One of these days….politicians will grasp the basic concept that actions have consequences. Whether it is Marilyn Davenport, Donald Trump or the Police Chief of Los Angeles…..it truly amazes the citizenry when those in positions of minor power weild that power without proper discretion. There are some crazy things going on now days. Maybe there were always crazy things going on – but just were not being reported. The terrible attack at Dodger Stadium against a dad and paramedic wearing a Giants jersey, Republican RCC member, Marilyn Davenport sending out totally dispicable e-mails she thought were funny, Donald Trump wanting to Fire Himself and volunteer for President of the United States and of course LAPD Chief Charlie Beck supporting Red Light Cameras for the City of Los Angeles. We figure…you can’t make this kind of stuff up! Have these people all fallen off the rails and become part of another dimension? Evidently, they see Angeles where we see Devils!
The LA Public Safety Committee, in their wisdom….voted 3 to 2 to support Chief Beck’s Red Light Camera program. A program by the way that continues to lose money, not protect Public Safety and raise Insurance rates for everyone that resides or visits the City of Los Angeles. Mayor Tony V has used a modicum of common sense and has become rather quiet on this issue. The majority of tickets that this Red Light program generates are not from cars whizzing late into intersections, but for those folks who see that no traffic is coming and fail to come to a complete stop at a red light before they turn right.
The 32 Red Light cameras have arguably caused more traffic events than they have prevented. The 32 Red Light cameras that reside in the City of Los Angeles are going to be moved around supposedly from completely safe intersections that haven’t had any collisions to others that might or do. How many years did that action take? What about all the unpaid tickets? What about the cost of this program in the up years?
The value of Red Light Cameras is contentious at best. What isn’t contentious is the cost to residents, tourists and government. Of most grave concern are they health issues that have not been calculated into the equation because Red Light Cameras exist. Heart attacks, Stress, Stroke and a litany of other major concerns which are caused by sudden panic stops, re-end smash-ups and more. Not to mention the loss of tourist friendly dollars that Red Light Cameras create by extortion.
We implore the City Council of Los Angeles….to get a grip. Do not take campaign funds from Red Light Camera providers or their supporters. Recognize that the health and welfare of your citizenry is more important than a feeble attempt to suggest that Red Light Cameras save lives or are cost effective. As the Los Angeles Budget includes losing 4000 jobs in the last two years, how many could have been hired back by doing away with Red Light Cameras?
Wisdom and hindsight are always available with 20-20 eyesight. This time instead of supporting Red Light Cameras…you might use foresight – and just NO!
The City Council of Los Angeles….needs to grasp, that what they do, will greatly influence other communities that can ill afford to make those mistakes. San Diego and Riverside, San Bernardino, Palm Springs…….the list goes on and on. Follow the example of Anaheim and Costa Mesa….just say NO!
Red light ticket fines should be changed to cost plus fine.
That way the criminals pay the costs plus the local government gets 100% of the fine money.
I think red light runners should have their car impound for a month. That kind of irresponsible driving is the root cause of 40,000 auto related deaths per year, hundreds of thousand of injuries, and millions of dollars in damages.
Heck might as well slap on a few hundred more to help pay for high speed rail and local trams.
“Red light ticket fines should be changed to cost plus fine.”…….. Hmmmm
I believe in the positive reinforcement Cook!
If I was elected in 2008 as Mayor of the Santa Ana, I would actually pay $1,000 to everyone who would make it on the other side through the intersection on red light without making an accident.
Imagine how careful drivers would be to enter into the intersection on the Red light knowing that they can make $1,000 if they do not hit moron mongoloids interning on the Green or at cross walk.
Imagine how scared the Green Light drivers and disabled pedestrians would be to enter on the Green.
Many would take intersection with the STOP sign only which would reduce traffic jam at the main intersections.
The majority of drivers would gave up on the driving and would take the bus which would cut on a pollution.
Lot of idiots would get killed on Green light which would reduced the over population of Santa Ana, less food stamps and welfare checks creating well payed mortuary jobs.
It would not effected illegals since they have no driver license so the Liberals and Socialist would not claim the racism and hate policy.
Folks, driving on Red Light is win win concept.
