election. (Nov. 2012) So Campbell would still be a qualified candidate for the “new” two life time term limit.
If that’s possible, with Pauly also in the mix, then I think that you will see a Democrat run.
does it really matter who sits in those seats? between the union thugs and the schroeder/baugh/greer juanta, we all know who will still run things
But the Moorlach will find bicycle stoled from The Martinez if he can only have more term. And wreak mayhem on bike stolers.
*The Man, The Myth, The Legend of John Moorlach. Yes sportsfans everywhere, a small Dutch Boy put his finger in the dike and saved the country. With Hans Brinker’s Magic Skates “The Grand Bear of the OC” found the elusive hole in the Orange County Budget under the infamous former Treasurer Bob “The Lemon” Citron. The Horatio Alger CPA story of all-time. A foreign born bean counter…..taking on one of the most sophisticated areas of the United States ..with charm and cunning.
The search for the alter ego of Michael Bloomberg……..nay…..not a self aggrandizer in form of Rick Perry or Herman Cain…..nay….a downhome grassroots sort of hail fellow well met. Not a Mitt Romney, not a Rick Santorum. Not a Ron Paul…..no a man of incredible courage…willing to come on Cutting Edge – a talk show back in the day, right at the turn of the century in the year 2000. Yes, dodging the nay sayers who shot holes in his various concepts of governing, taking on Unions, Pensions, Healthcare and even members of his own political party and core group. A man even willing to buy Toll Roads from Private Industry. A man that never saw an Unincorporated Area of the country…..he didn’t see a either a city or part of another city.
“TheMoorlach”…..sounds like something right out of the “Time Machine” doesn’t it? Does he have feet of clay? Does he have his faults? Does he have a fan club?
What future lays ahead? Perhaps a well paid lobbyiing gig in Private Industry? Perhaps an appointment by the Governor of California to head up some major commission? Perhaps, going back to the Netherlands to purchase several windmills? No matter what lies ahead…..the future looks bright for “The Moorlach”!
LOL, you two have found your niche.
(Whatever it is you’re saying.)
Love the title of this post. Cheers.
I keep chuckling everytime I read this article……the syntax cracks me up.
Sure enough, Moorlach has Shawn’s vote! See Norberto’s new article:
(Hey – how ’bout this blog beating the Voice of OC by 3 days on a county-govt story? Quality of our pajaritos, I always say!)
Shawn talks some Goldilocks-style nonsense that he likes term limits, 12 years is just right, 8 years is not enough, after 12 years you magically become “part of the establishment though.” (Or is that Cinderella pumpkin-carriage magic?)
So you just know that Shawn must have John’s vote for HIS measure 51. What quids and quos may have hooked in the requisite Supe #3? Hey, didn’t they all vote yes on the new redistricting that rewards JANET with more Asians and less Latinos in her district? Just spitballing here…
Meanwhile, commenter “cacityguy” – a good friend of this blog – contends that the measure as written would WIPE THE SLATE CLEAN and give The Moorlach THREE MORE TERMS after 2014, for a total of TWENTY YEARS IN OFFICE. Hey, is that shit true? That would be about the sneakiest shit I’ve heard in a while!!! Especially given Shawn’s magic-12 years talk.
the hypocrisy of moorlach is just simply astounding. this guy has got to go
God save us from a third Campbell term. We have NEVER had a worse supervisor.
The press coverage seems to read that the language of the Moorlach proposal would have permitted a Supervisor to hold up to 3 terms after the effective date of the proposal, assuming the voters approved it. If that is true, it means that Moorlach could have run for 3 more terms, or 12 years more of Big John. Again, if true, this is an amazing bit of Chutzpa that could have led to the establishment of a new political machine in county government here – glad it was voted down by the majority of Supes.
And Shawn – lawyer Shawn – to go along with it – with the story that “8 years is not enough, 12 years is just too much, after 12 you become PART OF THE ESTABLISHMENT” – when, if what you’re saying is true and Shawn wasn’t being dumb – he voted to allow Moorlach 20 years.
