According to a recent report from the U.S. Census Bureau, that is just what many Californians are saying and doing – they are leaving California. According to a Huffington Post story of November 28, the US Census Bureau reported that people are leaving California at a faster rate than any other state.
According to the Census Bureau report and the Huffington Post article, four of the top ten most common state to state moves between 2009 and 2010 were from California. Specifically, 68,959 people moved from here to Texas, 47,164 to Arizona, 39,468 to Washington State, and 35,472 to Nevada. The move from California to Texas was the biggest state to state move in the United States, followed by 55,011 New Yorkers who moved to Florida. The main reason for moving from California was found to be employment, the reason given by 44% of California’s movers.
While not mentioned in the Huffington article, there are other known reasons that apply to some of the other 56%, at least on an anecdotal basis. Such as: traffic congestion; just too many people; crime and gangs; intensifying ethnic and cultural differences; and taxes.
So, it seems, the comparatively good weather in California is not enough to keep people here in a growing number of cases. Will economic, public policy and social trends moderate and the exodus slow down, or will more and more of us become disenchanted?
A statistically significant portion of those leaving California are higher income tax paying individuals; and conversly, a significant portion of those moving into and remaining in CA are lower income non-tax paying individuals. And you wonder why the state has bigtime budget problems?
I’d like to see a citation for this statistic, as well as an explanation of what “statistically significant” means in this context. Is this at the 95% confidence level?
Yes, California will soon run out of people. Thank God this happened just after redistricting. In eight years, I hope to have an entire Congressional District all to myself.
Yep, they moved out.
No job, No money, Why stay.
YES and its going to get worse if we dont stop them next nov . did you see what the hacks and moonbeam are cooking up in taxes .. they dont get it . no jobs no $$$$ so we will keep taxing , and taxing , to feed the public employee unions and calif teachers , so this is a great story that is why EVERYONE IS LEAVING THIS POOR RUN STATE .
Nearly half of California’s income taxes are paid by the top 1% earners in California. That means we are hugely susceptible to the volatility of those earners’ income, as well as the fact that if a small percentage of them leave our state, we will be in an even worse position. So, naturally we should tax them even further. And while we’re at it, let’s add another percent to the sales tax so we can hammer the middle class and the poor as well. All in all, a great plan from Governor Moonbeam.
Excuse me, are you arguing that we should focus on the less regressive property tax instead? Are you calling for a repeal of Prop 13? I think that that seems a bit extreme, but I will listen to your compromise proposals.
NEWBIE . agree with you i mean this state is tax happy the wages and these crazy stupid pensions are paid by the private sector .. what happens when the private sector leaves the state or wants no more tax increases . OH I KNOW tax the rich more tax the ones who stayed here .. they scream n yell pay your FAIR SHARE . i guess 50 % of the tax is not enough .. and im not speaking like i am a rich guy .. but these people have no clue . what do you they are going to do with their busniness when they increase and regulate everything . adios calif . EVERY SINGLE YEAR YOU HEAR THE SAME OLD THING were broke , we need $ for our schools , teachers , fireman , police . same old broken record .
If any of you malcontents wish to leave, please feel free to do so. I’m grateful for the fact we have an intelligent governor (some states have clowns like Perry and Brownback), a wonderful climate, and we’re relatively free of theocracy. The fact that we’re held hostage by a third of the legislature is problematic, but then nowhere’s perfect.
So, again, run along to the mosquito ridden, hot and humid climes of Texas and the like. ‘Bye now.
ahhhh what joke u are rat farts why dont your kind keep holding us hostage .. you guys should have your own little world of calif YOU WONT MAKE IT .. you need private citizens to feed your union clowns .. and a intelligent gov . who back when he had hair gave the unions the power they have now .. YES RAP calif is in such great shape . held hostage by a 3rd party you clowns have the majorty in everything . but like a true lib . when facts come up its like cockroaches when the lights come on .
Gratoni, what’s the word for “supermajority” in, um, “Cuban”?
mucho mas haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
It’s like arguing with a duck.
Don’t insult the ducks, Greg.
or with a lawyer who cant hear , or see .