I should add that the Winships are correct by stating that: “One of these days….politicians will grasp the basic concept that actions have consequences.”
I am that “grasping” aspiring politician!
Stan, I like that plan. we can take that a few steps further too. Like getting rid of all stop lights and stop signs too. Why stop for anything.
You are absolutely correct Cook!
Stopping is reactionary, in contrast going is progressive.
I do not know if you have ever visited Mexico City but they do not have lights nor stop signs in most of intersections and have lass accidents than we do.
Have you ever seen any accident when lights break down?….. No!
It is time for the cannonball run.
George Carlin:
And then, RED LIGHTS – when did THIS shit start? I tried stopping at one once, didn’t like it. ZOOM!!!
In about 1975 when I was standing in Santa Monica DMV to renew my license (I lived in Pacific Palisades as a TV repairman and business owner).
George Carlin who was standing right in front of me was entertaining entire line for about an hour.
Those days it was nightmare to go to DMV and I didn’t know who he was until later on when I saw him on the TV.
It was probably the most pleasant line I stand in.
George Carling never went through a Red Light Camera….and we doubt he ever supported
them even in his wildest imagination. Jonathan Winters was our personal favorite and still is.
He lives near Santa Barbara and will still do a stand up routine if you just knock on his door!
Charlie Beck, Donald Trump and Marilyn Davenport are all without any sense of humor and
certainly do not deserve much in the way of a laugh – ever!!
“Charlie Beck, Donald Trump and Marilyn Davenport are all without any sense of humor and certainly do not deserve much in the way of a laugh – ever!!”……… Hmmmmm
Marilyn Davenport’s forwarding of Obama the APE to her friends was very funny showing her sense of humor much higher than yours so look for a reason why you do not lough into your drug and alcohol abuse, perhaps!
Also check your brain damage due to socialism and liberalism indoctrination.
I recall that during a peek of the Chines communist revolution only color allowed was gray and lounging was against the law.
Maybe you are Manchurian Candidates, Winships.
Where I grew up we had redlights. Many people ignored them after 8 pm since the one police car that was on duty usually somewhere else.
One of the sports was waiting for the red light to go, one I was actually qiute good at.
No accidents either, probally not likely anyway when after 8 or 9 there were very few people on the road.
Cameras cause people to slam on the brakes and get hit in the rear. Light themselves help traffic flow but drivers become to confident that the other drivers on the road are paying attention to them. Therefore many only look at the light and forget to look for other vehicles, oops that causes crashes.
Lights and cameras do not caouse crashes it is how we react to them.
Lights are a nesseary evil to keep traffic flowing. Cameras I agree are a overreach and over costly, they need to be banned
In an effort to make a unsafe endeavor less dangerous, “personal auto travel” . rules of conduct have been set up for all to follow.
When those rules are ignored by a few selfish bastards, then law enforcement is called into play.
Red-light cameras is part of the law enforcement effort.
For those who think Red-light camera’s are an infringement on your rights to “cannon ball” (nod to Stanly), Then reregistering your car and buying insurance, also is an infringement.
I do have an answer.
Get a bicycle or 3 wheeler. Currently no requirement of license (drivers) or insurance. And you can still run those red lights, the camera’s are not set up to catch bicyclists running red lights.
Bicycles save gas and reduce your need to buy a gym membership also.
Less money going out of the country and less money spent on health care.
Great idea, volunteers only please, not calling for a government rule.
Here we go again . Promoting products made outside the USA.
The worlds #1 supplier is either Shanghai Phoenix in Shanghai, China or CBC in Hong Kong who is Schwinn’s supplier. In both cases they ship over 1.5 million bicycles per year.
Here is the Winships’ state of mind during their comment composition:
Everyone need to check the tag, I am sure there are some bicycles Made in the USA, they may cost a little more but it is worth keeping the money here.
If I but something new regardless of what it is I try if at all possible to buy something made in the USA.
I have helped in the past make sure that corperations also correctly labeled thier product as to where it was made, so that consumers could have accurate information.
“Maybe you are Manchurian Candidates, Winships” – Stan boy….the first one to call it Jocko!
