I can’t say that I wasn’t told that this Liberal OC, “Occupy OC Costs Irvine Taxpayers $8,600,” story was coming, but now that it’s here — well, I’m not sure what to make of it.
It doesn’t surprise me that the presence of Occupy OC has cost Irvine at least $8,600, if that’s the figure, nor that the costs include legal counsel and electronic signs to discourage honking. Of course, one question one might ask is: what have other Occupations that have not involved peaceful and respectful cooperation between municipal government and protesters costs other cities. As usual, Wikipedia gives us a first approximation of an answer. We find a List of Occupations in the United States. With citations, we find some estimated price tags (all of which are footnoted, most of which are outdated and by now higher):
Denver, $365,000. Atlanta, $652,000. Boston, $575,000. Raleigh, NC, $1500 per day. Cincinnati, $128,000. Portland, $785,000. Seattle, $625,000.
But what about ones in California?
Oakland, $2.4 million. Los Angeles, $200,000 — as of Nov. 23, before the mass arrests.
So while I suppose that while one could criticize the Irvine City Council for handling our protest — which could have become much bigger and more contentious in the absence of constructive cooperation — for a relatively small expenditure, in the grand scheme it seems to be awfully wise choice.
Beyond that, there’s this question: how much of what the City spent would have had to be spent even without the City’s cooperation? The City’s cooperation involved our ability to stay there overnight. Those signs discouraging honking mostly apply to our being in a public park during the day — which is our right. It is also our right to be on the sidewalk at night. The fact that our presence leads passers-by — without our instigation — to honk and disturb the neighbors is not our intent. (We don’t honk.) Shutting the protest down because others do honk is unconstitutional — it’s called a “heckler’s veto.” So those signs don’t belong on the tab.
Meanwhile, some City Attorney time drafting contracts is nothing compared to the amount that would be required for what would have been a serious civil liberties case — as some other cities may yet discover. One question is: how much has Irvine saved? The answer: plenty! For one thing, the City obtained concessions from us, some involving noise abatement, that it would not have otherwise obtained.
Meanwhile, Irvine has been getting great nationwide publicity for its handling of our protest — as we protesters have gotten for our handling of Irvine, which leaves us one of the longest continuing occupations in the country — so much so that when the Cleveland City Council voted to recognize its own Occupation, one of the examples cited of how to make things work was — placid little Irvine! Was that worth $10,000 of good PR?
But perhaps the complaint is that we protesters would better not protest at all, even in the light of the way more than $8,600 than the corrupt objects of our protest have cost the county, including Irvine residents. (It’s probably more than that per household, I’d guess, once you factor in the boom, bust, foreclosure cycle.) That seems to be the thrust of this paragraph.
The latest agreement to allow the Occupy movement to camp expires on Dec. 21. The OccupyOC group is not engaged in voter registration, has not endorsed any candidates for local, state or federal office and has not raised any significant money to back candidates or ballot measures that support the 99 percent.
That (except maybe for the voter registration) is true. The Occupy protest is not a partisan effort, despite the presence of many partisans like myself within it. So I will concede the point. I just don’t understand the point. If it’s that only partisan politics leads to change, my question is: well, haven’t we tried that, and didn’t we end up … here? Maybe we need more than one tool in our shed, eh?
Yeah, I tell you this Chmielewski guy has it in for us. Is it true we’re not doing voter registration? I thought we were. Is he talking out his ass on that?
I think some people did some (or were going to do some) early on; I don’t know how that turned out. It’s fair to say that it has not been a significant priority. I just think that criticizing Occupy for not being the Young Democrats is silly.
Credibility and the Northwood Night Stalker are contradictory terms. They should never be used in the same sentence together.
Said the post smoking guy who hides behind a fake name
So, you must be Lucy’s kid…..and I think GF only smokes weed.
He said it was really hard to vaporize a post within the city limits.
That’s the post-hawk fallacy.
Well I COULD see how “post-smoking” could conceivably be interpreted as a sort of homoerotic insult.
Post smoking? How good is the psychdelic effect/high?
“The Occupy protest is not a partisan effort ..”
Really? ……. How many Conservative Republicans have you met who are full fledged Occupiers?
Some Republicans there, more Democrats, MOSTLY INDEPENDENTS. And we don’t talk about partisan politics there. Most of these people are very disappointed with Obama right now, I hope he does some good things in the next year to change their minds.
If you count Ron Paul supporters, and I don’t see why you wouldn’t, then lots.
