A strange marriage of… sorts…




Something old, something new, something borrowed….something blue!  Moammar, Marco, Rick and Obama….perhaps?

The news has been interesting lately.  First off the media spends five days covering Kahdafi and Qadafi and who knows how to spell it anyway…….and his precepitous fall from power.  Meanwhile, Moammar has his laptop and is busy broadcasting on radio: “You didn’t get me down Ray!  You never got me down!” – from “Raging Bull” fans!  Who knows when this creepola will eventually bite the dust.  While this goes on endlessly, Nancy Reagan takes a less that choreographed fall at the Reagan Library and gets saved by Marco Rubio.  Of course, no one gives Marco Rubio one twit of credit….from saving the 90 year old….a possible life ending broken hip, back or shoulder.  Marco is truly a hero.  Old folks that suffer those falls….many times never recover.  Thanks Marco for saving Nancy Reagan from incredible pain and the never ending recovery time!

Meanwhile, Rick Perry is the latest flavor of the month for 2012 Presidential candidate.  George W. and Laura hate this guy.  Karl Rove…hates this guy.  Rick Perry is an out of work car salesman says Rove.  Probably an insult to Car Salesmen everywhere.  We won’t go into any of Rick’s  possible failings at this point, other to say that Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Rudy Guiliani, Newt Gingrich all have no comment.  Only “The Donald” likes Rick at this point and time!

Of course the Administration of President Obama is under a weathering attack.  It is so bad, that the Republicans are even picking on Ben Bernanke!  These are odd times….when The Party is supposed to be the pillars of Conservative Consciousness.  When DSK can walk, even when he was caught with his pants down.  When Casey Anthony can walk because people in Florida suddenly believe in No Defense – must mean that people are innocent.  When our courts systems around the world……are letting every high profile bad person go with impunity.

Well, enough ranting….we are pleased with the Redistricting of California – Good Job Redistricting Commission.  We are also pleased that HSR is still a go when there are no jobs in California and in fact we have one of the highest unemployment rates in the country.  Hopefully, a new local group of politicians will be elected in the next coming elections of 2012…so changes to California politics can finally become a reality.  Not much hope of that of course…but then prayer can’t hurt…can it?

The final question of course is:  Can the Global Economy overcome $40 Trillion Dollars in World Debt?  Can we afford to pay our soldiers, our Seniors and keep paying Medicare?  The world probably just needs a marriage of convenience!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk show...is the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.