Cook…you exemplify exactly why “round-a-bouts”, “speed bumps” and the Reason Foundation
has a taste for “charging each and everyone one of us – per mile driven”. Remember” Electra
Guide in Blue”? You know….when cops used to enforce the law…..not Radar Guns!
In the meantime, we have openings on the “Bicycle Trails Committee” right here in Newport
Beach……..and the biggest question is: Should people that text or use their cell phones on
bicycles….be ticketed for Distracted Cycling? How about bicycles allowed to use any lane of traffic they like……if their are parked cars on the right?
Stan, the NKVD still wants to see your papers! We have vouched for you….but then, the boys
from Triblinca have huge memories!
Ask Anna for more Summer Wine – Ron!
“Stan boy….the first one to call it Jocko!”……… Hmmmmm
You are lucky that I am white!
Otherwise, I would report you to Mickey Moxley the RAT and he would send Reverend Sharpton, the real boy jocko, in front of your house to picket you.
I still think we should picket Ron and Anna. We’ll stand out in front of their Corona del Mar home until they bring us drinks!
Yes!…. some of that Anna’s Summer Wine she is giving to Ron.
*Stan & Vern,
Anna doesn’t look like Nancy Sinatra or Lee Greenwood. As a diskjocky……you are “jocko from Rocko”…Aussie we think! Head on down to Brisbane…..they would love your country
humor there! In the meantime, we are sure you will be playing Catskills in the Winter if you
keep your bad act up….to at least ….that level. Stan really needs to apply for Celebrity
Ron get over your hangover!
We are not talking about the looks but the lyrics which are most likely echoing your limousine democrat household.
Ask Anna for more Summer Wine.
*Dr. Pinko Stoli-Popov-Smirnoff, you are truly ruining our vision of Dr. Zhavago..we thought
Russians were cool. now cometh “the Stan”. Your brother needs a replacement: “My name
is Lucy!”….they are calling out to you Stan…..come to Tibet….be outsourced…save yourself
…join the world banking team here at Mastercard!” There is a job waiting and you are the
only one qualified…….this is an honor you truly can’t refuse! Do not waste your great philosophical arguments on people without bills…..go after those with huge debt….they will grasp your antithetical arguments with relish….maybe even mustard and ketchup!
Do not wary comrade Vern I will interpret it for you.
FYI Ron, it is CZECH or BOHEMIA!….. Not RUSSIA!
As the lyrics go:
My eyes grew heavy and my lips they could not speak
I tried to get up but I couldn’t find my feet
She reassured me with an unfamiliar line
And then she gave to me more summer wine
Ohh, summer wine
*Eating too much Brown Bread and Borscht can cause Russian fatherhood denial. They
all say they were not Germans too….in Austria…..but even Hitler knew different. 50 years
of Russian occupation….tells you something – doesn’t it! The next thing you are going to
tell us is – you have no gypsy blood either! Call Mom and have her send you the photo with
the Goat Cart…huh?
Stan, unless you played hockey for the Czech Republic with our friend Vachek Vachek you
won’t get a pass on this one!
When I woke up the sun was shining in my eyes
My silver spurs were gone my head felt twice its size
She took my silver spurs a dollar and a dime
And left me cravin´ for more summer wine
Ohh-oh-oh summer wine
*So Stan…do you have all the promotional Vodka glasses? They are available to Russian
Expatriates….living in the USA. We know you will want to take advantage of their offers.
У меня есть очки! Принесите водки
Stan did you write that, it is pretty good. I rememeber feeling like that a few times after a great night.
Brought back memories, thanks I think.
Jim click on the song above these are lyrics.
*Yes Jim, click on those lyrics….the Russian Secret Police are waiting for you to do that!
The KGB vs. CIA waterboarding produces erotic asphyxiation.
Waterboarding did not look like much fun.
Erotic asphyxiation sounds much better, even if the results are the same.
Yes those secret police are a scary thought, something like the people in big black limos back home.
*Dean Martin did that back in 60’s in the Matt Helm series….along with James Coburn in the – “President’s Anaylst”…….it is really the phone company….it really is……IPOD’s away!
Meanwhile, Stan really is Harry Lime! He really is!
But that’s just what our sources in Bulgaria are telling us!