8 years is too few; 12 years is to many; 8-12 years is just right!
And yet – even if that’s true, Goldilocks – it seems The Moorlach’s measure would have given The Moorlach TWENTY years – so then why would Shawn support it?
How did Shawn’s measure turn out anyway, Tony, I haven’t checked yet.
Backup for this interpretation in Fleischman’s new piece (he consulted with “constitutional law experts” on Moorlacah’s language)
Fleischman making sense twice in a month. What is the world coming to?
Vern, my take is that the answer is that Shawn is from Fullerton, and careful observation over the years of the antics of politicians and activists from that town would seem to confirm that deal making and cronyism overcomes principled behavior.
That’s how it is now. Not in 3 months.
The elimination of term limits need to come from the people and not from the office holders.
Poor John, still looking for a paycheck.
I talked to Shawn, my cousin from another coven. His measure did pass, with the votes of Moorlach (thought so) and Campbell. So, to reprise what we’ll be voting on in June, as Diamond posted above:
51. Supervisor Nelson – Consider directing the Registrar of Voters to place “An Ordinance of the County of Orange, California Adding Article IV, Section 401 to the Charter of Orange County Imposing a Mandatory Minimum Pension Selection for Members of the Orange County Board of Supervisors” on the ballot and to consolidate that election with the Statewide primary election to be held June 5, 2012; and direct County Counsel to prepare the ballot language and impartial analysis of Ordinance and forward to the Registrar of Voters
Shawn insists that everybody who says Moorlach’s measure (which Shawn supported) would have wiped the slate clean and given The Moorlach 20 years are just wrong, and probably not lawyers. “Who are these people who say that? I keep hearing about legal and constitutional experts, but who are they? Are they lawyers?”
And also, even if it did start being interpreted that way, “It’s nothing that a good lawsuit couldn’t sort out.” (Hm, very lawyerly thing to say.)
But fortunately we won’t have to find out, or have that lawsuit, because Campbell, Nguyen and Bates voted against it. Moorlach no get third term.
OK, we need someone to run for Supervisor so that they have standing to file a lawsuit against Nelson’s referendum. Not joking here.
How about Todd Spitzer?
Someone with less to lose, I hope. He’s running against Debra Pauly, For Pete’s Sake!
5 out of 6 supreme court justices say that term limit laws wipe the slate clean, and the 6th one agrees but under a diff legal theory. So that is 6 out of 6 Justices. SC-09-03 (look it up) Filed Feb 4th 2010 at 4:01 pm
Vern, ask Shawn if Supreme Court Justices meet his approval as authoritative legal opinion on the subject.
SNAP. Game to Cook. (assuming he’s right, sounds like he knows)
if it gets him publicity todd will file the suit and name himself as both plaintiff and defendant
LOL, you wouldn’t be calling Todd “the male Gloria Allred,” would you Willie?
Despite its (uncharacteristically) sardonic title, Norberto’s very fair new article puts Shawn’s pension struggles into context:
Can someone explain why, having opted for the lower pension, Nelson would be getting nothing? This presumed he is not re-elected in 2014?
The proposal still makes of harder for people of lesser means to serve in government — and that’s bad. The wealthy supes who nevertheless take the fatter pensions are bad in a different way, and their choice should be publicized, but people of lesser means willing to govern honestly (rather than being the tools of lobbyists) should be compensated appropriately.
Earlier in the article:
So, a guy who puts his money where his mouth is, whether or not we’re to believe he was originally deceived and had to be shamed by the Bushala base. But now he’s got NO pension and feels he deserves at least SOMETHING. Or, that’s how I read it.
He had to opt out entirely rather than opting for the lower pension? Can’t we, um, change that without making the lower pension mandatory for everyone? Your explanation helps, if he was truly blocked from having any pension at all, but in that case there was a much less drastic cure available.
*Here is a rhetorical question you might enjoy: How many years should an Elected Official serve in order to get a Full Pension? Right now, what percentage of full pension is that number for a single four year term elected?