Red Light Cameras from LA to Riverside!





One of these days….politicians will grasp the basic concept that actions have consequences.  Whether it is Marilyn Davenport, Donald Trump or the Police Chief of Los Angeles… truly amazes the citizenry when those in positions of minor power weild that power without proper discretion.  There are some crazy things going on now days.  Maybe there were always crazy things going on – but just were not being reported.  The terrible attack at Dodger Stadium against a dad and paramedic wearing a Giants jersey,  Republican RCC member, Marilyn Davenport sending out totally dispicable e-mails she thought were funny,  Donald Trump wanting to Fire Himself and volunteer for President of the United States and of course LAPD Chief Charlie Beck supporting Red Light Cameras for the City of Los Angeles.  We figure…you can’t make this kind of stuff up!  Have these people all fallen off the rails and become part of another dimension?  Evidently, they see Angeles where we see Devils!

The LA Public Safety Committee, in their wisdom….voted 3 to 2 to support Chief Beck’s Red Light Camera program.  A program by the way that continues to lose money, not protect Public Safety and raise Insurance rates for everyone that resides or visits the City of Los Angeles.  Mayor Tony V has used a modicum of common sense and has become rather quiet on this issue.  The majority of tickets that this Red Light program generates are not from cars whizzing late into intersections, but for those folks who see that no traffic is coming and fail to come to a complete stop at a red light before they turn right.

The 32 Red Light cameras have arguably caused more traffic events than they have prevented.  The 32 Red Light cameras that reside in the City of Los Angeles are going to be moved around supposedly from completely safe intersections that haven’t had any collisions to others that might or do.  How many years did that action take?  What about all the unpaid tickets?  What about the cost of this program in the up years?

The value of Red Light Cameras is contentious at best.  What isn’t contentious is the cost to residents, tourists and government.  Of most grave concern are they health issues that have not been calculated into the equation because Red Light Cameras exist.  Heart attacks, Stress, Stroke and a litany of other major concerns which are caused by sudden panic stops, re-end smash-ups and more.  Not to mention the loss of tourist friendly dollars that Red Light Cameras create by extortion.

We implore the City Council of Los Angeles….to get a grip.  Do not take campaign funds from Red Light Camera providers or their supporters.  Recognize that the health and welfare of your citizenry is more important than a feeble attempt to suggest that Red Light Cameras save lives or are cost effective.  As the Los Angeles Budget includes losing 4000 jobs in the last two years, how many could have been hired back by doing away with Red Light Cameras?

Wisdom and hindsight are always available with 20-20 eyesight.  This time instead of supporting Red Light Cameras…you might use foresight – and just NO!

 The City Council of Los Angeles….needs to grasp, that what they do, will greatly influence other communities that can ill afford to make those mistakes.  San Diego and Riverside, San Bernardino, Palm Springs…….the list goes on and on.  Follow the example of Anaheim and Costa Mesa….just say NO!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.