You guys read way too much into his post. LibOC reported all facts. You just don’t like it because they don’t bend over to kiss OccupyOCs ass
Ah, “Friend O’ Dan!”
I just double-checked, and we HAVE been doing voter registration for nearly two months. So Dan was certainly not factual there, but just making shit up about people he doesn’t like.
As far as I can tell the rest of his post WAS facts, and it’s balanced off by facts Greg reported above.
And as I also wrote in LOC comments: “With the collaboration of the Irvine Congregational Church, we’ve provided Irvine residents with free screenings of high-quality topical movies for six or seven Fridays in a row so far. Add in our holiday food drives. Soon we’re going to be moving on to occupying/protecting the foreclosed homes of whoever wants us to, including in Irvine. Subtract these benefits from the cost, please.”
We don’t need Dan to kiss our ass. We don’t need him to like us. We don’t need his donations. But we are going to call him out whenever he attacks us and gets things wrong or incomplete.
I will concede that his post was not the most affronting thing I found in the local blogworld this week….
The Northwood Night Stalker making things up about people he doesn’t like? What a shock! I don’t get why MasterPlannedistan’s biggest NIMBY and the primary Darth Agran asslicker (next to the carpetbagging Ackermans) is so concerned about Occupy OC’s cost to the taxpayer when Darth Agran’s scam known as the Not So Great Park has been a financial sinkhole for almost 10 years now.
You have to remember Vern, this is the same guy who thought Dr. No’s (Councilmember Steven Choi) 2010 candidacy for the 70th AD was a huge threat when he should have focused his venom on Spanky.
I never thought I’d say this. I miss Chuck DeVore.
Hold on there, cowboy (or cowgirl, as the case may be.) “Reporting all facts” can be misleading without context. So I’m providing context for “facts” like “they spent $8600” such as “is that a lot of money compared to other cities” and “how much of that was due to elements over which the city had control, versus ones where protesters were exercising the same rights that anyone else has.”
You don’t seem to like that, but I don’t see why.
I guess Santa Ana got a real good deal with the outright denial of the BS camping demand, with a whopping total of -0- dollars.
Actually cook, with all the ridiculous unnecessary cop overtime, horses, etc., on Occupy Santa Ana’s very first day, I BET YOU THEY SPENT MORE THAN IRVINE HAS IN TWO MONTHS.
$8600? Sheesh.
Well Vern, you have to remember that MasterPlannedistan has to find a way to pay the board members of the Not So Great Park. In almost 10 years, we have a orange balloon, a once a week half assed farmer’s market and a merry go round. Besides, they waste money on law enforcement resources anyway by utilizing three cop cars for a traffic violation. If you are driving a car and happen to be the wrong shade of white driving in MasterPlannedistan, then it’s six.
Compare that trivial cost to the money lost:
1) because of the Orange County bankruptcy, which was aided and abetted by Wall Street
2) from the illegal practices of Bank of America, a company that Irvine collaborates with and Larry Agram is invested in.
3) through the loss of property values and tax revenues due to the destruction of the wage base of the 99% who have seen their salaries suppressed by corporate America’s immoral tactics such as the use of guest workers, exploitation of tax loopholes, and corruption of our democracy to further their gains and pay
bonuses to their executives.
And if we’re doing our part to put a stop to these abuses in the future, then that $8600 is a wise investment for the folks of Irvine.
Don’t forget the taxpayer scam known as the Not So Great Park
Has occupy Santa Ana taken a Christmas recess? They all be gone.
I was with them today, Cook. 35 or 40 of them. Occupying South Coast Plaza. It was a blast!
Thats almost double than the $ 5753. Beth Krom spent on a reception for TWO DOZEN high level beareaucrats promoting the GREAT PORK!
I didn’t read anything about that from Dan.
Why would you expect anything less?
FYI, Dr. No, Suhkee Kang and Madame Krom are termed out, there will be three seats available in MasterPlannedistan’s Star Chamber. Dr. No is running for Mayor.
As far as the other two open seats go, here something to ponder. Let’s suppose a certain childish blogger/stalker with sociopathic tendencies from the gated surveillance community, also known as the Canyon View area of Northwood, decides to throw his hat in the ring to maintain Darth Agran’s majority in the Star Chamber/Not So Great Park Board. If that does happen, I might know someone that would consider running just to make sure that the ass in question does not become a member of the Star Chamber.
Just putting that out “what if” scenario there….