Former Santa Ana College Professor/Art Historian Shifra Goldman Passes Away


Shifra M. Goldman, an early scholar, author, and activist for Latin American and Chicano art, died Sunday due to complications of Alzheimer’s disease. According to an informative obituary written by Center for the Study of Political Graphics founding director Carol Wells, Goldman was born in 1926 to Russian/Polish immigrant parents, before moving on with her family to Los Angeles from New York in the 1940s.

As an undergraduate studio art major at UCLA, she involved herself in more than just coursework. She enlisted in the social movement of the times, tasks that found her subpoenaed before the House UnAmerican Activities. Living in East Los Angeles, Goldman learned Spanish and took a deep interest in Mexican and Chicano culture. From there, she would go on to lead a life of teaching and advocacy.

Read on where life would take her next on my latest OC Weekly Heard Mentality Blog post:

About Gabriel San Roman