Hearing: Southern CA Edison requests $3.6 billion rate increase

Higher Electricity Rates

If you have any concerns about the increasing cost of your electric bills let me suggest your attending the June 21st CPUC hearing being held in the Ole Hanson Fireside Room of the San Clemente Community Center. The address is 100 N. Calle Seville. Time. 2.p.m. to 7 p.m.

Some of the proposed rate increase is needed to cover “higher administrative expenses” and “bloated executive pay packages.”

Wait until we get hit with rate hikes related to the federal mandate for conversion to clean coal. “Coal accounts for 40% of global electricity supply and the proportion is set to remain steady, even as global generating capacity rises. Coal-fired generating capacity may double by 2030, which would have a severe effect on carbon dioxide emissions unless new, cleaner technologies can be implemented ” And at what cost to you and I, the consumer?

For additional information on The Utility Reform Network, TURN, and these statewide hearings, simply contact Ana Montes or Kori Chen at 1-800-355-8876 or (415) 929-8876.

You can also get information on line at their web site. www.turn.org

Gilbert apology. Sorry I failed to post the June 9th Joint Hearing that was held in Garden Grove.
The last hearing will be held in the Palm Springs City Council Chambers on June 23rd.

About Larry Gilbert